AAColorEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration of an amino acid color scheme.
AAPortionMode - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums
Provides an enumeration that can be used to control what portion of an AminoAcid the Visitor will traverse.
AboutBox - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
A simple dialog box that displays a title, an image (PNG, GIG, or JPEG), and a close button.
AboutBox(Frame, String, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.AboutBox
Constructs an AboutBox.
AboutBox(Frame, String, File) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.AboutBox
Constructs an AboutBox.
AboutBoxListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar
Creates the event listeners needed by the AboutBox.
AboutBoxListenerFactory(AboutBox) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.AboutBoxListenerFactory
Constructs a AboutBoxListenerFactory.
accept(File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FileExtensionFilter
Returns true if the file is a directory or has a ".png" extension.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.BetaStrand
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Heterogen
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.filters.PDBFileFilter
Returns true if the file is a directory or has a "pdb" extension.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Loop
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
accept(Visitor) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitable
Accepts a Vistor so that a call back can be done.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Water
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
add(SpringLoadedJFrame) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Adds the address of the control panel frame to the Mediator.
add(ControlPanel) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Adds the address of the ControlPanel to the Mediator.
add(MainMenuBar) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Adds the address of the MainMenuBar to the Mediator.
add(Renderer) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Adds the address of the Renderer to the Mediator.
add(SpringLoadedJFrame) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Adds the address of the ControlFrame to the Mediator.
add(ControlPanel) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Adds the address of the ControlPanel to the Mediator.
add(MainMenuBar) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Adds the address of the MainMenuBar to the Mediator.
add(Renderer) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Adds the address of the Renderer to the Mediator.
add(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
Returns the point created by adding the vector given as an argument to the point that is the calling object.
add(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Creates a new vector by adding the vector given as an argument to the calling vector (the existing vectors are NOT modified).
add(AtomModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
Adds a AtomModifier.
add(BondModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
Adds a BondModifier.
add(SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
Adds a SegmentModifier.
addAllOtherComponentsToCenterPanel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
This helper method for the constructor adds the radio buttons and the tiling spinner to the center panel.
addAntialiasHalftoningPanel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanel
This helper method for the constructor adds the radio buttons and the tiling spinner to the center panel.
addAntialiasScenePanel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanel
This helper method for the constructor adds a check box for turning whole scene antialiasing on and a combo box for setting the number of times to jitter the scene.
addAtomsToAtomList(Residue) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Adds all Atoms in the Residue to the Atom list.
addAutoTilingButtonPanelToNorth() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
This helper method for the constructor adds a check box button for turning automatic tiling (level of detail) on/off.
addGlyph(Glyph) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Adds a Glyph object to this GlyphSet.
addLine(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Record
Adds a line to the Record.
addLoop(Loop) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Adds a Loop to the Model.
addNewAminoAcid(AminoAcidEnum, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Creates a new AminoAcid with the type and Residue ID given as arguments, adds the AminoAcid to the Chain's collection of AminoAcids, and returns a reference to the new AminoAcid.
addNewAtom(int, AtomEnum, String, double, int, double, String, double, double, double, VisibilityEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Creates a new Atom with the type and Atom ID given as arguments, adds the Atom to the Residue's collection of Atoms, and returns a reference to the new Atom.
addNewAtom(int, AtomEnum, String, double, int, double, String, double, double, double, VisibilityEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Creates a new Atom with the type and Atom ID given as arguments, adds the Atom to the Residue's collection of Atoms, and returns a reference to the new Atom.
addNewAtom(int, AtomEnum, String, String, String, String, String, double, int, double, String, double, double, double, VisibilityEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Creates a new atom with the atomID given as an argument, adds the new Atom to the requested Model-Chain-AminoAcid, and then returns a reference to the new Atom.
addNewBetaStrand(String, String, String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Creates a new BetaStrand with the BetaStrand ID given as an argument, adds the BetaStrand to the Chain's collection of BetaStrands, and returns a reference to the new BetaStrand.
addNewBetaStrand(String, String, String, String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
The BetaStrand will be added to the Chain only if the sequence of Residues that the BetaStrand refers to has already been added.
addNewBetaStrand(String, String, String, String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
The BetaStrand will be added to the equivalent Chain on each Model, but this addition will only work if the sequence of Residues that the BetaStrand refers to have already been added.
addNewBond(Atom, BondEnum, VisibilityEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Adds a new Bond with this Atom as the source Atom and the Atom given as an argument as the destination Atom.
addNewCategory(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Description
Creates a Category, adds it to a hash, and then returns the new Category.
addNewChain(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Creates a new Chain with the chainID given as an argument, adds the Chain to the Model's collection of Chains, and returns a reference to the new Chain.
addNewHelix(String, String, String, String, HelixEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Creates a new Helix with the Helix ID given as an argument, adds the Helix to the Chain's collection of Helices, and returns a reference to the new Helix.
addNewHelix(String, String, String, String, String, HelixEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
The Helix will be added to the Chain only if the sequence of Residues that the Helix refers to has already been added.
addNewHelix(String, String, String, String, String, HelixEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
The Helix will be added to the equivalent Chain on each Model, but this addition will only work if the sequence of Residues that the Helix refers to have already been added.
addNewHetAtom(int, AtomEnum, String, String, String, String, String, double, int, double, String, double, double, double, VisibilityEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Creates a new atom with the atomID given as an argument, adds the new Atom to the requested Model-Chain-(Heterogen or Water), and then returns a reference to the new Atom.
addNewHeterogen(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Creates a new Heterogen with the name and Residue ID given as arguments, adds the Heterogen to the Chain's collection of Heterogens, and returns a reference to the new Heterogen.
addNewLine(String, String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Description
Adds a line to the requested Category/Record.
addNewLoop(String, String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Creates a new Loop with the Loop ID given as an argument, adds the Loop to the Chain's collection of Loops, and returns a reference to the new Loop.
addNewModel(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Creates a Model, adds it to the Structure, and returns a reference to the new Model.
addNewRecord(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Category
Creates a Record, adds it to a hash, and returns the new Record.
addNewStructure(Structure) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ControlPanel
The Structure is used to set the Model menu of the SelectorPanel, which will automatically set the other menus and lists of the SelectorPanel.
addNewWater(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Creates a new Water with the Residue ID given as an argument, adds the Water to the Chain's collection of Waters, and returns a reference to the new Water.
addToMe(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
Tranlates the calling Point3d by adding the vector xyz-coordinates to it.
addToMe(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Modifies the calling vector by adding the xyz-values of the vector given as an argument to the xyz-values of the calling vector.
adjustMyTangent(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Modifies this quaternion by rotating it such that if it is converted into a rotation matrix [N B T], the T vector will match the tangent given as an argument.
adjustTangent(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Returns a copy of this quaternion that has been rotated such that if it is converted into a rotation matrix [N B T], the T vector will match the tangent given as an argument.
aim(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Uses gluLookAt() to position and aim the camera.
ALPHA_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The default ribbon height (y-axis dimension) for an alpha-helix region is 3.0 angstroms.
ALPHA_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The default radius for a Helix region waist polygon is 1.5 angstroms.
ALPHA_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
The default radius for a Helix region waist polygon is 1.5 angstroms.
ALPHA_S_COORD_END - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for alpha-helices ends at 1.0.
ALPHA_S_COORD_START - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for alpha-helices starts at 0.0.
ALPHA_SLICES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The default number of slices for a Helix region waist polygon is 20.
ALPHA_SLICES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
The default number of slices for a Helix region waist polygon is 16.
ALPHA_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The default number of stacks for an alpha-helix segment is 10.
ALPHA_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The default number of stacks for an alpha-helix segment is 10.
ALPHA_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
The default number of stacks for an alpha-helix segment is 10.
ALPHA_THIN_SIDE_S_MAX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for the thin side of alpha-helices ends at 0.125.
ALPHA_THIN_SIDE_S_MIN - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for the thin side of alpha-helices starts at 0.0.
ALPHA_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The default ribbon width (x-axis dimension) for an alpha-helix region is 0.2 angstroms.
AMBIENT_LIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Lighting
The ambient light is { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.0f }.
AminoAcid - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
This concrete subclass of the abstract class Residue stores information on an amino acid in a PDB structure entry.
AminoAcid(AminoAcidEnum, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Constructs an AminoAcid with the type and IDs given as arguments.
AminoAcidEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration of the amino acids found in protein.
AminoAcidLabelVisitor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
Traverses the AminoAcids of a Structure and builds a non-redundant list of residueIDs.
AminoAcidLabelVisitor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.AminoAcidLabelVisitor
Constructs an AminoAcidLabelVisitor.
angleBetweenNormals(Quaternion) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Returns the angle between the normals of the calling and argument quaternions, where the normal is the first column vector of the rotation matrix [N B T] that is the equivalent of a quaternion.
AntialiasingPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to turn antialiasing (edge smoothing) effects on or off.
AntialiasingPanel(Mediator, Frame) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanel
Constructs an AntialiasingPanel.
AntialiasingPanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listeners for the AntialiasingPanel.
AntialiasingPanelListenerFactory(Mediator, AntialiasingPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanelListenerFactory
Constructs a AntialiasingPanelListenerFactory.
antialiasScene(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanel
Determines if the entire scene should be antialiased (smoothed out) by jittering the scene multiple times to the OpenGL accumulation buffer and blending the images.
antialiasScene(JitterEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanel
The jitter value given as an argument is only applied to the scene if the 'Antialias entire scene' checkbox is currently selected.
applyBendTexture() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
Applies the current "Bend Texture:" selection to whatever Segments are selected in the RadioPanel.
applyColors(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Applies the RGB color to whatever item or items are currently selected in the RadioPanel.
applyDefaultColors1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Applies the default RGB color to whatever item or items are currently selected in the RadioPanel.
applyDefaultColors2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Applies the default RGB color to whatever item or items are currently selected in the RadioPanel.
applyDefaultScale() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
Applies the default scale to the Atoms (spheres) of whatever item or items are currently selected in the RadioPanel, but only if the current style is SPACE_FILLING or BALLS_AND_STICKS.
applyDefaultTilingNumber() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Applies the default number tiling number (slices and/or stacks) for the currently selected geometric object.
applyEndCapColor(GL, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Calls the setMaterial() method of superclass Shape with the END_CAP_COLOR along with the alpha value and specular exponent given as aguments.
applyHalftoningAndBendTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
Applies the current "Patterns" texture selection to whatever Segments are selected in the RadioPanel.
applyHalftoningTexture() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
Applies the current "Patterns" texture selection to whatever Segments are selected in the RadioPanel.
applyPatternsTexture() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
Applies the current "Patterns" texture selection to whatever Segments are selected in the RadioPanel.
applyScale(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
Applies the scale to the Atoms (spheres) of whatever item or items are currently selected in the RadioPanel, but only if the style is SPACE_FILLING or BALLS_AND_STICKS.
applySpinnerTilingNumber() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Applies the tiling number in the spinner to the currently selected geometric object.
applyStartCapColor(GL, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Calls the setMaterial() method of superclass Shape with the START_CAP_COLOR along with the alpha value and specular exponent given as aguments.
applyThinSidesColor(GL, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Calls the setMaterial() method of superclass Shape with the THIN_SIDES_COLOR along with the alpha value and specular exponent given as aguments.
applyVisibility(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Applies the requested visiblity status and alpha value to whatever item or items are currently selected in the RadioPanel.
ascendingMergeSort(Drawable[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.sort.DrawableSorter
Sorts an array of Drawable objects in ascending order based on camera distance.
Atom - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
Extends abstract class Drawable to add data that is unique to an atom (atomID, type, temperature, occupancy, radius, etc.).
Atom(int, AtomEnum, String, String, String, String, String, double, int, double, String, double, double, double, VisibilityEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
This constructor uses the type argument (an AtomEnum) to set the default radius and CPK color for the Atom.
ATOM_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBLineParser
The default visibilty for Atoms.
AtomColorPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to modify the color of Atoms.
AtomColorPanel(Mediator, Frame, RadioPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Constructs a ColorPanel.
AtomEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration of atom types: C, H, N, O, S, etc.

Includes the periodic table of the elements from hydrogen (atomic number 1) to roentgenium (atomic number 111).
AtomModifier - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers
This helper class for the ModifierVisitor knows how to accept an Atom object and modify its attributes.
AtomModifier() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.AtomModifier
Constructs an AtomModifier.
AtomScalePanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to modify the scale for the radii of Atoms in Space-Filling or Balls-and-Sticks style displays.
AtomScalePanel(Mediator, Frame, RadioPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
Constructs a AtomScalePanel.
AtomVisibilityPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to modify the visibility status and alpha value of Atoms.
AtomVisibilityPanel(Mediator, Frame, RadioPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomVisibilityPanel
Constructs a VisibilityPanel.
AUTO_TILING - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Automatic tiling (level of detail) for spheres and cylinders is set to true by default.
AXIS_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The radius for an axis is 0.05 angtroms.


B1_MASK - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
Abbreviated version of mouse button 1 mask for class InputEvent.
B2_MASK - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
Abbreviated version of mouse button 2 mask for class InputEvent.
B3_MASK - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
Abbreviated version of mouse button 3 mask for class InputEvent.
BACKGROUND - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ControlPanel
The background color for the control panel is light cyan (0.9, 1.0, 1.0).
BACKGROUND - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
The background color for the canvas is white (1, 1, 1, 0).
BackgroundMenu - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
Provides the 'Background' menu of the MainMenuBar, which allows the user to change the background color of the canvas.
BackgroundMenu(Mediator, Frame) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.BackgroundMenu
Constructs a BackgroundMenu.
BackgroundMenuListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar
Creates the event listeners needed by the BackgoundMenu of the MainMenuBar.
BackgroundMenuListenerFactory(Mediator, BackgroundMenu) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.BackgroundMenuListenerFactory
Constructs a BackgroundMenuListenerFactory.
BALL_SCALE - Static variable in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
The ball radius (for stick-and-ball models) is calculated by multiplying the covalent radius by the BALL_SCALE, which is currently set at 0.2.
BANNER_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
The banner width is the number of asterisks to print on the line line above or below a banner title.
BANNER_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
The banner width is the number of asterisks to print on the line line above or below a banner title.
BANNER_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.math.SlerpDemo
The banner width is the number of asterisks to print on the line line above or below a banner title.
BASE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The small sphere at the base of the xyz-axes is gray.
BEND_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Stores the name of the halftoning configuration file, which is currently set to 'halftoning_textures.conf'.
BEND_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Stores the relative pathname of the halftoning textures directory.
BETA_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The default is 4.0 angstroms.
BETA_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The default radius for a BetaStrand region waist polygon is 1.5 angstroms.
BETA_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
The default radius for a BetaStrand region waist polygon is 1.5 angstroms.
BETA_S_COORD_END - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for beta-strands ends at 1.0.
BETA_S_COORD_START - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for beta-strands starts at 0.0.
BETA_SLICES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The default number of slices for a BetaStrand region waist polygon is 20.
BETA_SLICES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
The default number of slices for a BetaStrand region waist polygon is 16.
BETA_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The default number of stacks for a beta-strand segment is 10.
BETA_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The default number of stacks for a beta-strand segment is 10.
BETA_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
The default number of stacks for a beta-strand segment is 10.
BETA_THIN_SIDE_S_MAX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for the thin side of beta-strands ends at 0.125.
BETA_THIN_SIDE_S_MIN - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for the thin side of beta-strands starts at 0.0.
BETA_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The default ribbon width (x-axis dimension) for a BetaStrand region is 0.2 angstroms.
BetaStrand - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
This concrete subclass of Region holds information specific to a protein BetaStrand.
BetaStrand(String, String, String, String, String, Chain, int, int) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.BetaStrand
Constructs a BetaStrand.
BetaStrandRecord - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io
This class is used by the PDBLineParser to temporarily store SHEET records.
BetaStrandRecord(String, String, String, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.BetaStrandRecord
Constructs a BetaStrandRecord.
BetaStrandSegmentFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.factory
Creates Segment objects for a BetaStrandSegmentFactory.
BetaStrandSegmentFactory() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.factory.BetaStrandSegmentFactory
Constructs a BetaStrandSegmentFactory.
blendObjectEdges(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Turns on or off the ability of the halftoning shaders to soften aliasing (jagged edges) by rendering translucent black silhouettes of tube and ribbon segments (and using jitter) before calling on the halftoning shaders.
blendObjectEdges(boolean) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Turns on or off the ability of the halftoning shaders to soften aliasing (jagged edges) by rendering translucent black silhouettes of tube and ribbon segments (and using jitter) before calling on the halftoning shaders.
blendObjectEdges(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Turns on or off the ability of the halftoning shaders to soften aliasing (jagged edges) by rendering translucent black silhouettes of tube and ribbon segments (and using jitter) before calling on the halftoning shaders.
blendObjectEdges(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Turns on or off the ability of the halftoning shaders to soften aliasing (jagged edges) by rendering translucent black silhouettes of tube and ribbon segments (and using jitter) before calling on the halftoning shaders.
Bond - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
Extends abstract class Drawable to add data that is unique to a bond between two atoms.
Bond(Atom, Atom, BondEnum, VisibilityEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Constructs a Bond for the source and destination Atoms given as arguments.
BOND_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBLineParser
The default visibilty for Bonds.
BondDestroyerVisitor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
Removes Bonds on all Atoms that it visits.
BondDestroyerVisitor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondDestroyerVisitor
Constructs a BondDestroyerVisitor.
BondEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration for molecular bonds.
BondGeneratorVisitor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
Generates standard Bonds for AminoAcids and Waters.
BondGeneratorVisitor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
Constructs a BondGeneratorVisitor.
BondLengthException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions
Can be used to report that a Bond is unacceptably short or long.
BondLengthException(double, double, double, AtomEnum, AtomEnum, int, int) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.BondLengthException
Sets the default message to "A Bond length was unacceptable".
BondLengthException(String, double, double, double, AtomEnum, AtomEnum, int, int) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.BondLengthException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
BondModifier - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers
This helper class for the ModifierVisitor knows how to accept a Bond object and modify its attributes.
BondModifier() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.BondModifier
Constructs a BondModifier.
BondPredictor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
Knows how to test if the distance between two Atoms is acceptable for a covalent Bond.
BondPredictor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondPredictor
Constructs a BondPredictor with the Bond length tolerance and minimum acceptable length set to DEFAULT_TOLERANCE and DEFAULT_MIN_BOND_LENGTH, respectively.
BondPredictor(double, double) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondPredictor
Constructs a BondPredictor with the requested tolerance and minimum Bond length.
BORDER_COLOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ControlPanel
The border color for the control panel is light cyan (0.7, 1.0, 1.0).
BOTTOM_MARGIN - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderGUI
The bottom margin is the minimum number of pixels to leave between the top of the GUI window and the top of the monitor.
BoundsVisitor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
Knows how to find the min and max xyz-coordinate values for all Atoms in each Model.
BoundsVisitor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BoundsVisitor
Constructs a BoundsVisitor.
BYTES_PER_PIXEL - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2GlyphSetFactory
The '.glf' image uses 2 bytes per pixel.
BYTES_PER_PIXEL - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
The mipmap uses two bytes per pixel (luminescence and alpha).
BYTES_PER_PIXEL - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
The blank texture map has 2 bytes per pixel.


