Package org.proteinshader.math

The key classes in this package are Hermite and Quaternion, which are needed for generating the ribbons and tubes that are used to represent the backbone of a protein in a cartoon-type display.


Class Summary
Hermite Calculates a cubic equation between two control points so that points on the curve in between can be interpolated.
HermiteDemo Performs some simple tests on the Hermite class.
LocalFrame Stores a local coordinate frame as a rotation (a Quaternion) and a translation (a Point3d).
LocalFrameDemo Performs some simple tests on the LocalFrame class.
Point3d This class is used to create a point with 3 elements of type double.
Quaternion This class is used to create a quaternion, a four-dimensional complex number that is typically used to represent a rotation in three-dimensional space.
QuaternionDemo Performs several tests on the Quaternion class, including a test of the SLERP (Spherical Linear intERPolation) algorithm.
SlerpDemo Tests the SLERP algorithm.
Vec3d This class is used to create a vector with 3 elements of type double.
VectorAndPointDemo Performs some simple tests on the Vec3d and Point3d classes.

Package org.proteinshader.math Description

The key classes in this package are Hermite and Quaternion, which are needed for generating the ribbons and tubes that are used to represent the backbone of a protein in a cartoon-type display.

Related Documentation

For help and tutorial pages, please see:

Beta 0.9.4 (December 30, 2008)
Joseph R. Weber

Copyright © 2007-2008