
By exploiting recent advances in programmable graphics cards, the ProteinShader program can produce illustrative renderings of proteins that approximate what an artist might create using pen and ink. The custom texture mapping and lighting calculations for rendering these images are implemented using vertex and fragment shaders written in the OpenGL Shading Language, which is supported on most new graphics cards for ordinary desktop and laptop computers. Vertex and fragment shaders are also used for mapping text labels and decorative textures onto the curved surfaces of tubes and ribbons shown in color.

ProteinShader is a free, open-source molecular visualization project distributed under the GNU General Public License. To run this platform-independent program a computer must have Java 1.5 or higher and a graphics card that supports at least OpenGL 2.0 (see the Getting Started page for details on system requirements). The most recent version of the program can be obtained from the ProteinShader Download page on SourceForge, and help on using the program can be found by using the links and menus in the navigation box on the left side of this page.

The ProteinShader program knows how to read a Protein Data Bank structure file, which is essentially a listing of the xyz-coordinates of the atoms in a protein. The protein can be displayed in either an atom-style or a cartoon-style view. An atom-style display uses spheres and cylinders to represent atoms and bonds, respectively, while a cartoon view uses ribbons or tubes to represent the backbone of the protein. The appearance of these displays can be modified extensively with a retractable control panel on the right side of the canvas, and the ProteinShader Tutorials use several example proteins to help familiarize the user with the control panel.

The images on the canvas can be rotated by dragging a mouse across the canvas or by using a control panel to specify constant rotation. A menu can be used to save a static image as either a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) or JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) file. To produce publication quality images, an Antialiasing control panel can be used to smooth out the rough edges that are often associated with computer generated images.


ProteinShader is citeware, so if you use images obtained with it in a publication, please cite the following paper:

Weber JR: ProteinShader: illustrative rendering of macromolecules. BMC Structural Biology 2009, 9:19.

BMC Structural Biology is an open access Journal, so the ProteinShader paper can be downloaded for free at this URL: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6807/9/19

Thesis Document

The ProteinShader program was written by Joe Weber as a Master's thesis project for the ALM in IT program at the Harvard University Extension School. The ProteinShader thesis document can be downloaded as a PDF file. The source code included in the thesis is no longer current, so download the ProteinShader program and look in the src subdirectory for the most up to date code. Also, there is some minor degradation of image quality from saving the thesis document as a compressed PDF, and an antialiasing (image edge smoothing) feature and several other refinements have been added since the thesis was written.

Development Notes

For software engineers who want to modify the ProteinShader program, the Development Notes page includes directions on how to compile the source code using Ant, and also gives a brief overview of the ProteinShader program's major packages. A more detailed description of the program's packages, classes, and methods is given in the ProteinShader API, which was generated by using the Javadoc tool.

A short summary of the most important algorithms used by the ProteinShader program is given in the next section. More detailed expanations can be found in the ProteinShader journal article cited above and in the ProteinShader thesis document.

Illustrative rendering algorithms

To create pen-and-ink style images, the ProteinShader program uses the real-time halftoning technique of Freudenberg, Masuch, and Strothotte [1, 2]. Color images of ribbons and tubes are converted to grayscale using the equation gray = 0.30 red + 0.59 green + 0.12 blue, and then texture mapping is used to mix a halftone screen (an image file) with the grayscale lighting calculations by using the smooth threshold function color = 1.0 - aliasFactor * (1.0 - (halftoneColor + grayscaleColor)), where aliasFactor is a number from 1.0 to 4.0 that influences the degree of smoothing (antialiasing). To add dark edge lines to the ribbons and tubes, the ProteinShader uses a combination of lines based on texture coordinates and lines added to curved surfaces that are nearly perpendicular to the camera. The intensity of edge lines is calculated using a smoothing function borrowed from the single-pass wireframe technique of Baerentzen, Nielsen, Gjael, Larsen, and Christensen [3].

The algorithms for generating three-dimensional tubes and ribbons suitable for texture mapping are detailed in ProteinShader: illustrative rendering of macromolecules . Briefly, the ProteinShader program uses a combination of Hermite interpolation and SLERP (Spherical Linear intERPolation) to calculate a spline (a set of piecewise cubic polynomial equations) and a set of Frenet frames (local xyz-coordinate frames at discrete points along the spline). The tube or ribbon is produced by sweeping a regular polygon along the spline, while aligning the polygon to the xy-plane of each Frenet frame and connecting vertices between polygons at successive positions along the spline. A repeating pattern of texture coordinates is assigned to the vertices that define the surface of a tube or ribbon, and these texture coordinates are then used to map two-dimensional images onto the curved three-dimensional surfaces. The spline used for generating tubes and ribbons runs precisely through the amino acid alpha-carbons, so adding balls and sticks representations of the amino acid side chains creates the appearance that the side chains are attached to the tubes or ribbons (a spline aligned to the peptide bonds, rather than the alpha-carbons, would not acheive this visual effect).


1. Freudenberg B, Masuch M, Strothotte T: Real-time halftoning: A primitive for non-photorealistic shading. Proceedings of the 13th Eurographics workshop on rendering 2002, 227-231.

2. Freudenberg B, Masuch M, Strothotte T: Real-time halftoning: Fast and simple stylized shading. In Game Programming Gems 4. Charles River Media; 2004: 440-443. http://wwwisg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/graphik/pub/files/Freudenberg_2004_RTH.pdf, retrieved April 2008.

3. Baerentzen JA, Nielsen SL, Gjael M, Larsen BD, Christensen NJ: Single-pass wireframe rendering. SIGGRAPH Conference Sketches 2006. http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/pubdb/views/publication_details.php?id=4884, retrieved April 2008.