cacheCylinderDisplayList(GL, Cylinder, CylinderListInfo) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
Caches a new OpenGL display list for a BALLS_AND_STICKS cylinder or a STICKS cylinder with the requested number of slices and stacks.
cacheDefaultCylinders(GL, Cylinder) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
Caches a collection of cylinders using OpenGL display lists.
cacheDefaultGeometricObjects(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Uses the default values for tiling (slices and stacks) to cache geometric objects (spheres and cylinders) in the form of OpenGL display lists.
cacheDefaultSpheres(GL, Sphere) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Caches a collection of spheres using OpenGL display lists.
cacheDisplayLists(GL, List<String>) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
Caches an OpenGL display list holding glTexSubImage2D( bitmap ) for each textLabel in the list given as an argument.
cacheGeometricObject(GL, GeometricListInfo) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Caches a new OpenGL display list for a geometric object.
cacheGeometricObject(GeometricListInfo) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Caches a new geomtric object (sphere or cylinder) in the form of an OpenGL display list and redraws the canvas.
cacheGeometricObject(GeometricListInfo) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Caches a new geomtric object (sphere or cylinder) in the form of an OpenGL display list and redraws the canvas.
cacheGeometricObject(GeometricListInfo) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Stores a request to cache a new geomtric object so that the request can be processed the next time display() is called.
cacheSegmentGeometry(GL, Model, StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Calls on the SegmentReferences object to cache OpenGL display lists for the Segments of the current Model.
cacheSegmentGeometry(GL, Model, StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Caches an OpenGL display list for each Segment of each Region object in the Model.
cacheSphereDisplayList(GL, Sphere, SphereListInfo) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Caches a new OpenGL display list for a SPACE_FILLING sphere or a BALLS_AND_STICKS sphere with the requested tiling (number of slices and stacks).
cacheTextLabels(GL, List<String>) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Informs the TextLabelManager that OpenGL display lists for text label sub need to be cached.
cacheTextLabels(List<String>) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Informs the Renderer that new textLabels should be cached because a new Structure has been loaded.
calculateBounds() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Sets the min and max values for x, y, and z on each Model held by the Structure.
calculateDepth(Drawable) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Calculates the depth (z-coordinate in camera space) of the xyz-center of the Drawable object.
calculateDepth(double, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Calculates the depth (z-coordinate in camera space) of the xyz-center of the Drawable object.
calculateDistance(Drawable) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Calculates the distance between the camera and the xyz-center of the Drawable object by using the Pythagorean theorem.
calculateDistance(double, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Calculates the distance between the camera and the xyz-center of the Drawable object by using the Pythagorean theorem.
calculateFrenetFrames() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Before Regions objects (Helix, BetaStrand, and Loop) are added to the Structure, a rotation (the equivalent to a discrete Frenet Frame) should be calculated for each AminoAcid.
calculatePoint(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Hermite
Uses Hermite interpolation to calculate a point on the curve between the start and end points given the constructor.
calculateReverseTangent(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Hermite
Gets the tangent from the calculateTangent() method and reverses its direction.
calculateRotation(AminoAcid, AminoAcid, AminoAcid) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor
Calculates the equivalent of a discrete Frenet frame (a rotation matrix [N B T]) and uses it to set the rotation attribute of the current AminoAcid.
calculateRotation(Atom, Atom, Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor
Calculates a rotation matrix [N B T] based on the xyz-centers of the three Atoms given as arguments, and then converts the rotation matrix into a Quaternion that is returned.
calculateTangent(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Hermite
Uses Hermite interpolation to calculate the tangent of a point on the cubic equation between the start and end points given the constructor.
calculateTimeAndRotation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Calculates an x-axis and y-axis rotation based on the current system time and the previous time this method was called.
calculateTranslation(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Hermite
If the xyz-point obtained by calculatePoint() is going to be used to translate an object from the origin to the point, then it is convenient for a vector to be returned instead of a point.
Camera - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.viewing
Used to store and manipulate camera information.
Camera() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Constructs a Renderer.
CAMERA_XY_SCALE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
The camera xy scale factor is used to slow down camera movement in the xy-plane.
CAMERA_ZOOM_SCALE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
The camera zoom factor is used to slow down camera movement in the z-axis (for mouse dragging).
CanvasKeyListener - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners
Responds to keyboard shortcuts when the canvas has the focus.
CanvasKeyListener(Mediator, Renderer, GLCanvas) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasKeyListener
Constructs a CanvasKeyListener.
CanvasMouseListener - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners
Converts mouse movements across the canvas to image rotations or camera movements.
CanvasMouseListener(Renderer) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
Constructs a CanvasMouseListener.
CanvasMouseListener.Mode - Enum in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners
The mode controls image rotation and camera movements.
capture(GL, GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.ScreenShot
Take a screen shot of the canvas and saves it to a PNG, JPG, or GIF file.
CartoonColorPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to modify the color of Segments.
CartoonColorPanel(Mediator, Frame, RadioPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Constructs a CartoonColorPanel.
CartoonSideChainsPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to display side chain Atoms and Bonds while in a Cartoon-style display.
CartoonSideChainsPanel(Mediator, Frame, RadioPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonSideChainsPanel
Constructs a CartoonSideChainsPanel.
CartoonSideChainsPanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listener for the CartoonSideChainsPanel.
CartoonSideChainsPanelListenerFactory(Mediator, CartoonSideChainsPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.CartoonSideChainsPanelListenerFactory
Constructs a CartoonSideChainsPanelListenerFactory.
cartoonSubmenu - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.StyleMenu
This list determines which menu items are placed in the 'Cartoon' submenu (currently Tubes, Ribbons, and Frenet Frames).
CartoonVisibilityPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to modify the visibility status and alpha value of Segments.
CartoonVisibilityPanel(Mediator, Frame, RadioPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonVisibilityPanel
Constructs a CartoonVisibilityPanel.
Category - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
A Category object serves as a container for the Records in a PDB structure entry.
Category(String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Category
Constructs a Category with the name specified as an argument.
CategoryEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums
This file provides an enumeration of the categories that RecordEnums fit into.
CategoryEnumDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums
CategoryEnumDemo is for testing CategoryEnum.
CategoryEnumDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.CategoryEnumDemo
CenteredListCellRenderer - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.utils
Centers the horizontal alignment of text in a JList or JComboBox.
CenteredListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.CenteredListCellRenderer
Creates a CenteredListCellRenderer.
Chain - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
A Chain serves as a container for Residues (AminoAcid, Heterogen, and Water) and Regions (Loop, Helix, and BetaStrand).
Chain(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Constructs a Chain with the requested chainID, modelID, and structureID.
changeSubpanel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ModifierPanel
Sets the currently displayed subpanel to the panel selected in the subpanel menu at the top of the ModifierPanel.
CHAR_INFO_BYTES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
Each character info block in a '.glf' file has 24 bytes.
CHAR_PER_LINE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
cleanUpMemory(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Cleans up OpenGL graphics card memory allocated for OpenGL display lists for the previous Model.
clear(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentListInfo
Frees graphics card memory for OpenGL display lists.
clear() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Record
Clears all lines from the Record.
clear() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.AtomModifier
Clears the memory of what modifications have been requested.
clear() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Clears the memory of what modifications have been requested.
clear() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Clears the memory of what modifications have been requested.
clear() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
Clears all memory of previously added Modifiers.
clear() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Resets Visitor to default of ResidueMode.ALL, RegionMode.NO_REGIONS, AAPortionMode.ENTIRE_AA, and restrictions (AminoAcid type, Atom type, and Atom ID) to null.
clearAllBonds() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Clears all Bonds (AminoAcids, Heterogens, and Waters) from the Structure.
clearAtoms() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Clears the Atom list.
clearAtomSerialNoCache() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Clears the cache that remembers Atom serial numbers and allows them to be used to retrieve an Atom.
clearBonds() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Deletes all Bonds held by this Atom.
clearBonds(ResidueMode) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Clears Bonds from the Structure.
clearChains() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Clears the Chain menu, Residue list, and Atom list.
clearColorChangeMemory() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Clears any memory of color change that have been requested.
clearList() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.AminoAcidLabelVisitor
Clears the list of labels.
clearListsOfVisibles() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Clears the lists of opaque and translucent Drawable objects.
clearModels() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Clears all menus and lists.
clearResidues() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Clears the Residue list and Atom list.
clearTimer() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
Stops the timer (if it is running) and sets it to null.
clickStartAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ControlPanel
Calls on the startAnimation() method of the MotionPanel (equivalent to clicking the Start button on the MotionPanel).
clickStartAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ModifierPanel
Calls on the startAnimation() method of the MotionPanel (equivalent to clicking the Start button on the MotionPanel).
clickStartAnimation() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Calls on the startAnimation() method of the MotionPanel (equivalent to clicking the Start button on the MotionPanel).
clickStartAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Calls on the startAnimation() method of the MotionPanel (equivalent to clicking the Start button on the MotionPanel).
clickStopAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ControlPanel
Calls on the stopAnimation() method of the MotionPanel (equivalent to clicking the Stop button on the MotionPanel).
clickStopAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ModifierPanel
Calls on the stopAnimation() method of the MotionPanel (equivalent to clicking the Stop button on the MotionPanel).
clickStopAnimation() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Calls on the stopAnimation() method of the MotionPanel (equivalent to clicking the Stop button on the MotionPanel).
clickStopAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Calls on the stopAnimation() method of the MotionPanel (equivalent to clicking the Stop button on the MotionPanel).
clone() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Hermite
Creates a clone of the calling Hermite object and returns it.
clone() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Returns a clone of the calling LocalFrame.
clone() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
Returns a clone of this point.
clone() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Creates a clone of this quaternion and returns it.
clone() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Returns a clone of the calling vector.
closeAtomListDialog() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Sets the Atom list dialog to invisible and enables the "Atoms" button.
closeControlFrame() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Closes the spring-loaded frame holding the control panel.
closeControlFrame() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Closes the spring-loaded frame holding the ControlPanel.
closeControlFrame() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderGUI
Closes the spring-loaded frame holding the control panel.
closeOutputFile() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
This method flushes the output buffer to make sure that all data is written before closing the output file.
COEFFICIENT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
The empirically-determined coefficient for the power equation is 29.059.
COEFFICIENT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
The empirically-determined coefficient for the power equation is 226.1.
ColorOutOfRangeException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions
Used to report that a color value is out of range.
ColorOutOfRangeException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.ColorOutOfRangeException
Sets the default message to "ERROR: A color value was out of range".
ColorOutOfRangeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.ColorOutOfRangeException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
ColorPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to modify the color of Drawable objects.
ColorPanel(Mediator, Frame, RadioPanel, String, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Constructs a ColorPanel.
ColorPanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listener for the ColorPanel.
ColorPanelListenerFactory(Mediator, ColorPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ColorPanelListenerFactory
Constructs a ColorPanelListenerFactory.
compareTo(Texture) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Compares this Texture object to the Texture object given as an argument by making a lexicographic comparison of their menu names.
compile(GL, ShaderEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgramFactory
Reads a pair of vertex and fragment shader files and then compiles and links them.
compileAllShaders(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgramFactory
Compiles all shaders pairs defined by the ShaderEnum.
compileShaders(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Compiles the OpenGL Shading Language vertex and fragment shaders that will be needed for lighting calculations and texture mapping.
compileShaders(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Compiles the OpenGL Shading Language vertex and fragment shaders needed for Phong lighting, text label mapping, and real-time hafltoning.
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
This method is called automatically when the parent frame is made invisible, so it will hide this frame if it is visible.
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
This method is called automatically when the parent frame's position changes, and it will recalculate this frame's bounds.
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
This method is called automatically when the parent frame's size changes, and it will recalculate this frame's bounds.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
This method is called automatically when the parent frame has been made visible, so it will set this frame visible if it had been hidden with the parent.
ConfigReader - Interface in org.proteinshader.graphics.textures
Reads a configuration file to obtain a list of menu names and matching filenames for textures.
conjugate() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Creates a clone of the calling Quaternion and then converts it to the conjugate, q'.
conjugateMe() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Converts the calling Quaternion to its conjugate.
ControlPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
Presents the SelectorPanel and ModifierPanel.
ControlPanel(Mediator, Frame) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ControlPanel
Constructs a ControlPanel.
convertToAngstroms(double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Converts pixels to angstroms based on depth in camera space.
convertToQuaternionAndPrint(Vec3d, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
Converts rotation matrix [N B T] to a quaternion and prints it.
CPKColorEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration of the CPK color scheme that is needed by AtomEnum.
creatCustomMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.BackgroundMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Custom' menu items.
createAboutMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.HelpMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'About' menu item.
createAlphaSliderChangeListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.VisibilityPanelListenerFactory
Creates a change listener for the alpha slider.
createAminoAcidsCheckBoxListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.VisibilityMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Amino Acids' check box menu item.
createApplyButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Apply" button.
createApplyButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ScalePanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Apply' button.
createAtomDialogBoxListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.SelectorPanelListenerFactory
Creates a window listener for the Atom list dialog box.
createAtomListListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.SelectorPanelListenerFactory
Creates a list selection listener for the Atom list.
createAtomsButtonListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.SelectorPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Atoms" button.
createAutoTilingButtonItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Creates a change listener for the "Auto Tiling" check box button.
createBallsAndSticksButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.CartoonSideChainsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Balls and Sticks" button.
createBendMenuActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.DecorationsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Bend Texture:' menu.
createBendTextures(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Creates Texture objects based on files named in BEND_CONFIG.
createBlackMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.BackgroundMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Black' menu items.
createChainMenuListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.SelectorPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the Chain menu.
createChooserButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ColorPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Chooser" button.
createChooserChangeListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ColorPanelListenerFactory
Creates a ChangeListener that will get the color selection from the JColorChooser and calls on the ColorPanel to change the color of whatever items are currently selected.
createChooserChangeListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.BackgroundMenuListenerFactory
Creates a ChangeListener that will get the color selection from the JColorChooser and calls on the Mediator to change the background color of the canvas.
createCloseButtonListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.SelectorPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Close" button on the Atom list dialog box.
createCloseButtonListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.AboutBoxListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Close' button.
createControlFrameListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.WindowListenerFactory
Creates a window listener for the spring-loaded frame that holds the control panel.
createControlPanelCheckBoxListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.ToolsMenuListenerFactory
Creates an item listener for the "Control Panel" check box menu item.
createControlsMenuListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ModifierPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the menu of control panels.
createCylinderCapsButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Cylinder Caps" radio button.
createCylinderCapsMenuActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Cylinder Caps" menu.
createCylindersButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Cylinders" radio button.
createCylindersMenuActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Cylinders" menu.
createDefault1ButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ColorPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the first default button.
createDefault2ButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ColorPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the second default button.
createDefaultButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Default" button.
createDefaultButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ScalePanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Default' button.
createDisplayList(GL, CylinderListInfo) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Cylinder
Creates an OpenGL display list for drawing a cylinder with the radii, slices, stacks, and end caps specified in the CylinderListInfo object given as an argument.
createDisplayList(GL, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Cylinder
Stores the OpenGL commands for drawing a cylinder as an OpenGL display list.
createDisplayList(GL, LocalFrame[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw a segment of a tube and saves the geometry (a collection of vertices) as an OpenGL display list.
createDisplayList(GL, SphereListInfo) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Sphere
Creates an OpenGL display list for drawing a sphere with the radius, number of slices, and number of stacks specified in the SphereListInfo object given as an argument.
createDisplayList(GL, double, int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Sphere
Creates an OpenGL display list that holds the commands for drawing a sphere.
createDisplayLists(GL, LocalFrame[], SegmentListInfo) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Creates three OpenGL display lists: one created by calling draw(), one created by calling drawStartCap(), and one created by calling drawEndCap().
createDisplayLists(GL, LocalFrame[], SegmentListInfo) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Creates an OpenGL display list for the thin sides of the ribbon, and also calls on the createDisplayLists() method of superclass ExtrudedShape to save the OpenGL display lists for the main (broad surface) part of the ribbon and for the start and end caps.
createEndCapDisplayList(GL, LocalFrame[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Uses the last LocalFrame in the array to position a segment end cap that is saved as an OpenGL display list.
createExtraLinesCheckBoxActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.DecorationsPanelListenerFactory
Creates and action listener for the "Extra Lines" check box.
createGlyphSetFactory(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSetFactoryFactory
Uses Java reflection to load the concrete GlyphSetFactory that is requested in the configuration file.
createGraphicsCardMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.HelpMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Graphic Card Info' menu item.
createGrayMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.BackgroundMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Gray' menu items.
createHalftoningButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.DecorationsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Halftoning' radio button.
createHalftoningCheckBoxListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanelListenerFactory
Creates a change listener for the 'Antialias halftoning images' check box.
createHalftoningMenuActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.DecorationsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Halftoning Texture:' menu.
createHalftoningTextures(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Creates Texture objects based on files named in HALFTONING_CONFIG.
createHeterogensCheckBoxListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.VisibilityMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Heterogens' check box menu item.
createImageFileMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.FileMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "PNG File..." menu item.
createInvisibleButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.VisibilityPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Invisible" button.
createJitterMenuActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanelListenerFactory
Creates a listener for the Jitter menu.
createLabel(String, int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelFactory
Uses Glyph objects to create a TextLabel with a Buffer containing an image based on the text String given as an argument.
createLightGrayMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.BackgroundMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Light Gray' menu items.
createLocalHelpMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.HelpMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Open Local Help Files in Web Browser' menu item.
createMenuActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.RadioPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the combo box menus in the RadioPanel.
createModelMenuListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.SelectorPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the Model menu.
createNoneButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.CartoonSideChainsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Space Filling" button.
createOpaqueButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.VisibilityPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Opaque" button.
createOpenMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.FileMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Open" menu item.
createOrientationMenuItemsListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.OrientationMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the OrientationEnum menu items.
createPatternsButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.DecorationsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Patterns' radio button.
createPatternsMenuActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.DecorationsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Patterns' texture menu.
createPatternsTextures(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Creates Texture objects based on files named in PATTERNS_CONFIG.
createPlainButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.DecorationsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Plain' radio button.
createQuitMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.FileMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Quit" menu item.
createRadioButtonListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.StyleMenuListenerFactory
Creates the action listener for all radio buttons in the StyleMenu.
createRadioButtonsActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.RadioPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the radio buttons.
createRepeats(char, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Returns a String with the character given as an argument repeated n number of times.
createRepeats(char, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
Returns a String with the character given as an argument repeated n number of times.
createRepeats(char, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.SlerpDemo
Returns a String with the character given as an argument repeated n number of times.
createResidueListListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.SelectorPanelListenerFactory
Creates a list selection listener for the Residue list.
createResidueMenuListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.SelectorPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the Residue type menu.
createSceneCheckBoxListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanelListenerFactory
Creates a change listener for the 'Antialias entire scene' check box.
createSegments(Region) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.factory.BetaStrandSegmentFactory
After using the superclass createSegments() method, the LocalFrames held by some of the Segment objects will be modified so that beta-strands will have a pleated effect rather than a twisted ribbon appearance.
createSegments(Region) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.factory.SegmentFactory
Creates the Segment objects for a Region.
createSegments(SegmentFactory) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
This protected method should be called by the constructor of concrete subclasses of Region so that the Segment objects for the Region can be created with the appropriate type of SegmentFactory.
createShaderProgram(GL, String, String, ShaderEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgramFactory
Reads source code files for a vertex shader and a fragment shader and creates an OpenGL shader program object.
createShaderProgram(GL, File, File, ShaderEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgramFactory
Reads source code files for a vertex shader and a fragment shader and creates an OpenGL shader program object.
createSourceForgeMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.HelpMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Go to ProteinShader Web Site' menu item.
createSpaceFillingButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.CartoonSideChainsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Space Filling" button.
createSpheresButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Spheres" radio button.
createSpheresMenuActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Spheres" menu.
createSpinnerChangeListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Creates a change listener for a spinner.
createSpinnerChangeListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ScalePanelListenerFactory
Creates an change listener for a spinner.
createStartButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.MotionPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Start' button.
createStartCapDisplayList(GL, LocalFrame[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Uses the first LocalFrame in the array to position a segment start cap that is saved as an OpenGL display list.
createSticksButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.CartoonSideChainsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Sticks" button.
createStopButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.MotionPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Stop' button.
createTextFieldActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.MotionPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'X-Axis' text field.
createTextLabelsButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.DecorationsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Text Labels' radio button.
createTextures(GL, String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Creates Texture objects based on files named in the CONFIG_FILE.
createThinSidesDisplayList(GL, LocalFrame[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Caches an OpenGL display list for the thin sides of a segment of a ribbon.
createTranslucentButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.VisibilityPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the "Translucent" button.
createWatersCheckBoxListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.VisibilityMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Waters' check box menu item.
createWebSiteButtonListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.AboutBoxListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Go to Web Site' button.
createWhiteMenuItemListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.BackgroundMenuListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'White' menu items.
createWireframeButtonActionListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.DecorationsPanelListenerFactory
Creates an action listener for the 'Wireframe' radio button.
createXAxisSliderChangeListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.MotionPanelListenerFactory
Creates a change listener for the 'X-Axis' slider that is used to adjust the rotation speed.
createYAxisSliderChangeListener() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.MotionPanelListenerFactory
Creates a change listener for the 'Y-Axis' slider that is used to adjust the rotation speed.
cross(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Creates a new vector by taking the cross product of the calling vector and the vector given as an argument.
crossMe(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Modifies the calling vector by calculating the cross product of the calling vector and the vector given as an argument and storing the result in the calling vector.
Cylinder - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics
Knows how to draw a simple cylinder useful for representing the bonds between atoms.
Cylinder() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.Cylinder
Constructs a Cylinder.
CylinderListInfo - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists
Stores information on an OpenGL display list for a cylinder.
CylinderListInfo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Constructs a CylinderListInfo.
CylinderListInfo(int, StyleEnum, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Constructs a CylinderListInfo.
CylinderReferences - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists
Stores information on multiple OpenGL display lists that can be used for rendering cylinders with different degrees of detail.
CylinderReferences() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
Constructs a CylinderReferences object.


DATA_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.FileMenu
Specifies the default directory to read PDB files from.
DATA_TYPE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2GlyphSetFactory
The '.glf' data type is GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.
DECIMAL_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
As a convienence for debugging, the toString() method will return a representation of a point in the general form "(x, y, z)", where the number of decimal places for each value will be determined this decimal format String, which is "0.000".
DECIMAL_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
As a convenience for debugging, the toString() method will return a representation of a quaternion in the general form "(x, y, z, w)", where the number of decimal places for each value will be determined this decimal format String, which is "0.000".
DECIMAL_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
As a convienence for debugging, the toString() method will return a representation of a vector in the general form "(x, y, z)", where the number of decimal places for each value will be determined this decimal format String, which is "0.000".
DECORATION - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
The default decoration is HALFTONING.
DecorationEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration to specify if a Segment object should be plain, with text labels, or with halftoning when the Segment is rendered as a three-dimensional tube or ribbon.
DecorationsPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to select a decoration type (Plain, Text Labels, or Halftoning) for Segments of a tube or ribbon.
DecorationsPanel(Mediator, Frame, RadioPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
Constructs a DecorationsPanel.
DecorationsPanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listeners for the DecorationsPanel.
DecorationsPanelListenerFactory(Mediator, DecorationsPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.DecorationsPanelListenerFactory
Constructs a DecorationsPanelListenerFactory.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Silhouette
Determines if translucent black silhouettes are used by default for antialiasing the dark edges of tubes or ribbons drawn with halftoning.
DEFAULT_ALPHA - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
The default value for alpha is 0.0.
DEFAULT_BLUE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
The default value for blue is 0.0.
DEFAULT_CAP_TILING - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
The default tiling (number of slices and stacks) for a capping sphere is 5.
DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBLineParser
Default chainID to use if the chainID field of a record is blank.
DEFAULT_EXTENSION - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FileExtensionFilter
DEFAULT_FILENAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.ImageFileChooser
The default filename for saving a file is canvas.
DEFAULT_GREEN - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
The default value for green is 0.0.
DEFAULT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
The default cylinder height is 1.0.
DEFAULT_JITTER - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanel
Sets the initial menu selection for the number of times to jitter when applying antialiasing to the entire scene (n = 3).
DEFAULT_LONG_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
Default height for LEFT or RIGHT spring-loaded frame, but default width for TOP or BOTTOM spring-loaded frame.
DEFAULT_MIN_BOND_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondPredictor
The default minimum Bond length is 0.40 Angstroms.
DEFAULT_MODEL_ID - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBLineParser
Default modelID to use if there is only one unnamed model.
DEFAULT_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
Cylinders intended for a Sticks type of display will use a default cylinder radius is 0.15.
DEFAULT_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
The spheres cached by this class will use a default radius of 1.0.
DEFAULT_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
The default radius is 1.0.
DEFAULT_RED - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
The default value for red is 0.0.
DEFAULT_SHAPE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
The default Helix shape is ALPHA_RIBBON.
DEFAULT_SHORT_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
0.25 is the default width for LEFT or RIGHT spring-loaded frame, but the default height for TOP or BOTTOM spring-loaded frame.
DEFAULT_SLICES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
The default number of slices for a cylinder is 10.
DEFAULT_SPECULAR_EXP - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
The default value for the specular exponent is 20.0.
DEFAULT_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
The default number of stacks for a cylinder is 1.
DEFAULT_TILING - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
The default tiling is 12, and is used to set the initial number of slices and stacks for a generic sphere for SPACE_FILLING style displays and a generic sphere for BALLS_AND_STICKS style displays.
DEFAULT_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondPredictor
The default tolerance for determining if a Bond length is acceptable is 0.56 Angstroms (the same value used by the RasMol program).
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
The default Helix type is RH_ALPHA.
DELAY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
Sets the delay for the timer circuit used to open the spring-loaded frame.
deleteDisplayList(GL, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Shape
Deletes an OpenGL display list.
deleteDisplayLists(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
Frees graphics card memory for any OpenGL display lists currently being used to store text labels.
deleteShaderProgram(GL, ShaderProgram) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgramFactory
Calls delete on each OpenGL shader and program object name held by the ShaderProgram given as an argument.
deleteShaders(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Frees graphics card memory for all shaders.
deleteTablaRasa(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
Frees graphics card memory for the tabla rasa.
deleteTextures(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureManager
Frees graphics card memory for all previously cached textures.
Description - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
A Description object serves as a container for the Category objects that hold Records describing a PDB structure entry.
Description(String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Description
Constructs a Description with the structureID specified as an argument.
DIALOG_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
The height of the Atoms list dialog box.
DIALOG_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
The width of the Atoms list dialog box.
DIFFUSE_LIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Lighting
The diffuse light is { 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.0f }.
disableLighting(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Lighting
Disables the lighting.
display(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Draws the currently selected Model on the canvas.
displayAlphaCarbon() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns true if the alpha-carbon should be displayed.
displayChanged(GLAutoDrawable, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Called on if the display mode or display device is changed while the program is running.
displayErrorAndExit(String, String) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Display an error message in a JOptionPane before exiting.
displayErrorAndExit(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Display an error message in a JOptionPane before exiting.
displayErrorAndExit(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderGUI
Display an error message in a JOptionPane before exiting.
displayWarning(String, String) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Display a warning message in a JOptionPane.
displayWarning(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Display a warning message in a JOptionPane.
displayWarning(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderGUI
Display a warning message in a JOptionPane.
distance(Drawable) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the distance in angstroms between the xyz-center of the calling Drawable object and the xyz-center of the Drawable object given as an argument.
dot(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Returns the dot product of the calling vector and the vector given as an argument.
draw(GL, Drawable) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Determines if a Drawable object is an Atom, Bond, or Segment, and then calls on the appropriate draw() method.
draw(GL, Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Draws an Atom as a sphere.
draw(GL, Bond) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Draws the Bond as a single cylinder for a Balls-and-Sticks style display, but two cylinders for a Sticks style display.
draw(GL, Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Draws a Segment of a Region (GeneralLoop, Helix, or BetaStrand).
draw(GL, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Cylinder
Draws a cylinder oriented along the z-axis, with the base of the cylinder at the origin and the top of the cylinder at xyz = (0, 0, height).
draw(GL, LocalFrame[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw a segment of an extruded shape.
draw(GL, LocalFrame[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw xyz-axes.
draw(GL, LocalFrame, double, double, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
Draws an xyz-axis based on the rotation and translation in the LocalFrame given as an argument.
draw(GL, LocalFrame[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw the broad surfaces of of a ribbon.
draw(GL, double, int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Sphere
Draws a sphere with texture coordinates, normals, and tangents.
draw(GL, LocalFrame[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw a segment of a tube.
draw(LocalFrame[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw a segment of a tube.
Drawable - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
This abstract class defines attributes and methods that are shared by all drawable objects, including the xyz-coordinates for the Drawable's center and methods that will allow each object to be sorted based on distance from the camera.
Drawable(double, double, double, VisibilityEnum, DrawableEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Constructor for use by subclasses.
Drawable(double, double, double, VisibilityEnum, DrawableEnum, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Constructor for use by subclasses.
DrawableEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration to specify if a Drawable object is an Atom, Bond, or Segment.
DrawableModifier - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers
This helper class for the ModifierVisitor knows how to accept a Drawable object and modify its attributes.
DrawableModifier() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Constructs a DrawableModifier
DrawableSorter - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.sort
Knows how to sort an array of Drawables by their distance from the camera.
DrawableSorter() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.sort.DrawableSorter
Constructs a DrawableSorter.
drawEndCap(GL, LocalFrame) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Creates a cap for the end of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
drawEndCap(GL, LocalFrame) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
Draws the local frame using red for the sphere at the base.
drawEndCap(GL, LocalFrame) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Creates a cap for the end of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
drawEndCap(GL, LocalFrame) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
Creates a cap for the end of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
drawEndCap(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Draws the end cap for the last tube or ribbon segment that was drawn.
drawRibbon(GL, Segment, SegmentListInfo, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Silhouette
Draws a translucent black silhoutte of a ribbon segment using jitter.
drawRibbon(GL, Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Draws the broad surfaces of a ribbon segment and remembers info needed by any subsequent call to drawThinSidesOfRibbon(), drawStartCap(), or drawEndCap().
drawStartCap(GL, LocalFrame) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Creates a cap for the beginning of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
drawStartCap(GL, LocalFrame) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
Draws the local frame using light blue for the sphere at the base.
drawStartCap(GL, LocalFrame) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Creates a cap for the beginning of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
drawStartCap(GL, LocalFrame) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
Creates a cap for the beginning of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
drawStartCap(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Draws the start cap for the last tube or ribbon segment that was drawn.
drawThinSidesOfRibbon(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Draws the thin sides for the last ribbon segment that was drawn.
drawThinSideSurfaces(GL, LocalFrame[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Draws the thin side surfaces for a segment of a ribbon.
drawTube(GL, Segment, SegmentListInfo, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Silhouette
Draws a translucent black silhoutte of a tube segment using jitter.
drawTube(GL, Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Draws the curved body of a tube segment and remembers info needed by any subsequent call to drawStartCap() or drawEndCap().


enableAllCheckBoxes(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.VisibilityMenu
Enables or disables all check box menu items.
enableAminoAcidsCheckBox(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.VisibilityMenu
Enables or disables the 'Amino Acids' check box menu item.
enableFPSShaders(GL, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the fps (frames per second label) shader pair the active shader program.
enableGrayscaleShaders(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the grayscale shader pair the active shader program.
enableHeterogensCheckBox(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.VisibilityMenu
Enables or disables the 'Heterogens' check box menu item.
enableLightOne(GL, float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Lighting
Light one is set to the xyz-coordinates given as arguments

Light one is a positional light and is intended to be used for specular lighting.
enableLightZero(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Lighting
Light zero is set to the position given in LIGHT0_POSITIONS.
enablePatternsShaders(GL, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the patterns shader pair the active shader program.
enablePhongShaders(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the Phong shader pair the active shader program.
enableRibbonHalftoningShaders(GL, int, int, float, boolean, boolean, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the ribbon halftoning shader pair the active shader program.
enableSilhouetteShaders(GL, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the silhouette shader pair the active shader program.
enableTextLabelShaders(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the text-label shader pair the active shader program.
enableTexture(GL, String, int, RegionEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
Enables OpenGL texture mapping and binds a texture with text cooresponding to the segmentID given as an argument.
enableTubeCapHalftoningShaders(GL, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the tube cap halftoning shader pair the active shader program.
enableTubeCapWireframeShaders(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the tube cap wireframe shader pair the active shader program.
enableTubeHalftoningShaders(GL, int, int, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the tube halftoning shader pair the active shader program.
enableWatersCheckBox(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.VisibilityMenu
Enables or disables the 'Waters' check box menu item.
enableWireframeShaders(GL, float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Calls on glUseProgram() to make the wireframe shader pair the active shader program.
END_CAP_COLOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Segment end (carboxyl end) caps are colored red because that is the CPK color for oxygen.
END_INDEX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
The end char integer starts at index 16 of the header.
EqualSignConfigReader - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.textures
Reads a configuration file to obtain a list of menu names and matching filenames for textures.
EqualSignConfigReader() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.EqualSignConfigReader
Constructs an EqualSignConfigReader object.
executeDisplayList(GL, double, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Shape
Executes an OpenGL display list and uniformly scales the geometric object.
executeDisplayList(GL, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Shape
Executes an OpenGL display list.
EXPONENT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
The empirically-determined exponent for the power equation is -0.5267.
EXPONENT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
The empirically-determined exponent for the power equation is -0.7367.
EXTRA_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.AboutBox
EXTRA_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.AboutBox
extractAltLocation(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the alternate location from (altLoc field: 17), or returns an empty String if it is not found (this field is usually blank).
extractAtomID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the atomID from (name field: 13-16).
extractAtomSerialNo(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the atom serial number from (serial field: 7-11).
extractAtomType(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the atom type (chemical element) from an ATOM or HETATM record.
extractBetaStrandNumber(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor
Obtains the betaStrandNumber from (strandNo field: 8-10).
extractChainID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the chainID from (chainID field: 22 ) if it is present.
extractChainID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor
Obtains the chainID from (initChainID field: 22).
extractChainID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBHelixFieldExtractor
Obtains the chainID from (initChainID field: 20).
extractCharge(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the charge from (charge field: 79-80), or sets it to 0 if the field is only whitespace.
extractDstAtomSerialNo(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBConnectFieldExtractor
Obtains destination Atom serial number(s) from

field 1 = (serial field: 12-16)
field 2 = (serial field: 17-21)
field 3 = (serial field: 22-26)
field 4 = (serial field: 27-31)

It is legal for any (or even all 4) of these fields to be blank, as the CONECT record may be used to specify salt bridges or hydrogen bonds that are found in other fields.
extractEndResidueID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor
Obtains the endResidueID by combining (endResName field: 29-31), (endSeqNum field: 34-37), and the optional (endICode field: 38).
extractEndResidueID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBHelixFieldExtractor
Obtains the endResidueID by combining (endResName field: 28-30), (endSeqNum field: 34-37), and the optional (endICode field: 38).
extractGlyphImage(byte[][]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Extracts the glyph from the texture image given as an argument.
extractHelixID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBHelixFieldExtractor
Obtains the helixID from (helixID field: 12-14).
extractOccupancy(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the occupancy from (occupancy field: 55-60).
extractResidueID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the residueID by combining (resName field: 18-20), (resSeq field: 23-26), and the optional (icode field: 27).
extractResidueName(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the Residue name from (resName field: 18-20).
extractSense(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor
Obtains the sense (orientation) from (sense field: 39-40).
extractSerialNo(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBHelixFieldExtractor
Obtains the helix serial number from (serial field: 8-10).
extractSheetID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor
Obtains the sheetID from (sheetID field: 12-14).
extractSrcAtomSerialNo(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBConnectFieldExtractor
Obtains the source Atom serial number from (serial field: 7-11)
extractStartResidueID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor
Obtains the startResidueID by combining (initResName field: 18-20), (initSeqNum field: 23-26), and the optional (initICode field: 27).
extractStartResidueID(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBHelixFieldExtractor
Obtains the startResidueID by combining (initResName field: 16-18), (initSeqNum field: 22-25), and the optional (initICode field: 26).
extractStrandsInSheet(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor
Obtains the number of strands in the sheet from (numStrands field: 15-16).
extractTemperature(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the temperature from (tempFactor field: 61-66).
extractType(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBHelixFieldExtractor
Extracts the helix type from (helixClass field: 39-40).
extractX(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Obtains the x-coordinate from (x field: 31-38 ).
extractY(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
extractY() - obtains the y-coordinate from (y field: 39-46 ).
extractZ(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
extractZ() - obtains the z-coordinate from (z field: 47-54 ).
ExtrudedShape - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics
Contains common methods needed by classes that draw segments of a three-dimensional tube by sweeping a waist polygon along a spline.
ExtrudedShape() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Constructor for use by subclasses.


FileExtensionFilter - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.utils
Checks if a filename has an extension.
FileExtensionFilter() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FileExtensionFilter
Constructs a FileExtensionFilter using the default file extension.
FileExtensionFilter(String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FileExtensionFilter
Constructs a FileExtensionFilter.
FileMenu - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
Provides the File menu for the MainMenuBar.
FileMenu(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.FileMenu
Constructs a FileMenu with menu items "File" and "Quit", and an "Export Image" submenu for saving PNG and JPEG files.
FileMenuListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar
Creates all event listeners needed by the FileMenu of the MainMenuBar.
FileMenuListenerFactory(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.FileMenuListenerFactory
Constructs a FileMenuListenerFactory.
flush() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
This method forces the writer to immediately write all data in its buffer.
FONT_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSetFactoryFactory
Font files (glyph bitmaps) and their associated configuration file ('.conf' files) must be in the fonts directory, which has the relative pathname '/./../fonts/'.
FONT_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FpsLabel
Stores the location of the fonts director.
FONT_FILE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FpsLabel
Stores the name of the fps font file.
FORMAT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2GlyphSetFactory
The '.glf' format is GL.GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA.
FOVY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
The fovy (field of view on y-axis) for the camera is 60 degrees.
FpsLabel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.utils
Knows how to print a frames per second label (such as 'fps = 120') on the canvas.
FpsLabel(StructureToGraphics) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FpsLabel
Constructs an FpsLabel object.
FRAMES_PER_SEGMENT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The default number of frames per segment in a FRENET_FRAME display is 21.
FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
Calculates a discrete Frenet frame for each AminoAcid visited.
FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor
Constructs a FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor.
FrenetFrames - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics
Provides a visual representation of the LocalFrame objects of a Segment by drawing an x-axis, a y-axis, and z-axis.
FrenetFrames() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
Constructs a FrenetFrames object.


generateAxisAndAngle(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Converts the Quaternion to an axis of rotation and an angle.
generateLoopRegions() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Generates Loop objects from any AminoAcids that do not already belong to a Helix or BetaStrand object.
generateMatrix(Vec3d, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Generates a 3 x 3 rotation matrix (actually 3 column vectors) that is equivalent to the rotation quaternion.
generateMatrix() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Generates a 4 x 4 rotation matrix that is equivalent to this quaternion, but returns it as a linear array of 16 elements so that it can be used with Java Bindings for OpenGL.
generateMatrix(Vec3d, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Generates a 3 x 3 rotation matrix (actually 3 column vectors) that is equivalent to this quaternion, assuming that the quaternion has already been normalized (such that x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + w^2 = 1).
generateStandardBonds() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Generates standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters).
GeometricListInfo - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists
The concrete subclasses of this abstract class are used to store information on an OpenGL display list that hold the commands to draw a geometric object.
GeometricListInfo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.GeometricListInfo
Constructs a GeometricListInfo.
GeometricListInfo(int, StyleEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.GeometricListInfo
Constructs a GeometricListInfo.
getActiveRadioButton() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Returns the RadioButtonEnum corresponding to the currently active radio button: SELECTED, HELICES, STRANDS, LOOPS, or GLOBAL.
getAlpha() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the alpha component of the RGBA color.
getAlpha() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AminoAcidEnum
Returns the alpha component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getAlpha() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns the alpha component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getAlpha() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.BondEnum
Returns the alpha component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getAlpha() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionEnum
Returns the alpha component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getAltAtom() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns an alternate Atom with a lower occupancy (if it exists).
getAltLocation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the alternate location if the occupancy is less than 1.0.
getAminoAcid(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the AminoAcid with the residueID given as an argument.
getAminoAcid() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the a reference to the AminoAcid that this Segment corresponds to.
getAminoAcidAfterRegion() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the AminoAcid after this Region (or null if it does not exist).
getAminoAcidBeforeRegion() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the AminoAcid before this Region (or null if it does not exist).
getAminoAcidLabels() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns a list of all AminoAcid residueIDs.
getAminoAcidLabels() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.AminoAcidLabelVisitor
Returns the list of non-redundant labels (AminoAcid residueIDs) that
getAminoAcidType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
If the Atom belongs to an AminoAcid, this method will return the AminoAcid type.
getAminoAcidType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the type of AminoAcid that this Sement represents.
getAngstromsPerPixel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the angstrom per pixel conversion factor, which is expected to be set by the Camera class after the object to camera distance has been calculated.
getAtom(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Returns the Atom with the atomID given as an argument, or returns null if the Atom is not found.
getAtom(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the Atom with the IDs given as arguments.
getAtom(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the Atom with Atom serial number given as an argument (or null if not found).
getAtomicNumber() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns the atomic number.
getAtomID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the ID of this Atom.
getAtomSerialNoCache() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the Atom serial number cache as a list.
getBadLines() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBLineParser
Returns a list with all bad lines that were found by parseLine().
getBadLines() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBStructureReader
Returns a list with any bad lines that were found the last time readStructure() was called.
getBadLines() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.structure.io.StructureReader
Returns a list with any bad lines that were found the last time readStructure() was called.
getBallRadius() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the ball radius (for use in stick-and-ball type models).
getBallRadius() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns a ball radius for use in stick-and-ball type models.
getBallsAndSticksCylinderInfo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
Returns the CylinderListInfo object that holds the information on an OpenGL display list for a cylinder to be used for a BALLS_AND_STICKS style display.
getBallsAndSticksRef() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL display list for a cylinder intended to be used for Balls-and-Sticks style displays.
getBallsAndSticksRef(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL display list for a cylinder intended to be used for Balls-and-Sticks displays.
getBallsAndSticksRef() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL display list for a sphere intended to be used for a Balls-and-Sticks style display.
getBallsAndSticksRef(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL display list for a sphere intended to be used for a Balls-and-Sticks style display.
getBallsAndSticksSphereInfo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Returns the SphereListInfo object that holds the information on an OpenGL display list for a sphere to be used in a BALLS_AND_STICKS style display.
getBaseRadius() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Returns the base radius of the cylinder in the display list.
getBendFactor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the bend factor, which is calculated using the tangent at the very beginning of the segment and the tangent at the very end of the segment.
getBendTexture() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL texture object (stored on the graphics card) that can be used as a second texture for adding extra lines in the middle of segments that have a sharp bend to them.
getBendTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Returns the bend Texture objects that were created with the loadTextures() method and are intended for use with halftoning.
getBendTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureManager
Returns a list of Java Texture objects with information on OpenGL texture objects that are currently stored on the graphics card.
getBendTextures() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the list of Textures intended for highlighting segment bend regions when halftoning is being used.
getBendTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the list of Textures intended for highlighting segment bend regions when halftoning is being used.
getBetaStrand(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the BetaStrand with the betaStrandID given as an argument.
getBetaStrand(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the BetaStrand with the betaStrandID given as an argument.
getBetaStrand(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the BetaStrand with the IDs given as arguments.
getBetaStrandID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.BetaStrand
Returns the BetaStrand ID.
getBetaStrandNumber() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.BetaStrand
Returns the BetaStrand number.
getBetaStrandNumber() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.BetaStrandRecord
Returns the BetaStrand number.
getBinormal() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Converts the rotation (a Quaternion) into a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and the returns the second column vector (the Binormal).
getBinormal() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Converts the Quaternion into a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and the returns the second column vector (the Binormal).
getBitmapHeight() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
Returns the height of the bitmap.
getBitmapWidth() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
Returns the width of the bitmap.
getBlue() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the blue component of the RGBA color.
getBlue() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AAColorEnum
Returns the blue component of the RGBA color as a float in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getBlue() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AminoAcidEnum
Returns the blue component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getBlue() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns the blue component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getBlue() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.BondEnum
Returns the blue component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getBlue() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.CPKColorEnum
Returns the blue component of the RGBA color as a float in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getBlue() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionColorEnum
Returns the blue component of the RGBA color as a float in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getBlue() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionEnum
Returns the blue component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getBond(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the Bond from this Atom (the source) to the destination Atom.
getBytesPerPixel() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
Returns the number of bytes per pixel for the glyph.
getBytesPerPixel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Returns the number of bytes per pixel, which should be in the range of 1 to 4.
getBytesPerPixel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns the number of bytes per pixel.
getBytesPerPixel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabel
Returns the number of bytes per pixel.
getC() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the carbon Atom of the carbonyl group if it exists.
getCA() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the alpha carbon Atom if it exists.
getCalculatedLength() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.BondLengthException
Returns the calculated Bond length in angstroms.
getCameraDepth() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the camera depth (z-coordinate in camera space).
getCameraDistance() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the camera distance (based on xyz-coordinates in camera space).
getCapSlices() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Returns the number of slices that were used to draw the capping sphere at one or both ends of the cylinder (if a capping sphere was used).
getCapStacks() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Returns the number of stacks that were used to draw the capping sphere at one or both ends of the cylinder (if a capping sphere was used).
getCategory(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Description
Retrieves a Category by its name.
getCategory() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.RecordEnum
Returns a category for a PDB record.
getCategoryEnum() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.RecordEnum
Returns a category enum for a PDB record.
getCategoryName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Record
Returns the name of the Category the Record belongs to.
getCenter() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns a new Point3d object based on the xyz-coordinates of the alpha-carbon.
getChain(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the Chain with the chainID given as an argument.
getChain(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the Chain with the IDs given as arguments.
getChainID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the ID of the Chain that this Atom belongs to.
getChainID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the chainID, which is usually a single letter.
getChainID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.BetaStrandRecord
Returns the Chain ID.
getChainID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.HelixRecord
Returns the Chain ID.
getChainID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the ID of the Chain that this Region belongs to.
getChainID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Returns the ID of the Chain that this Residue belongs to.
getCharge() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the electrical charge on the Atom.
getColor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns a copy of the RGBA color as an array.
getConfigFilename() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphConfigException
Returns the name of the configuation file that had a problem.
getCovalentRadius() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns the covalent radius for the Atom, which should be useful for predicting Bonds with other Atoms.
getCurrentAtoms() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the current Atoms.
getCurrentAtoms() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the current Atoms.
getCurrentChain() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the current Chain.
getCurrentChain() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the current Chain.
getCurrentModel() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the current Model.
getCurrentModel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the current Model.
getCurrentResidues() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the current Residues.
getCurrentResidues() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the current Residues.
getCylinderInfo(StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Returns the CylinderListInfo object that holds the information on an OpenGL display list for a cylinder that is currently used for drawing Bonds.
getCylinderInfo(StyleEnum) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the CylinderListInfo object that holds the information on an OpenGL display list for a cylinder that is currently used for drawing Bonds.
getCylinderInfo(StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the CylinderListInfo object that holds the information on an OpenGL display list for a cylinder that is currently used for drawing Bonds.
getDataType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns the OpenGL data type (such as GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE).
getDataType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabel
Returns the OpenGL data type (such as GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE).
getDecoration() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the decoration type for this Segment (PLAIN, WIREFRAME, TEXT_LABEL, PATTERNS, or HALFTONING).
getDefaultSideChainType() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.SideChainEnum
Returns the default side chain type, which is NONE.
getDefaultStyle() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.StyleEnum
Returns the default style, which is BALLS_AND_STICKS.
getDepth() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the depth of the Model (maxZ - minZ).
getDescription() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FileExtensionFilter
Returns a description of the supported file type.
getDescription() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.filters.PDBFileFilter
Constructs a PDBFileFilter.
getDescription() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns a reference to the Description object owned by this Structure.
getDirX() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the x-coordinate of the source to destination Atom direction vector.
getDirY() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the y-coordinate of the source to destination Atom direction vector.
getDirZ() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the z-coordinate of the source to destination Atom direction vector.
getDisplayListName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.GeometricListInfo
Returns the name of the OpenGL display list that this GeometricListInfo object stores information on.
getDrawableType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the Drawable type (ATOM, BOND, HELIX, or BETA_STRAND).
getDstAtom() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the destination Atom for this Bond.
getDstAtomSerialNo() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.BondLengthException
Returns the destination Atom PDB serial number.
getDstAtomType() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.BondLengthException
Returns the destination Atom type as an AtomEnum.
getDstDirX() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the x-coordinate of the center to destination Atom direction vector.
getDstDirY() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the y-coordinate of the center to destination Atom direction vector.
getDstDirZ() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the z-coordinate of the center to destination Atom direction vector.
getEndCapName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentListInfo
Returns a reference to the OpenGL display list for the end cap.
getEndChar() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
Returns the end char (the last character in the glyph set).
getEndResidueID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.BetaStrandRecord
Returns the end Residue ID for the BetaStrand.
getEndResidueID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.HelixRecord
Returns the end Residue ID for the Helix.
getEndResidueID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the ID of the last Residue in the sequence.
getEndRotation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns a clone of the Quaternion for the end rotation of this Segment.
getErrors() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgramFactory
Returns a list with all ShaderExceptions that occurred during the last call to compileAllShaders().
getErrors() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Returns a list with any exceptions that occurred the last time that createTextures() was called.
getErrors() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.factory.SegmentFactory
Returns a list with any SegmentExceptions that were created because an error prevented a Segment from being created.
getExpectedLength() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.BondLengthException
Returns the expected Bond length in angstroms.
getExtension() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.ImageFormatEnum
Returns the file extension for this image format.
getFile() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Returns a File object with the complete pathname for the file the texture was read from.
getFile() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions.ScreenShotException
Returns the file object that holds the name and path of the file to write the screen shot to.
getFilename() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.NamePair
Returns the name of the file the texture is to be read from.
getFilename() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Returns the name of the file the texture was read from.
getFilename() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
Returns the name of the '.glf' file the header is taken from.
getFilename() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns the name of the file the glyphs were read from.
getFilenameExtension(File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FileExtensionFilter
Obtains the filename extension (the dot plus the letters after the dot) if it exists and returns it as the dot followed by lowercase letters.
getFilenameExtension(File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.filters.PDBFileFilter
Obtains the filename extension (the letters after last '.') if it exists and return it as lowercase letters.
getFilenameOrDie(String[], int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.PDBStructureReaderDemo
Returns the requested command line argument if it is present.
getFilenameOrDie(String[], int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.SegmentDemo
Returns the requested command line argument if it is present.
getFilenameOrDie(String[], int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.ModifierVisitorDemo
Returns the requested command line argument if it is present.
getFontname() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns the name of the font this set of glyphs belongs to.
getFontSize() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns the font size.
getFormat() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns the OpenGL format (such as GL.GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA).
getFormat() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabel
Returns the number of bytes per pixel.
getFormat() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions.ScreenShotException
Returns the format type for the image file that could not be written.
getFragFile() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.graphics.enums.ShaderEnum
Returns the name of the file the fragment shader is stored in.
getFragFile() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Returns the File the fragment shader source code was obtained from.
getFragShaderName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Returns the name (an integer) of the fragment shader object.
getFrame() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the frame that should be used as a parent frame for Dialogs.
getFrame() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the frame that should be used as a parent frame for Dialogs.
getFullName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AminoAcidEnum
Returns the full name of the amino acid.
getFullName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.RecordEnum
Returns the full name of the record type as a String.
getFullName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the full name of the Segment, which is a concatenation of the structureID, modelID, regionID, and residueID (with a single blank space between IDs).
getGlyph(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns the Glyph object for the name given as an argument (or null if it cannot be found).
getGlyphHeight() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
Returns the height of the Glyph in pixels.
getGlyphs(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns a list of Glyph objects corresponding to the characters of the String given as an argument.
getGlyphSetImageHeight() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
Returns the height in pixels of the glyph set image.
getGlyphSetImageWidth() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
Returns the width in pixels of the glyph set image.
getGlyphWidth() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
Returns the width of the Glyph in pixels.
getGraphics() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Returns a reference to the StructureToGraphics object used by the Renderer.
getGraphicsCardInfo() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns information on the graphics card that was gathered when the init() method of the Renderer was called.
getGraphicsCardInfo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns information on the graphics card that was gathered when the init() method of the Renderer was called.
getGraphicsCardInfo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Returns information on the graphics card that was gathered when the init() method was called.
getGreen() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the green component of the RGBA color.
getGreen() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AAColorEnum
Returns the green component of the RGBA color as a float in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getGreen() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AminoAcidEnum
Returns the green component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getGreen() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns the green component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getGreen() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.BondEnum
Returns the green component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getGreen() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.CPKColorEnum
Returns the green component of the RGBA color as a float in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getGreen() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionColorEnum
Returns the green component of the RGBA color as a float in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getGreen() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionEnum
Returns the green component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getHalfLength() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the half-length of the Bond in angstroms.
getHalftoningTexture() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL texure object that can be used for real-time halftoning (or returns zero if no such texture object is associated with this Segment).
getHalftoningTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Returns the Texture objects that were created with the loadTextures() method and are intended for use with halftoning.
getHalftoningTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureManager
Returns a list of Java Texture objects with information on OpenGL texture objects that are currently stored on the graphics card.
getHalftoningTextures() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the list of Texture objects intended for halftoning.
getHalftoningTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the list of Texture objects intended for halftoning.
getHAor1HA() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the hydrogen Atom on the alpha carbon if it exists.
getHeight() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Returns the height of the cylinder stored in the display list.
getHeight() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Returns the height of the glyph in pixels.
getHeight() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabel
Returns the height of the glyph in pixels.
getHeight() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the height of the Model (maxY - minY).
getHelix(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the Helix with the helixID given as an argument.
getHelix(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the Helix with the helixID given as an argument.
getHelix(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the Helix with the IDs given as arguments.
getHelixID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
Returns the Helix ID.
getHelixID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.HelixRecord
Returns the Helix ID.
getHelpMenu() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.MainMenuBar
Returns the HelpMenu.
getHermite1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Creates a clone of the hermite1 object and returns it.
getHermite2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Creates a clone of the hermite2 object and returns it.
getHeterogen(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the Heterogen with the residueID given as an argument.
getHorHN() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the hydrogen Atom on the nitrogen of the amino group.
getImage() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Returns the 2D byte array with the glyph image in it.
getImage() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabel
Returns the buffer with the text image in it.
getLength() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the length of the Bond in angstroms.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.PaddedListCellRenderer
Adds a single blank space (" ") in front of value.toString().
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.SeparatorListCellRenderer
Adds a separator (a dividing line) to the top of any menu item with a String that matches one of the Strings given the constuctor.
getLocalFrame(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Creates a LocalFrame along the Segment spline by using Hermite interpolation and SLERP (Spherical Linear intERPolation).
getLocalFrames(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Uses SLERP (Spherical Linear intERPolation) and Hermite interpolation to generate the requested number of LocalFrames from the start frame to the end frame, inclusive.
getLoop(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the Loop with the loopID given as an argument.
getLoop(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the Loop with the IDs given as arguments.
getLoopID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Loop
Returns the Loop ID.
getLowerLevelMessage() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions.ScreenShotException
Returns the message (if any) that was obtained from a lower-level exception (for example, from an IOException or an IllegalArgumentException).
getMatrix() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.JitterEnum
Returns a two-dimensional matrix where each row has an xy-coordinate pair that can be used to jitter a scene.
getMaxDimension() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the maximum dimension (the greatest of width, height, or depth).
getMaxX() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the maximum x-coordinate value.
getMaxY() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the maximum y-coordinate value.
getMaxZ() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the maximum z-coordinate value.
getMenuName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.NamePair
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
getMenuName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
getMenuName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.ImageFormatEnum
Returns the name of the ImageFormatEnum in a form suitable for use in a menu.
getMenuName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.OrientationEnum
Returns the name of the OrientationEnum in a form suitable for use in a menu.
getMenuName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.StyleEnum
Returns the name of the StyleEnum in a form suitable for use in a menu.
getMenuName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionEnum
Returns the menu name for the Region.
getMenuName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.SideChainEnum
Returns the name of the SideChainEnum in a form suitable for use in a menu.
getMenuName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums.AAPortionMode
Returns the name of the AAPortionMode in a form suitable for use in a menu.
getMiddleBinormal() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Converts the middle rotation (a Quaternion) into a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and then returns the third column vector, the Binormal.
getMiddleNormal() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Converts the middle rotation (a Quaternion) into a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and then returns the first column vector, the Normal.
getMiddleRotation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns a clone of the Quaternion for the middle rotation of this Segment.
getMiddleTangent() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Converts the middle rotation (a Quaternion) into a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and then returns the third column vector, the Tangent.
getMiddleXYZ() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Copies the xyz-coordinates for the center of this Segment into a new Vec3d and returns it.
getMinBondLength() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondPredictor
Returns the minimum acceptable Bond length that is currently in use.
getMinX() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the minimum x-coordinate value.
getMinY() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the minimum y-coordinate value.
getMinZ() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the minimum z-coordinate value.
getModel(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the Model with the modelID given as an argument.
getModelID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the ID of the Model that this Atom belongs to.
getModelID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the modelID of the Model this Chain belongs to.
getModelID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the modelID, which is the Model's number.
getModelID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the ID of the Model that this Region belongs to.
getModelID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Returns the ID of the Model that this Residue belongs to.
getN() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the nitrogen Atom of the amino group if it exists.
getName() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
Returns the name of the glyph.
getName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Gets the OpenGL reference (an integer) for a texture object stored on the graphics card.
getName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Returns the name of the glyph.
getName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabel
Returns the name of the glyph.
getName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Category
Returns the name of the Category.
getName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns the name of the atom.
getName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Heterogen
Returns the Heterogen's name.
getName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.CategoryEnum
Returns the name of the category as a String suitable for use in a menu.
getName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Record
Returns the name of the Record.
getNextSegment() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns a reference to the next Segment with the same region so that the visiblity status of the next Segment can be checked before deciding to render a start cap for the current tube or ribbon segment.
getNormal() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Converts the rotation (a Quaternion) into a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and the returns the first column vector (the Normal).
getNormal() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Converts the Quaternion into a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and the returns the first column vector (the Normal).
getO() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the oxygen Atom of the carbonyl group if it exists.
getO() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Water
Returns the oxygen Atom (or null if not found).
getOccupancy() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the occupancy, which will be less than 1.0 only if the atom occupies more than one position in a crystal.
getOneLetterCode() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AminoAcidEnum
Returns the one-letter code for the amino acid.
getOpaqueAtomsAndBonds() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Copies the list of opaque Atoms and Bonds into an array and returns the array.
getOpaqueSegments() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Copies the list of opaque Segments into an array and returns the array.
getOXT() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the Chain terminating oxygen if it exists.
getPair() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Returns the type of shader pair (vertex and fragment pair).
getPatternsTexture() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL texure object that can be used for applying a pattern onto the surface of this Segment (or returns zero if there is no texture object for applying a pattern).
getPatternsTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Returns the Texture objects that were created with the loadTextures() method and are intended for use as patterns to apply to tubes and ribbons drawn in color (rather than halftoning).
getPatternsTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureManager
Returns a list of Java Texture objects with information on OpenGL texture objects that are currently stored on the graphics card.
getPatternsTextures() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the list of Texture objects intended for placing patterns on colored surfaces (rather than textures for halftoning).
getPatternsTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the list of Texture objects intended for placing patterns on colored surfaces (rather than textures for halftoning).
getPDBClassNo() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.HelixEnum
Returns the PDB classification number.
getPercentField() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Returns the number entered in the "% Translucent" text field.
getPoint() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the xyz-center of the Drawable as a point.
getPrevSegment() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns a reference to the previous Segment with the same region so that the visiblity status of the previous Segment can be checked before deciding to render a start cap for the current tube or ribbon segment.
getProgramName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Returns the name (an integer) of the OpenGL Shading Language "program" object.
getRadius() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereListInfo
Returns the radius used to draw the sphere in the display list.
getRadius() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the radius.
getRadius() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.BondEnum
Returns a radius that can be used for representing the Bond as a cylinder.
getRecord(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Category
Retrieves a Record by its name.
getRecord(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Description
Retrieves a Record by its Category name and Record name.
getRed() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the red component of the RGBA color.
getRed() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AAColorEnum
Returns the red component of the RGBA color as a float in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getRed() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AminoAcidEnum
Returns the red component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getRed() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns the red component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getRed() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.BondEnum
Returns the red component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getRed() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.CPKColorEnum
Returns the red component of the RGBA color as a float in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getRed() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionColorEnum
Returns the red component of the RGBA color as a float in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getRed() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionEnum
Returns the red component of the RGBA color on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
getRegionID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the regionID if the AminoAcid has been assigned to a Region.
getRegionType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the region type (LOOP, HELIX, or BETA_STRAND) if the AminoAcid has been assigned to a Region.
getRegionType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the type of Region that this Segment belongs to.
getResidue(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the Residue with the residueID given as an argument.
getResidue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the Residue with the IDs given as arguments.
getResidueID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the ID of the Residue that this Atom belongs to.
getResidueID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Returns the ID of this Residue.
getReverseTangent() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Converts the rotation (a Quaternion) into a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and the returns the third column vector (the Tangent) after reversing its direction.
getRotation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the rotation (the equivalent of a Frenet Frame) that will be needed for creating a Segment object based on this AminoAcid.
getSaveTitle() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.ImageFormatEnum
Returns the a title suitable for use with a save-type file chooser.
getScale() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
Returns the scale currently showing in the 'Scale:' spinner.
getScale() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Returns the scale factor for the image.
getScale() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Returns the scale factor for the image.
getSegment() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the Segment the Atom is associated with (or null if the Atom is not associated with any Segment).
getSegment() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the Segment the Bond is associated with (or null if the Bond is not associated with any Segment).
getSegment(String, String, RegionEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the requested Segment if it exists.
getSegment(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the Segment with the requested segmentID (if it exists).
getSegmentID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the Segment ID, which is the same as the Residue ID of the AminoAcid this Segment represents.
getSegmentListInfo(Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Returns the SegmentListInfo object that stores information on the OpenGL display lists that have been cached for the Segment given as an argument.
getSelectedAtom() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Returns the currently selected Atom from the Atom list.
getSelectedAtoms() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Returns an array of the currently selected Atoms from the Atom list.
getSelectedChain() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Returns the currently selected Chain from the Chain menu.
getSelectedFileWithFormatExt() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.ImageFileChooser
After calling on getSelectedFile() of the JFileChooser parent class, this method will check that the filename has the correct extension based on the image format type (unless the file is null, in which case null will still be returned).
getSelectedModel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Returns the currently selected Model from the Model menu.
getSelectedResidue() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Returns the currently selected Residue from the Residue list.
getSelectedResidues() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Returns an array of the currently selected Residues from the Residue list.
getSelectedResidueType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Returns the currently selected Residue type from the Residue menu.
getSense() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.BetaStrand
Returns the sense (orientation) of the BetaStrand.
getSense() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.BetaStrandRecord
Returns the sense (orientation) of the BetaStrand.
getSerialNo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the Atom serial number.
getSerialNo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
Returns the serial number of the Helix.
getSerialNo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.HelixRecord
Returns the serial number of the Helix.
getShape() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
Returns the shape that should be used to represent the Helix.
getSheetID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.BetaStrand
Returns the ID of the sheet that the BetaStrand belongs to.
getSheetID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.BetaStrandRecord
Returns the ID of the sheet the BetaStrand belongs to.
getShortName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.ImageFormatEnum
Returns the short standard name of the ImageFormatEnum (usually 3 letters).
getSideChainStyle() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Gets the side chain style (NONE, SPACE_FILLING, STICK_AND_BALLS, or STICKS).
getSixCharName() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.RecordEnum
Returns the 6 character name for a PDB record type.
getSlices() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Returns the number of slices that were used to draw the cylinder stored in the display list.
getSlices() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereListInfo
Returns the number of slices that were used to draw the sphere stored in the display list.
getSliderValue() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Gets the current value for the slider.
getSpaceFillingRef() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL display list for a sphere intended to be used for Space-Filling style displays.
getSpaceFillingRef(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL display list for a sphere intended to be used for a Space-Filling style display.
getSpaceFillingSlices() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Returns the number of slices that should be used for a sphere if automatic calculation of tiling number is turned off.
getSpaceFillingSphereInfo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Returns the SphereListInfo object that holds the information on an OpenGL display list for a sphere to be used for SPACE_FILLING style.
getSpaceFillingStacks() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Returns the number of stacks that should be used for a sphere if automatic calculation of tiling number is turned off.
getSpaceFillingTilingNumber(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Returns the recommended level of detail (tiling number = slices = stacks) for rendering a sphere at a given camera distance in angstroms.
getSpecularExp() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the specular exponent for use in lighting calculations.
getSphereInfo(StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Returns the SphereListInfo object that holds the information on an OpenGL display list for a sphere that is currently used for drawing Atoms.
getSphereInfo(StyleEnum) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the SphereListInfo object that holds the information on an OpenGL display list for a sphere that is currently used for drawing Atoms.
getSphereInfo(StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the SphereListInfo object that holds the information on an OpenGL display list for a sphere that is currently used for drawing Atoms.
getSrcAtom() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the source Atom for this Bond.
getSrcAtomSerialNo() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.BondLengthException
Returns the source Atom PDB serial number.
getSrcAtomType() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.BondLengthException
Returns the source Atom type as an AtomEnum.
getSrcDirX() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the x-coordinate of the center to source Atom direction vector.
getSrcDirY() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the y-coordinate of the center to source Atom direction vector.
getSrcDirZ() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the z-coordinate of the center to source Atom direction vector.
getStacks() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Returns the number of stacks that were used to draw the cylinder stored in the display list.
getStacks() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereListInfo
Returns the number of stacks that were used to draw the sphere stored in the display list.
getStartCapName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentListInfo
Returns a reference to the OpenGL display list for the start cap.
getStartChar() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
Returns the start char (the first character in the glyph set).
getStartResidueID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.BetaStrandRecord
Returns the start Residue ID for the BetaStrand.
getStartResidueID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.HelixRecord
Returns the start Residue ID for the Helix.
getStartResidueID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the ID of the first Residue in the sequence.
getStartRotation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns a clone of the Quaternion for the start rotation of this Segment.
getSticksCylinderInfo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
Returns the CylinderListInfo object that holds the information on an OpenGL display list for a cylinder to be used for a STICKS style display.
getSticksRef() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL display list for a cylinder intended to be used for Sticks style displays.
getSticksRef(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
Returns the name (an integer) of an OpenGL display list for a cylinder intended to be used for Sticks style displays.
getStrandsInSheet() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.BetaStrand
Returns the total number of BetaStrands in the same sheet as this BetaStrand.
getStrandsInSheet() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.BetaStrandRecord
Returns the total number of strands in the same sheet.
getStructure() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Returns the current Structure to display.
getStructure() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Returns the current Structure to display.
getStructureID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the ID of the Structure that this Atom belongs to.
getStructureID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the structureID of the Structure this Chain belongs to.
getStructureID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Description
Returns the ID of the Structure that owns this Description.
getStructureID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the structureID of the Structure this Model belongs to.
getStructureID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the ID of the Structure that this Region belongs to.
getStructureID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Returns the ID of the Structure that this Residue belongs to.
getStructureID() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the structureID, which is the sames as the PDB unique ID code.
getStyle() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
getStyle() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.GeometricListInfo
Returns the style that the geometric object is intended for: SPACE_FILLING, BALLS_AND_STICKS, or STICKS.
getStyle() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
getStyle() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
getStyleMenu() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.MainMenuBar
Returns the StyleMenu, which has a method for setting the style back to its default.
getTangent() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Converts the rotation (a Quaternion) into a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and the returns the third column vector (the Tangent).
getTangent() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Converts the Quaternion into a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and the returns the third column vector (the Tangent).
getTemperature() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the temperature factor from x-ray crystallography.
getThinSidesName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentListInfo
Returns the reference to the OpenGL display list for the thin sides of a Ribbon.
getThreeLetterCode() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AminoAcidEnum
Returns the three-letter code for the amino acid.
getTolerance() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondPredictor
Returns the Bond length tolerance that is currently in use.
getToleranceFactor() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.BondLengthException
Returns the tolerance factor used to determine that the calulated length was too far from the expected length.
getToolsMenu() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.MainMenuBar
Returns the ToolsMenu, which has methods for detecting and changing the currently selected Tools menu item ("Selector" or "Controls").
getTopRadius() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Returns the top radius of the cylinder in the display list.
getTranslation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Returns a copy of the translation vector held by this LocalFrame.
getTranslation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns a new Ved3d object based on the xyz-coordinates of the alpha-carbon.
getTranslation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the xyz-center of the Drawable as a vector.
getTranslucentDrawables() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Copies the list of translucent Drawables into an array and returns the array.
getType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the type of amino aicd: ALA, ARG, ASN, etc. The type cannot be null because it is checked by the constructor.
getType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the Atom's type as an enum based on the periodic table of the elements.
getType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns the Bond's type as an enum (SINGLE, DOUBLE, PEPTIDE, etc.).
getType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
Returns the type of Helix.
getType() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.HelixRecord
Returns the type of Helix.
getTypeface() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns the typeface for the glyphs (bold, italic, regular, etc.).
getUnknownChars() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns a String composed of any characters that were missing (no corresponding Glyph) when the last call to getGlyphs(text) was made.
getVanDerWaalsRadius() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns the van der Waals radius for the Atom, which should be useful for representing the Atom as a sphere.
getVertFile() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.graphics.enums.ShaderEnum
Returns the name of the file the vertex shader is stored in.
getVertFile() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Returns the File the vertex shader source code was obtained from.
getVertShaderName() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Returns the name (an integer) of the vertex shader object.
getVisibility() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the visibility status of the Drawable object.
getVisibilityMenu() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.MainMenuBar
Returns the VisibilityMenu, which has methods for enabling/disabling or selecting/deselecting a menu item ('Amino Acids Allowed', 'Heterogens Allowed', or 'Water Allowed').
getWater(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the Water with the residueID given as an argument.
getWidth() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Returns the width of the glyph in pixels.
getWidth() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabel
Returns the width of the glyph in pixels.
getWidth() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the width of the Model (maxX - minX).
getX() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the x-coordinate of the Drawable's center.
getX() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the x-coordinate for the center of gravity of the Model.
getX1() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
Returns the x-coordinate of the top left corner of the glyph.
getX1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Returns the x-coordinate of the top left corner of the glyph (this coordinate is used for extracting the glyph from the larger image file with several glyphs).
getX2() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
Returns the x-coordinate of the bottom right corner of the glyph.
getX2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Returns the x-coordinate of the bottom right corner of the glyph (this coordinate is used for extracting the glyph from the larger image file with several glyphs).
getY() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the y-coordinate of the Drawable's center.
getY() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the y-coordinate for the center of gravity of the Model.
getY1() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
Returns the y-coordinate of the top left corner of the glyph.
getY1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Returns the y-coordinate of the top left corner of the glyph (this coordinate is used for extracting the glyph from the larger image file with several glyphs).
getY2() - Method in exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
Returns the y-coordinate of the bottom right corner of the glyph.
getY2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Returns the y-coordinate of the bottom right corner of the glyph (this coordinate is used for extracting the glyph from the larger image file with several glyphs).
getZ() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns the z-coordinate of the Drawable's center.
getZ() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the z-coordinate for the center of gravity of the Model.
GLF2GlyphSetFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Reads a set of glyphs from a ".glf" file that was created with the glFont program (Version 2.0) written by Brad Fish (brad.fish@gmail.com).
GLF2GlyphSetFactory() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2GlyphSetFactory
Constructs a GLF2GlyphSetFactory.
GLF2Header - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Stores information from the header of a '.glf' file.
GLF2Header(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
Constructs a GLF2Header.
Glyph - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Stores a 2D array of bytes that form a graphical representation of a character.
Glyph(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.Glyph
Constructs a Glyph.
GlyphConfigException - Exception in org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions
To report errors that occur while creating a Glyph.
GlyphConfigException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphConfigException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
GlyphDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Provides a driver to perform some basic tests on classes in the typography package.
GlyphDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphDemo
GlyphException - Exception in org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions
To report errors that occur while creating a Glyph.
GlyphException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphException
Sets the default message to 'An error occurred while creating a Glyph'.
GlyphException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
GlyphImageException - Exception in org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions
To report errors that occur while creating a Glyph.
GlyphImageException(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.GlyphImageException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
GlyphSet - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Stores a set of Glyph objects.
GlyphSet(String, String, String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Constructs a GlyphSet.
GlyphSetFactory - Interface in org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Defines the interface for a factory that can read glyphs from a source and produce a GlyphSet object.
GlyphSetFactoryFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Use Java reflection to load a concrete GlyphSetFactory based on information held in a Properties object.
GlyphSetFactoryFactory() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSetFactoryFactory
Constructs a TextLabelFactory.


hadUnknownChars() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns true if the last call to getGlyphs(text) had any unknown characters in the String (unknown in the sense that the GlyphSet did not have a Glyph for a character).
HALF_FOVY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Half the fovy is useful for some calculations.
HALF_FOVY_RADIANS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Half the fovy needs to be in radians for Java trig functions.
HALF_PI - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Shape
One-half Pi is defined as 1.57079632679489.
HALF_PI - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
One-half Pi is defined as 1.57079632679489, and is equal to 90 degrees.
HALF_PI - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.factory.BetaStrandSegmentFactory
90 degrees is half the value of PI radians.
HALF_PI - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
One-half Pi is defined as 1.57079632679489.
HALFTONING_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Stores the name of the halftoning configuration file, which is currently set to 'halftoning_textures.conf'.
HALFTONING_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Stores the relative pathname of the halftoning textures directory.
hasAminoAcids() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns true if the model holds any AminoAcids.
hasAtomModifier() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
Returns true if this ModifierVisitor holds an AtomModifier object.
hasBondModifier() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
Returns true if this ModifierVisitor holds a BondModifier object.
hasHeterogens() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns true if the model holds any Heterogens.
hasSegmentModifier() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
Returns true if this ModifierVisitor holds a SegmentModifier object.
hasWaters() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns true if the model holds any Waters.
HEADER_BYTES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
The header in a '.glf' file has 24 bytes.
HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabel
The height is 32 pixels.
HEIGHT_INDEX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
The bitmap height integer starts at index 8 of the header.
Helix - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
This concrete subclass of Region holds information specific to a protein Helix.
Helix(String, String, String, String, Chain, HelixEnum, HelixShapeEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
Constructs a Helix.
HelixEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration of the helix types specified in the Protein Data Bank .
HelixRecord - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io
This class is used by the PDBLineParser to temporarily store HELIX records.
HelixRecord(String, String, String, String, String, HelixEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.HelixRecord
Constructs a HelixRecord.
HelixShapeEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Lists the possible shapes that can be used to represent a Helix.
HELP_FILE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.HelpMenu
Holds the path to the index.html file in the help directory.
HelpMenu - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
Provides an "About" box and help for using the ProteinShader program.
HelpMenu(Mediator, Frame) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.HelpMenu
Constructs a HelpMenu.
HelpMenuListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar
Creates all event listeners needed by the HelpMenu of the MainMenuBar.
HelpMenuListenerFactory(Mediator, HelpMenu) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.HelpMenuListenerFactory
Constructs a HelpMenuListenerFactory.
Hermite - Class in org.proteinshader.math
Calculates a cubic equation between two control points so that points on the curve in between can be interpolated.
Hermite(Point3d, Point3d, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.Hermite
Constructs a Hermite object by using the input points and vectors to calculate and store the coefficients needed for the cubic equations for x(t), y(t), and z(t).
Hermite(Vec3d, Vec3d, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.Hermite
Constructs a Hermite object by using the input vectors to calculate and store the coefficients needed for the cubic equations for x(t), y(t), and z(t).
HermiteDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.math
Performs some simple tests on the Hermite class.
HermiteDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.HermiteDemo
Heterogen - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
This concrete subclass of the abstract class Residue stores information on a heterogen in a PDB structure entry.
Heterogen(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Heterogen
Creates a Heterogen with the name and IDs given as arguments (after adding the HETEROGEN_PREFIX ("HET_") to the beginning of residueID).
HETEROGEN_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Heterogen
'HET_' will be added to the beginning the residueID for a Heterogen (if it is not already present).


IDTest - Interface in org.proteinshader.structure
This interface declares a processID() method that is intended to be used as a helper method for constructors that need to perform tests and/or any modifications on an ID.
IMAGE_FILE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.HelpMenu
Holds path to the image file for the "About ProteinShader" box.
IMAGE_FILE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderSplasher
ImageFileChooser - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.utils
Extends JFileChooser by requiring that an ImageFormatEnum be given to the constructor.
ImageFileChooser(ImageFormatEnum, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.ImageFileChooser
Constructs a ImageFileChooser.
ImageFileChooser(ImageFormatEnum, File) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.ImageFileChooser
Constructs a ImageFileChooser.
ImageFormatEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.gui.enums
Provides an enumeration of the image file formats.
IMAGES_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.FileMenu
Specifies the directory for saving JPEG, PNG, and GIF images.
includeAAHetAndWater(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Sets the mode to include or exclude AminoAcids, Heterogens, and Waters.
includeAtoms(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.VisibilityVisitor
Determines whether Atoms should be included when the lists of opaque and translucent Drawables are filled.
includeBonds(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.VisibilityVisitor
Determines whether Bonds should be included when the lists of opaque and translucent Drawables are filled.
includeSegments(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.VisibilityVisitor
Determines whether Segments should be included when the lists of opaque and translucent Drawables are filled.
INCREMENT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
Sets the increment for the timer circuit used to open the spring-loaded frame.
INDENTATION_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
This method is called by the canvas immediately after the OpenGL state is initialized.
INITIAL_STYLE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.StyleMenu
The style to set as selected in the 'Style' menu.
initializeViewport(GLAutoDrawable, GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Sets the viewport so that the origin (0, 0, 0) is in its center.
interpolateAndPrint(Quaternion, Quaternion, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.SlerpDemo
Interpolates between the two quaternions given as arguments and then prints the result quaterion along with the [N B T] equivalent to the quaternion.
interpolateQ1AndQ1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.SlerpDemo
Interpolates between Q1 (for CYS 273) and itself and prints the results.
interpolateQ1AndQ2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.SlerpDemo
Interpolates between Q1 (for CYS 273) and Q2 (for GLY 274) and prints the results.
interpolateQ2AndQ3() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.SlerpDemo
Interpolates between Q2 (for GLY 274) and Q3 (for GLY 275) and prints the results.
InvalidIDException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions
Used to report that an ID is invalid or missing.
InvalidIDException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.InvalidIDException
Sets the default message to "ERROR: A missing or invalid ID was detected".
InvalidIDException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.InvalidIDException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
InvalidRegionException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions
Used to report that a Region (Helix or BetaStrand) is invalid because its start and end Residue IDs could not be matched to an existing sequence of Residues in a Chain.
InvalidRegionException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.InvalidRegionException
Sets the default message to "ERROR: The start and end residues of a region are invalid".
InvalidRegionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.InvalidRegionException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
invert() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Creates a clone of the calling Quaternion and inverts it.
invertMe() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Inverts the calling Quaternion.
isAnimating() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Returns true if an animation (model rotation) is in progress.
isBaseCapped() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Returns true if a capping sphere was used at the base of the cylinder.
isDistanceAcceptable(Atom, Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondPredictor
Determines if two Atoms are within an acceptable distance for a covalent Bond.
isDoubleBond(Atom, Atom, AminoAcidEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondPredictor
Uses the Atom IDs (from Atom name field in a PDB record) and the AminoAcid type to determine if the Atoms should have a double Bond (assuming that they both belong to the same AminoAcid).
isEndCapped() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns a boolean value to indicate if the end of the Segment should be capped when it is drawn.
isStartCapped() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns a boolean value to indicate if the start of the Segment should be capped when it is drawn.
isTopCapped() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Returns true if a capping sphere was used at the top of the cylinder.
iteratorAminoAcids() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns an Iterator for the AminoAcids held by this Chain.
iteratorAminoAcids() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns an Iterator for the AminoAcids referred to by this Region.
iteratorAtoms() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Returns an Iterator for the Atoms held by this Residue.
iteratorBackboneAtoms() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns an Iterator for the backbone Atoms held by this Residue.
iteratorBetaStrands() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns an Iterator for the BetaStrands held by this Chain.
iteratorBetaStrands() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns an Iterator for the BetaStrands held by this Model.
iteratorBonds() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns an Iterator for the Bonds held by this Atom.
iteratorCategories() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Description
Returns an Iterator for the Category objects held by this Description.
iteratorChains() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns an Iterator for the Chains held by this Model.
iteratorGlyphs() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns an Iterator for the Glyphs.
iteratorHelices() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns an Iterator for the Helices held by this Chain.
iteratorHelices() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns an Iterator for the Helices held by this Model.
iteratorHeterogens() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns an Iterator for the Heterogens held by this Chain.
iteratorLines() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Record
Returns a Iterator for the lines of the Record.
iteratorLoops() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns an Iterator for the Loops held by this Chain.
iteratorLoops() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns an Iterator for the Loops held by this Model.
iteratorModels() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns an Iterator for the Models held by this Structure.
iteratorRecords() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Category
Returns an Iterator for the Records held by this Category object.
iteratorSegments() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns an Iterator for the Segments owned by this Region.
iteratorSideChainAtoms() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns an Iterator for the side chain Atoms held by this Residue.
iteratorWaters() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns an Iterator for the Water molecules held by this Chain.


JITTER_4 - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Silhouette
Holds (xPixels, yPixels) values for translating 4 times with jitter.
JitterEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.gui.enums
Holds the xy-coordinates needed for jittering a scene to accomplish antialiasing (the smoothing of jagged edge lines).
jitterScene(JitterEnum) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Draws the scene multiple times to an accumulation buffer while jittering the xy-coordinates a fraction of a pixel.
jitterScene(JitterEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Draws the scene multiple times to an accumulation buffer while jittering the xy-coordinates a fraction of a pixel.
jitterScene(JitterEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Draws the scene multiple times to an accumulation buffer while jittering the xy-coordinates a fraction of a pixel.


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasKeyListener
This KeyListener interface method is not needed.
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasKeyListener
This KeyListener interface method is not needed.
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasKeyListener
Moves the z coordinate for the camera and then redraws the canvas.


LIGHT0_POSITION - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Lighting
The position of light zero is {200.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f, 1.0f}.
Lighting - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.viewing
Sets up OpenGL lighting for the Renderer.
Lighting() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Lighting
Constructs a Lighting object.
LIST_FONT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
The font for lists is 14 point plain Courier.
loadBendMenu() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
Loads the bend menu with the current set of textures from the Mediator.
loadFpsFontFile(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Tells the FpsLabel object to read in the font file that it needs for displaying a frames per second label on the canvas.
loadHalftoningMenu() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
Loads the halftoning menu with the current set of textures from the Mediator.
loadPatternsMenu() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
Loads the Patterns menu with the current set of textures from the Mediator, and sets the selected item to the second item in the menu (the first item is always 'None').
loadTablaRasa(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
Loads a blank texture map, the reusable tabla rasa.
loadTextures(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Loads the default texture objects needed for text labels and real-time halftoning.
LocalFrame - Class in org.proteinshader.math
Stores a local coordinate frame as a rotation (a Quaternion) and a translation (a Point3d).
LocalFrame() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Constructs a LocalFrame with the identity quaternion, (0, 0, 0, 1) and a translation of (0, 0, 0).
LocalFrame(Vec3d, Vec3d, Vec3d, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Constructs a LocalFrame equivalent to the rotation matrix [N B T] and the translation (x, y, z).
LocalFrame(Quaternion, Vec3d) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Constructs a LocalFrame that holds on to the Quaternion and Vec3d given as arguments.
LocalFrame(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Constructs a LocalFrame using the rotation and translation given as arguments.
LocalFrameDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.math
Performs some simple tests on the LocalFrame class.
LocalFrameDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Creates a LocalFrameDemo object with a few Quaternion objects that can be used for testing purposes.
Loop - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
This concrete subclass of Region holds information on the general "loop" regions found between well-defined regions of secondary structure (helices and beta-strands).
Loop(String, String, String, Chain) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Loop
Constructs a Loop.
LOOP_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The default ribbon height (y-axis dimension) for a Loop region is 1.0 angstroms.
LOOP_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The default radius for a Loop region waist polygon is 0.75 angstroms.
LOOP_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
The default radius for a Loop region waist polygon is 0.75 angstroms.
LOOP_S_COORD_END - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for loops ends at 0.75 rather than at 1.0.
LOOP_S_COORD_START - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for loops starts at 0.25 rather than at 0.0.
LOOP_SLICES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The default number of slices for a Loop region waist polygon is 10.
LOOP_SLICES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
The default number of slices for a Loop region waist polygon is 8.
LOOP_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The default number of stacks for a loop segment is 10.
LOOP_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The default number of stacks for a loop segment is 10.
LOOP_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
The default number of stacks for a loop segment is 10.
LOOP_THIN_SIDE_S_MAX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for the thin side of loops ends at 0.125.
LOOP_THIN_SIDE_S_MIN - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The texture s-coordinate for the thin side of loops starts at 0.0.
LOOP_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The default ribbon width (x-axis dimension) for a Loop region is 0.25 angstroms.
LoopGeneratorVisitor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
Generates Loop objects from any AminoAcids of a Chain that do not already belong to a Helix or BetaStrand.
LoopGeneratorVisitor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.LoopGeneratorVisitor
Constructs a LoopGeneratorVisitor.


magnitude() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Returns the magnitude (length) of this quaternion.
magnitude() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Calculates the magnitude of the calling vector.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphDemo
Creates an instance of TextLabelFactory and has it read in the default set of glyphs.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShader
Creates an instance of the ProteinShaderGUI and sets it visible.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderSplasher
Opens the splash screen before calling main() of ProteinShader.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.math.HermiteDemo
Creates a start and end point (each with a tangent vector) to plug into a Hermite object.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Tests the constructors, setter methods, and multiply(Point3d) methods of the LocalFrame class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
Creates a QuaternionDemo object and uses it to test several operations on class Quaternion.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.math.SlerpDemo
Creates a SlerpDemo object and uses it to the SLERP algorithm.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.math.VectorAndPointDemo
Performs some simple tests (constructors, setXYZ, cross product, dot product, and normalization) with Vec3d objects, and a few tests with Point3d objects.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.PDBStructureReaderDemo
Uses a PDBStructureReader to read a PDB file and create a Structure, and then uses a WriterVisitor to write the contents of the Structure to an output file.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.SegmentDemo
Uses a PDBStructureReader to read a PDB file and create a Structure, and then uses a WriterVisitor to write the contents of the Structure to an output file.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.CategoryEnumDemo
Testing utility that prints all CategoryEnums in the order they are declared.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.RecordEnumDemo
Testing utility that prints all RecordEnums in the order they are declared.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.ModifierVisitorDemo
Uses a PDBStructureReader to read a PDB file and create a Structure, and then uses a WriterVisitor to write the contents of the Structure to an output file.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.VisitorDemo
Uses a StructureReader to read a PDB file and create a Structure, and then tests the ability of a Visitor to traverse the Structure.
MainMenuBar - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
Provides the menu bar to place at the top of the ProteinShader programs's main GUI window.
MainMenuBar(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.MainMenuBar
Constructs a ProteinShaderMenuBar.
MAJOR_AXIS_SCALE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The scale factor for major axes is 1.5.
MAJOR_SPHERE_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The radius for spheres at major points is 0.3.
MAJOR_SPHERE_TILING - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The number of slices and stacks for a major sphere is 30.
MAP - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
The 'textlabel.frag' fragment shader uniform variable for a 2D texture map is named 'textLabelMap'.
markAminoAcids(String, RegionEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Used to mark each AminoAcid with the ID and type of Region it belongs to.
MAX_BEND - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
The maximum bend is the cosine of the smallest expected bend angle for a Segment.
MAX_CA_DISTANCE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.factory.SegmentFactory
The maximum distance from one alpha-carbon to the next alpha-carbon in a chain of amino acids should not be greater than 4.5 angstroms.
MAX_CA_DISTANCE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor
The maximum distance from one alpha-carbon to the next alpha-carbon in a chain of amino acids should not be greater than 4.5 angstroms.
MAX_HEIGHT_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
The height factor will not be allowed to be more than 0.90.
MAX_SLICES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
The maximum number of slices for cylinders cached by this class is 14, while the minimum will be the MIN_SLICES declared in class Cylinder, which is 3.
MAX_SPEED - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
The maximum rotation speed in degrees per second is 90.
MAX_TILING - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
The maximum tiling number (slices and stacks) for spheres cached by this class is 57, while the minimum will be the MIN_TILING declared in class Sphere, which is 3.
MAX_WIDTH_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
The width factor will not be allowed to be more than 0.90.
Mediator - Interface in org.proteinshader.gui
This interface specifies the methods for the single central mediator object that allows communication between objects of the gui, the data structure, and the renderer.
MediatorImpl - Class in org.proteinshader.gui
Serves as the central mediator central object that allows communication between objects of the gui, the data structure, and the renderer.
MediatorImpl(ProteinShaderGUI, GLCanvas) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Constructs a ProteinShaderGUI.
MENU_NAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanel
The menu name "Tiling" will be returned by toString().
MENU_NAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
The menu name "Color" will be returned by toString().
MENU_NAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
The menu name "Scale" will be returned by toString().
MENU_NAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomVisibilityPanel
The menu name "Atom Visibility" will be returned by the toString() method.
MENU_NAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
The menu name "Color" will be returned by toString().
MENU_NAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonSideChainsPanel
The menu name "Cartoon Side Chains" will be returned by the toString() method.
MENU_NAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonVisibilityPanel
The menu name "Cartoon Visibility" will be returned by the toString() method.
MENU_NAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
The menu name "Decorations" will be returned by toString().
MENU_NAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
The menu name "Motion" will be returned by toString().
MENU_NAME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
The menu name "Tiling" will be returned by toString().
MIN_CAP_TILING - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Cylinder
The minumum tiling (number of slices and stacks) for a capping sphere is 3.
MIN_CHAR_IN_HEADER - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBStructureReader
The minimum number of columns in a HEADER record.
MIN_CHAR_PER_LINE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBLineParser
The minimum number of columns in a line from a PDB file.
MIN_HEIGHT_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
The height factor will not be allowed to be less than 0.10.
MIN_INITIAL_CAMERA_DISTANCE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
The minimum initial camera distance is 20.
MIN_SLICES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Cylinder
The minimum number of slices for a cylinder is 3.
MIN_SPEED - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
The minimum rotation speed in degrees per second is -90.
MIN_SPLASH_TIME - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderSplasher
MIN_STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Cylinder
The minimum number of stacks for a cylinder is 1.
MIN_THETA - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
If theta is too close to zero for a SLERP calculation, then a clone of the start Quaternion will be returned.
MIN_TILING - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Sphere
The minimum tiling is 3, and it is used to set the minimum number of slices and stacks for a sphere.
MIN_WIDTH_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
The width factor will not be allowed to be less than 0.10.
MINOR_AXIS_SCALE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The scale factor for minor axes is 0.5.
MINOR_SPHERE_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The radius for spheres at minor points is 0.0375.
MINOR_SPHERE_TILING - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The number of slices and stacks for a minor sphere is 10.
minus(Point3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
Returns the direction vector obtained by subtracting the point given as an argument from the calling point.
minus(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Creates a new vector by subtracting the vector given as an argument from the calling vector (the existing vectors are NOT modified).
minus(Drawable) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Returns a vector created by subtracting the xyz-center of the Drawable given as an argument from the xyz-center of the calling Drawable object.
minusFromMe(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
The x, y, and z values of the vector given as an argument are subtracted from the x, y, and z values of the calling vector.
MissingAATypeException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions
Used to report that an AminoAcid did not have a type specified.
MissingAATypeException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.MissingAATypeException
Sets the default message to "ERROR: An amino acid must have a type specifed".
MissingAATypeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.MissingAATypeException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
MissingAtomTypeException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions
Used to report that an Atom did not have a type specified.
MissingAtomTypeException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.MissingAtomTypeException
Sets the default message to "ERROR: An atom type cannot be null or unknown".
MissingAtomTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.MissingAtomTypeException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
MissingHetNameException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions
Used to report that a heterogen name is missing.
MissingHetNameException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.MissingHetNameException
Sets the default message to "ERROR: A heterogen name is missing".
MissingHetNameException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.MissingHetNameException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
Model - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
A Model serves as a container for one or more Chains.
Model(String, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Constructs a Model with the requested modelID and structureID.
ModifierPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
Presents the user with a choice of several control panels for changing color, visiblity, scale, motion, and other features of the display.
ModifierPanel(Mediator, Frame) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ModifierPanel
Constructs a ModifierPanel.
ModifierPanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listener for the control panel menu of the ModifierPanel.
ModifierPanelListenerFactory(ModifierPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ModifierPanelListenerFactory
Constructs a ModifierPanelListenerFactory.
ModifierVisitor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
Knows how to modify multiple Drawable objects while traversing the hierarchy of objects contained in a Structure.
ModifierVisitor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
Constructs a ModifierVisitor.
ModifierVisitorDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos
Temporary class for testing the ModifierVisitor class.
ModifierVisitorDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.ModifierVisitorDemo
Constructs a PDBStructureReaderDemo.
modify(Structure) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.ModifierVisitorDemo
The Helices of the Structure are modified by changing their shape to CYLINDER and setting all of their Atoms and Bonds to INVISIBLE.
modify(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.AtomModifier
Modifies the ball radius if requested, and then calls on modify() of the superclass, DrawableModifier, to apply any other requested modifications such as visibility, color, or radius for space-filling model.
modify(Drawable) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Modifies the visibility, RGBA color, and/or radius of the Drawable object given as an argument.
modify(Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Sets the patterns texture, halftoning texture, Segment color, or decoration type as requested by SegmentModifier methods, and then calls on modify() of the DrawableModifier superclass.
modifyGlobal(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Prepares the AtomModifier to modify the RGB color of Atoms, and then calls on the modifyGlobal() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyGlobal(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomVisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up the the AtomModifier and then calls on modifyGlobal() method of the radio panel.
modifyGlobal(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Prepares the SegmentModifier to modify the RGB color of Segments, and then calls on the modifyGlobal() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyGlobal(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonVisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up the the SegmentModifier and then calls on modifyGlobal() method of the radio panel.
modifyGlobal(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Prepares a DrawableModifier to modify the RGB color of Drawable objects, and then calls on the modifyGlobal() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyGlobal(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Passes the DrawableModifiers to the modifyGlobal() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyGlobal(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Applies the DrawableModifiers to whatever item or items are currently selected in the "Global:" menu.
modifyGlobal(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up whatever DrawableModifiers are needed and then calls on the modifyGlobal() method of the radio panel.
modifyGlobal(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Passes the DrawableModifiers to the modifyGlobal() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyGlobalToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Default 1 sets the RGB color of Atoms based on Atom type.
modifyGlobalToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Default 1 sets the RGB color of Segments based on Region type.
modifyGlobalToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Prepares the DrawableModifier to set RGB colors to a default value, and then calls on the modifyGlobal() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyGlobalToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Default 2 sets the RGB color of Atoms based on AminoAcid type.
modifyGlobalToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Default 2 sets the RGB color of Segments based on AminoAcid type.
modifyGlobalToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
modifyHelices(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Prepares the the AtomModifier to modify the RGB color of Atoms, and then calls on the modifyHelices() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyHelices(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomVisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up an AtomModifier and a BondModifier, and then calls on modifyHelices() method of the radio panel.
modifyHelices(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Prepares the the SegmentModifier to modify the RGB color of Segments, and then calls on the modifyHelices() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyHelices(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonVisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up a SegmentModifier and then calls on modifyHelices() method of the radio panel.
modifyHelices(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Prepares a DrawableModifier to modify the RGB color of Drawable objects, and then calls on the modifyHelices() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyHelices(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Passes the DrawableModifiers to the modifyHelices() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyHelices(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Applies the DrawableModifiers to the Helix or Helices currently selected in the "Helices:" menu.
modifyHelices(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up whatever DrawableModifiers are needed and then calls on the modifyHelices() method of the radio panel.
modifyHelices(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Passes the DrawableModifiers to the modifyHelices() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyHelicesToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Default 1 sets the RGB color of Atoms based on Atom type.
modifyHelicesToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Default 1 sets the RGB color of Segments based on Region type.
modifyHelicesToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Prepares the DrawableModifier to set RGB colors to a default value, and then calls on the modifyHelices() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyHelicesToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Default 2 sets the RGB color of Atoms based on AminoAcid type.
modifyHelicesToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Default 2 sets the RGB color of Segments based on AminoAcid type.
modifyHelicesToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
modifyLoops(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Prepares the AtomModifier to modify the RGB color of Atoms, and then calls on the modifyLoops() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyLoops(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomVisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up an AtomModifier and then calls on modifyLoops() method of the radio panel.
modifyLoops(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Prepares the SegmentModifier to modify the RGB color of Segments, and then calls on the modifyLoops() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyLoops(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonVisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up a SegmentModifier and then calls on the modifyLoops() method of the radio panel.
modifyLoops(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Prepares a DrawableModifier to modify the RGB color of Drawable objects, and then calls on the modifyLoops() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyLoops(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Passes the DrawableModifiers to the modifyLoops() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyLoops(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Applies the DrawableModifiers to the Loop or Loops currently selected in the "Loops:" menu.
modifyLoops(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up whatever DrawableModifiers are needed and then calls on the modifyLoops() method of the radio panel.
modifyLoops(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Passes the DrawableModifiers to the modifyLoops() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyLoopsToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Default 1 sets the RGB color of Atoms based on Atom type.
modifyLoopsToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Default 1 sets the RGB color of Segments based on Region type.
modifyLoopsToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Prepares the DrawableModifier to set RGB colors to a default value, and then calls on the modifyLoops() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyLoopsToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Default 2 sets the RGB color of Atoms based on AminoAcid type.
modifyLoopsToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Default 2 sets the RGB color of Segments based on AminoAcid type.
modifyLoopsToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
modifySelected(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Prepares the AtomModifier to modify the RGB color of Atoms, and then calls on the modifySelected() method of the RadioPanel.
modifySelected(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomVisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up the AtomModifier and the BondModifier and then calls on the modifySelected() method of the radio panel.
modifySelected(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Prepares the SegmentModifier to modify the RGB color of Segments, and then calls on the modifySelected() method of the RadioPanel.
modifySelected(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonVisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up the SegmentModifier and then calls on the modifySelected() method of the radio panel.
modifySelected(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Prepares a DrawableModifier to modify the RGB color of Drawable objects, and then calls on the modifySelected() method of the RadioPanel.
modifySelected(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Passes the DrawableModifiers to the modifySelected() method of the RadioPanel.
modifySelected(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Applies the DrawableModifiers to whatever item or items are currently selected in the "Selected:" menu.
modifySelected(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up whatever DrawableModifiers are needed and then calls on the modifySelected() method of the radio panel.
modifySelected(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Passes the DrawableModifiers to the modifySelected() method of the RadioPanel.
modifySelectedToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Default 1 sets the RGB color of Atoms based on Atom type.
modifySelectedToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Default 1 sets the RGB color of Segments based on Region type.
modifySelectedToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Prepares the DrawableModifier to set RGB colors to a default value, and then calls on the modifySelected() method of the RadioPanel.
modifySelectedToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Default 2 sets the RGB color of Atoms based on AminoAcid type.
modifySelectedToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Default 2 sets the RGB color of Segments based on AminoAcid type.
modifySelectedToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
modifyStrands(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Prepares the AtomModifier to modify the RGB color of Atoms, and then calls on the modifyStrands() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyStrands(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomVisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up an AtomModifier and then calls on modifyStrands() method of the radio panel.
modifyStrands(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Prepares the SegmentModifier to modify the RGB color of Segments, and then calls on the modifyStrands() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyStrands(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonVisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up a SegmentModifier and then calls on the modifyStrands() method of the radio panel.
modifyStrands(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Prepares a DrawableModifier to modify the RGB color of Drawable objects, and then calls on the modifyStrands() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyStrands(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Passes the DrawableModifiers to the modifyStrands() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyStrands(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Applies the DrawableModifiers to the BetaStrand or BetaStrands currently selected in the "Strands:" menu.
modifyStrands(VisibilityEnum, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
This helper method for applyVisibility() sets up whatever DrawableModifiers are needed and then calls on the modifyStrands() method of the radio panel.
modifyStrands(AtomModifier, BondModifier, SegmentModifier) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Passes the DrawableModifiers to the modifyStrands() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyStrandsToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Default 1 sets the RGB color of Atoms based on Atom type.
modifyStrandsToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Default 1 sets the RGB color of Segments based on Region type.
modifyStrandsToDefault1() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Prepares the DrawableModifier to set RGB colors to a default value, and then calls on the modifyStrands() method of the RadioPanel.
modifyStrandsToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Default 2 sets the RGB color of Atoms based on AminoAcid type.
modifyStrandsToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Default 2 sets the RGB color of Segments based on AminoAcid type.
modifyStrandsToDefault2() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
MotionPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to rotate the image or move the camera.
MotionPanel(Mediator, Frame) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
Constructs a MotionPanel.
MotionPanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listeners for the MotionPanel.
MotionPanelListenerFactory(Mediator, MotionPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.MotionPanelListenerFactory
Constructs a MotionPanelListenerFactory.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
Rotates the model and redraws the canvas in response to the mouse being dragged across the canvas.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
Remembers xy-coordinates where mouse was clicked.
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
Zooms the camera in or out based on the number of wheel clicks.
moveCameraXY(int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Moves the camera in the x and y directions.
moveCameraZ(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
Uses the mouse movement in the vertical direction to zoom the camera in or out.
moveCameraZ(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Moves the camera in the z-direction.
moveX(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Add to the camera x position.
moveY(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Add to the camera y position.
moveZ(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Add to the camera z position.
multiply(Point3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Multiplies the vertex by the local frame.
multiply(Point3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Multiplies a point by this quaternion and returns the resulting point.
multiply(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Multiplies a vector by this quaternion and returns the resulting vector.
multiply(Quaternion) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Creates a clone of the calling Quaternion and multiplies it by the Quaternion given as an argument.
multiplyMe(Quaternion) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Multiplies the calling Quaternion by the argument Quaternion and stores the result in the calling Quaternion.


NamePair - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.textures
Stores a menu name and a file name for a texture.
NamePair() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.NamePair
Constructs a NamePair object.
NamePair(String, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.NamePair
Constructs a NamePair object.
negate() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Creates a new vector equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the calling vector (the calling vector is NOT modified).
negateMe() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
The direction of the calling vector is reversed by setting x to -x, y to -y, and z to -z.
normalize() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Creates and returns a new quaternion that is equivalent to the calling quaternion, but is guaranteed to be of unit length.
normalize() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Creates a new vector that has the same direction as the calling vector, but is of unit length (the calling vector is NOT modified).
normalizeMe() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Normalizes the calling quaternion object by dividing each component of the quaternion by the magnitude of the quaternion.
normalizeMe() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Normalizes the calling vector by determining its length (magnitude) and then dividing x, y, and z by the length.
numberOfAminoAcids() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the number of AminoAcids held by this Chain.
numberOfAminoAcids() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the number of AminoAcids referred to by this Region.
numberOfAtoms() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Returns the number of Atoms held by this Residue.
numberOfBackboneAtoms() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the number of Atoms in the backbone (three if no atoms are missing in the structure).
numberOfBetaStrands() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the number of BetaStrands held by this Chain.
numberOfBetaStrands() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the number of BetaStrands held by this Model.
numberOfBonds() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the number of Bonds held by this Atom.
numberOfCategories() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Description
Returns the number of Category objects held by this Description.
numberOfChains() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the number of Chains held by this Model.
numberOfGlyphs() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSet
Returns the number of Glyphs in the set.
numberOfHelices() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the number of Helices held by this Chain.
numberOfHelices() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the number of Helices held by this Model.
numberOfHeterogens() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the number of Heterogens held by this Chain.
numberOfLines() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Record
Returns the number of lines in the Record.
numberOfLoops() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the number of Loops held by this Chain.
numberOfLoops() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the number of Loops held by this Model.
numberOfModels() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the number of Models held by this Structure.
numberOfRecords() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Category
Returns the number of Records held by this Category.
numberOfSegments() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the number of Segments owned by this Region.
numberOfSideChainAtoms() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Returns the number of Atoms in the side chain.
numberOfWaters() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the number of Waters held by this Chain.


ONE_DEGREE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
1 degree given in radians is PI / 180.
OPEN - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.FileMenu
The OPEN keyboard command is KeyEvent.VK_O and ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK.
openAboutBox() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.HelpMenu
Opens an AboutBox with a message about this program.
openAtomListDialog() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Sets the Atom list dialog to visible and disables the "Atoms" button.
openColorChooser() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ColorPanel
Opens a JColorChooser in a dialog box.
openColorChooser() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.BackgroundMenu
Opens a JColorChooser in a dialog box.
openControlFrame() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Opens the spring-loaded frame holding the control panel.
openControlFrame() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Opens the spring-loaded frame holding the ControlPanel.
openControlFrame() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderGUI
Opens the spring-loaded frame holding the control panel.
openControlPanel() - Static method in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShader
Opens the retractable control panel on the right side of the ProteinShader GUI.
openGraphicsCardInfoDialogBox() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.HelpMenu
Opens a JOptionPane with a short summary of info on the graphics card.
openOutputFile(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Opens a buffered writer using the filename given as an argument.
openWebBrowserToLocalHelp() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.HelpMenu
Opens the default web browser and loads the HELP_FILE html page in the help directory.
openWebBrowserToSourceForgeSite() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.AboutBox
Opens the default web browser to the HelpMenu.SOURCEFORGE_WEB_SITE.
openWebBrowserToSourceForgeSite() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.HelpMenu
Opens the default web browser to the HelpMenu.SOURCEFORGE_WEB_SITE.
OptimizePanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to optimize the display for image quality or rendering speed.
OptimizePanel(Mediator, Frame) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Constructs an OptimizePanel.
OptimizePanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listener for the OptimizePanel.
OptimizePanelListenerFactory(Mediator, OptimizePanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.OptimizePanelListenerFactory
Constructs a OptimizePanelListenerFactory.
org.proteinshader.graphics - package org.proteinshader.graphics
Holds the drawing classes: Ribbon, Tube, FrenetFrames, Sphere, and Cylinder.
org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter - package org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter
Holds the StructureToGraphics class, which is used to manage the use of the drawing classes and OpenGL display lists.
org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists - package org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists
Holds the classes needed to manage OpenGL display lists, which are used to cache reusable geometry for spheres, cylinders, ribbon segments, and tube segments.
org.proteinshader.graphics.enums - package org.proteinshader.graphics.enums
Holds the enums needed by org.proteinshader.graphics and its subpackages.
org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions - package org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions
Holds the exception classes needed by org.proteinshader.graphics and its subpackages.
org.proteinshader.graphics.shader - package org.proteinshader.graphics.shader
Holds the classes needed for compiling and managing the vertex and fragment shaders used for texture mapping and custom lighting calculations.
org.proteinshader.graphics.textures - package org.proteinshader.graphics.textures
Holds the classes needed for creating and managing OpenGL texture objects.
org.proteinshader.graphics.typography - package org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Holds the classes needed for applying text labels to the curved surfaces of tubes and ribbons.
org.proteinshader.graphics.utils - package org.proteinshader.graphics.utils
Holds a testing utility, class SegmentRenderer, which can be used for drawing ribbon and tube segments on-the-fly, rather than using cached geometry in the form of OpenGL display lists.
org.proteinshader.gui - package org.proteinshader.gui
Holds all of the Swing GUI components and their associated listeners, including class Renderer, which is registered as a listener for the GLCanvas object that is used a drawing surface.
org.proteinshader.gui.components - package org.proteinshader.gui.components
Holds the gui components (JPanels and JMenus) needed by class ProteinShaderGUI.
org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel - package org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
Holds the JPanels used in the right-side retractable control panel of the GUI.
org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar - package org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
Holds the JMenus used in menu bar above the canvas.
org.proteinshader.gui.enums - package org.proteinshader.gui.enums
Holds the enums needed by org.proteinshader.gui and its subpackages.
org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions - package org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions
Holds the exception classes needed by org.proteinshader.gui and its subpackages.
org.proteinshader.gui.listeners - package org.proteinshader.gui.listeners
Holds the listener classes for the gui.
org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel - package org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Holds the listeners for components used in the JPanels of the right-side retractable control panel of the GUI.
org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar - package org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar
Holds the listeners for the items used in the JMenus of the menu bar above the canvas.
org.proteinshader.gui.utils - package org.proteinshader.gui.utils
Holds minor utility classes needed by the Renderer.
org.proteinshader.gui.viewing - package org.proteinshader.gui.viewing
Holds important helper classes that the Renderer uses to control the view: Camera, Rotation, Lighting, etc.
org.proteinshader.math - package org.proteinshader.math
The key classes in this package are Hermite and Quaternion, which are needed for generating the ribbons and tubes that are used to represent the backbone of a protein in a cartoon-type display.
org.proteinshader.structure - package org.proteinshader.structure
Holds the classes that store information from a Protein Data Bank file: Structure, Model, Chain, AminoAcid, Heterogen, Water, Atom, Bond, Helix, BetaStrand, Loop, etc.
org.proteinshader.structure.enums - package org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Holds the enums needed by org.proteinshader.structure and its subpackages.
org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions - package org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions
Holds the exception classes needed by org.proteinshader.structure and its subpackages.
org.proteinshader.structure.factory - package org.proteinshader.structure.factory
Holds the factory classes needed for generating the Segment objects that hold the information needed for rendering ribbon and tube segments.
org.proteinshader.structure.io - package org.proteinshader.structure.io
Holds the classes needed for reading Protein Data Bank structure files.
org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos - package org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos
Holds demo classes that were used for early testing of the io classes.
org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums - package org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums
Holds the enums needed for parsing Protein Data Bank structure files.
org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions - package org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions
Holds the exception classes that may be needed when parsing Protein Data Bank structure files.
org.proteinshader.structure.io.filters - package org.proteinshader.structure.io.filters
Holds filters for checking file extensions.
org.proteinshader.structure.sort - package org.proteinshader.structure.sort
Holds the DrawableSorter class, which is needed for sorting Drawable objects based on their distance from the camera.
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor - package org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
Holds Visitor classes that know how to traverse the hierarchy of objects held by class Structure.
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos - package org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos
Holds demo classes that were used for early testing of the Visitor classes.
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums - package org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums
Holds enums needed by the Visitor classes.
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions - package org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions
Holds exception classes needed by the Visitor classes.
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers - package org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers
Holds helper classes for the ModifierVisitor class, which is used to modify Drawable objects (Atoms, Bonds, and Segments).
OrientationEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.gui.enums
Provides a general orientation enumeration.
OrientationMenu - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
Provides the Orientation menu for the MainMenuBar.
OrientationMenu(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.OrientationMenu
Constructs a OrientationMenu.
OrientationMenuListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar
Creates all event listeners needed by the OrientationMenu of the MainMenuBar.
OrientationMenuListenerFactory(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.OrientationMenuListenerFactory
Constructs a OrientationMenuListenerFactory.


PaddedListCellRenderer - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.utils
Adds a single blank space of padding in front of the text written in a cell of a JList or a JComboBox.
PaddedListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.PaddedListCellRenderer
Creates a PaddedListCellRenderer.
parseLine(String, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBLineParser
Verifies that the line is a valid PDB record before adding it's data to the Structure.
PATH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.PDBStructureReaderDemo
PATH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.SegmentDemo
PATH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.ModifierVisitorDemo
PATH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.VisitorDemo
PATTERNS_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Stores the name of the patterns configuration file, which is currently set to 'patterns_textures.conf'.
PATTERNS_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Stores the relative pathname of the patterns textures directory.
PDBAtomFieldExtractor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io
Extracts fields from a PDB ATOM or HETATM record.
PDBAtomFieldExtractor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBAtomFieldExtractor
Constructs a PDBFieldExtractor.
PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io
Extracts fields from a PDB SHEET record.
PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor
Constructs a PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor.
PDBConnectFieldExtractor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io
Extracts fields from a PDB CONECT record.
PDBConnectFieldExtractor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBConnectFieldExtractor
Constructs a PDBFieldExtractor.
PDBFieldExtractorException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions
Used to report that an error occurred while trying to extract a field from a PDB record.
PDBFieldExtractorException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions.PDBFieldExtractorException
Sets the default message to "An error occurred while extracting a field from a PDB record".
PDBFieldExtractorException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions.PDBFieldExtractorException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
PDBFileFilter - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io.filters
Checks if a file has a ".pdb" file ending.
PDBFileFilter() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.filters.PDBFileFilter
Constructs a PDBFileFilter.
PDBHelixFieldExtractor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io
Extracts fields from a PDB HELIX record.
PDBHelixFieldExtractor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBHelixFieldExtractor
Constructs a PDBHelixFieldExtractor.
PDBLineParser - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io
Parses a line from a PDB file and adds it to a Structure.
PDBLineParser(Structure) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBLineParser
Constructs a PDBLineParser for the Structure given as an argument.
PDBLineParserException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions
Used to report that an error occurred while parsing a line from a PDB file.
PDBLineParserException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions.PDBLineParserException
Sets the default message to "An error occurred while parsing a line in a PDB file".
PDBLineParserException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions.PDBLineParserException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
PDBStructureReader - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io
This concrete implementation of interface StructureReader reads a protein structure entry from a '.pdb' file formated according to the PDB Contents Guide (Version 2.2, 20 Dec 1996) and creates a Structure.
PDBStructureReader() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBStructureReader
Creates a PDBStructureReader.
PDBStructureReaderDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos
Temporary class for testing the PDBStructureReader class.
PDBStructureReaderDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.PDBStructureReaderDemo
Constructs a PDBStructureReaderDemo.
PI - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Shape
Pi is defined as 3.14159265358979.
PI - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Pi is defined as 3.14159265358979, and is equal to 180 degrees.
PI - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
Pi is defined as 3.14159265358979.
Point3d - Class in org.proteinshader.math
This class is used to create a point with 3 elements of type double.
Point3d() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
Constructs a Point3d at the origin.
Point3d(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
Constructs a point with the requested xyz-coordinates.
printAngstroms(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Setting print angstroms to true will cause object to camera distances to be printed to standard out for testing and debugging purposes (and will also cause tiling numbers to be printed if automatic tiling is in use).
printAutoTilingNumbers(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
If automatic tiling is in use, setting this method to true will cause the tiling numbers to be printed to standard out for testing and debugging purposes.
printAutoTilingNumbers(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderReferences
If automatic tiling is in use, giving this method an argument of true will cause the tiling numbers to be printed to standard out for testing and debugging purposes.
printAutoTilingNumbers(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
If automatic tiling is in use, giving this method an argument of true will cause the tiling numbers to be printed to standard out for testing and debugging purposes.
printBadLines(List<String>) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.PDBStructureReaderDemo
Prints the bad lines from the PDB file to standard out.
printBadLines(List<String>) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.SegmentDemo
Prints the bad lines from the PDB file to standard out.
printBadLines(List<String>) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.ModifierVisitorDemo
Prints the bad lines from the PDB file to standard out.
printBadLines(List<String>) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.VisitorDemo
Prints the bad lines from the PDB file.
printBanner(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Prints a banner with a row of asterisks above and below the title, and then a message right below the banner.
printBanner(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
Prints a banner with a row of asterisks above and below the title, and then a message right below the banner.
printBanner(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.SlerpDemo
Prints a banner with a row of asterisks above and below the title, and then a message right below the banner.
printColumnVectors(Vec3d, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
Prints the 3 column vectors to standard out.
printColumnVectors(Vec3d, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.SlerpDemo
Prints the 3 column vectors to standard out.
printCurve(Hermite) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.math.HermiteDemo
Uses the Hermite object to obtain and print interpolated points from parameter t = 0.0 to t = 1.0.
printInterpolation(Quaternion, Quaternion, double[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
For each value in the array t, the slerp() method of class Quaternion will be used to calculate and print an interpolated Quaternion between the start and end Quaternions.
printModelViewMatrix() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
This debugging method prints the copy of the ModelViewMatrix stored n m_modelViewMatrix.
printStartAndEndPoints(Point3d, Point3d, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.math.HermiteDemo
Prints the start and end points along with their tangents.
printTextLabel(TextLabel) - Static method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphDemo
Prints information from the TextLabel, including the bitmap.
printXYZ() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Prints the xyz-coordinates for the camera.
processID(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the ID after trimming any leading or trailing whitespace.
processID(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the ID after trimming any leading or trailing whitespace.
processID(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Heterogen
Overrides the processID() method of Residue in order to add guarantee that the residueID of a Heterogen always begins with the HETEROGEN_PREFIX.
processID(String, String) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.structure.IDTest
Returns the ID after trimming any leading or trailing whitespace.
processID(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the Model ID after trimming any leading or trailing whitespace.
processID(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Returns the ID after trimming any leading or trailing whitespace.
processID(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Returns the ID after trimming any leading or trailing whitespace.
processID(String, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the ID after trimming any leading or trailing whitespace.
processSecondaryStructures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBLineParser
Any Helix and BetaStrand records that were found while parsing lines will now be added to the Structure.
ProteinShader - Class in org.proteinshader.gui
Opens the main GUI window for the ProteinShader program.
ProteinShader() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShader
ProteinShaderGUI - Class in org.proteinshader.gui
Provides the main GUI window for the ProteinShader program.
ProteinShaderGUI() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderGUI
Constructs a ProteinShaderGUI.
ProteinShaderSplasher - Class in org.proteinshader.gui
Opens a splash screen, ProteinShaderLogo.png, while the ProteinShaderGUI is in the process of starting up.
ProteinShaderSplasher() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderSplasher


Quaternion - Class in org.proteinshader.math
This class is used to create a quaternion, a four-dimensional complex number that is typically used to represent a rotation in three-dimensional space.
Quaternion() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Constructs the multiplication identity quaternion (x, y, z, w) = (0, 0, 0, 1).
Quaternion(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Constructs a quaternion.
Quaternion(Vec3d, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Creates a quaternion that is equivalent to the rotation contained in the 3 x 3 matrix [N B T].
Quaternion(Vec3d, double) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Creates a quaternion that is equivalent to the rotation specified by the axis and angle (in radians) given as aguments.
QuaternionDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.math
Performs several tests on the Quaternion class, including a test of the SLERP (Spherical Linear intERPolation) algorithm.
QuaternionDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
Creates a QuaternionDemo object with several vector and quaternions that can be used for testing purposes.
QUIT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.FileMenu
The QUIT keyboard command is KeyEvent.VK_Q and ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK.


RADIANS_PER_DEGREE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Pi divided by 180 degrees.
RadioButtonEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.gui.enums
Provides an enumeration of the types of radio buttons in the RadioPanel class.
RadioPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
Presents a common set of radio buttons and menus that are used by other panels (color, visibility, and scale panels).
RadioPanel(Mediator, Frame, RadioPanel.Type) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Constructs a RadioPanel.
RadioPanel.Type - Enum in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
There are two slightly different versions of the RadioPanel.
RadioPanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listener for the RadioPanel.
RadioPanelListenerFactory(RadioPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.RadioPanelListenerFactory
Constructs a RadioPanelListenerFactory.
readConfigFile(String) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.ConfigReader
Reads a configuration file to obtain a list of menu names with a matching filename for each menu name.
readConfigFile(File) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.ConfigReader
Reads a configuration file to obtain a list of menu names with a matching filename for each menu name.
readConfigFile(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.EqualSignConfigReader
Reads a configuration file to obtain a list of menu names with a matching filename for each menu name.
readConfigFile(File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.EqualSignConfigReader
Reads a configuration file to obtain a list of menu names with a matching filename for each menu name.
readConfigFile(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSetFactoryFactory
Reads the config file and stores its key-value pairs in a Properties object, which is a type of hash.
readFontFile(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FpsLabel
Reads the fpsfont.glf file and stores an OpenGL texture object with the characters to be used for printing frames per second on the canvas during an animation.
readGlyphSet() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Obtains a set of glyphs by using the default '.conf' configuration file in the fonts directory.
readGlyphSet(Properties) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2GlyphSetFactory
Reads information from a '.glf' file and constructs a GlyphSet object.
readGlyphSet(Properties) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSetFactory
Reads information from a source and constructs a GlyphSet object.
readGlyphSet() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelFactory
Obtains a set of glyphs by using the default '.conf' configuration file in the fonts directory.
readGlyphSet(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelFactory
Reads the config file given as an argument and use the info to create a GlyphSet.
readGlyphSet() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
Obtains a set of glyphs by using the default '.conf' configuration file in the fonts directory.
readStructure(File) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Reads in a new Structure to display.
readStructure(File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Reads in a new Structure to display.
readStructure(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBStructureReader
Reads a protein structure from a ".pdb" file and returns a Structure object.
readStructure(File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.PDBStructureReader
Reads a protein structure from a ".pdb" file and returns a Structure object.
readStructure(String) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.structure.io.StructureReader
Reads a protein structure from a file and returns a Structure object.
readStructure(File) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.structure.io.StructureReader
Reads a protein structure from a file and returns a Structure object.
readTextureFiles(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureManager
Calls on the TextureFactory to read the texture files specified in the texture config file.
Record - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
A Record object serves as a container for the lines of a PDB record.
Record(String, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Record
Constructs a Record with the name specified as an argument.
RecordEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums
This file provides an enumeration of the record types defined in the Protein Data Bank Content Guide (Version 2.2, 20 Dec 1996).
RecordEnumDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums
RecordEnumDemo is for testing RecordEnum.
RecordEnumDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.RecordEnumDemo
redrawCanvas() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Redraws the canvas.
redrawCanvas() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Redraws the canvas.
redrawCanvas() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderGUI
Redraws the canvas.
Region - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
Abstract class that contains references to a region of a Chain of AminoAcids.
Region(String, String, Chain) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Constructor for use by subclasses.
RegionColorEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
PrProvides default colors for regions of protein secondary structure (alpha-helices, beta-strands and general loop regions).
RegionEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides a Region type enumeration (Loop, Helix, or BetaStrand) useful for marking AminoAcids.
RegionMode - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums
Provides an enumeration that can be used to control whether a Visitor object traverses Regions (Helices or BetaStrands).
removeBond(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Removes the Bond from this Atom (the source) to the destination Atom.
removeBond(Bond) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Removes the Bond if it exists.
removeCategory(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Description
Removes a Category.
removeLine(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Record
Removes the first occurrence of a line from the Record.
removeRecord(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Category
Removes a Record.
Renderer - Class in org.proteinshader.gui
Knows how to render a protein image onto a GLCanvas.
Renderer(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Constructs a Renderer.
replaceLowerPanel(JPanel) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Replaces the lower panel of the RadioPanel.
resetDistance() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Sets the camera position based on the initial camera distance calculated when a new Structure is loaded.
reshape(GLAutoDrawable, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Called on when the GLAutoDrawable object has changed its size so that the perspective and viewport can be recalculated.
reshape(GL, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Called on when the GLAutoDrawable object has changed its size so that the perspective and viewport can be recalculated.
Residue - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
This abstract class serves as a container for one or more Atoms.
Residue(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Constructor for use by subclasses.
ResidueEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration that can be used to restrict a Visitor to traversing only a particular Residue type.
ResidueMode - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums
Provides an enumeration that can be used to control the traversal pattern of a Visitor object.
reverseXYAxesOfMiddleRotation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Modifies the middle rotation quaternion such that if it is converted to the matrix [N B T], the N (x-axis) and B (y-axis) column vectors are inverted.
Ribbon - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics
Draws a segment of a three-dimensional ribbon by using a rectangular-shaped waist polygon.
Ribbon() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Constructs a Ribbon using the default values for a LOOP.
Ribbon(RegionEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Constructs a Ribbon using default values based on the Region type (Helix, BetaStrand, or Loop).
Ribbon(double, double, double, double, boolean, double, double) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Constructs a Ribbon.
rotate(Point3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Returns a new point produced by rotating the point given as an argument by the quaternion held in this local frame.
rotate(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Returns a new vector produced by rotating the vector given as an argument by the quaternion held in this local frame.
rotateAboutXY(double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Rotates the model about the x-axis and y-axis.
rotateAboutXY(double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Rotates the model about the x-axis and y-axis.
rotateAboutZ(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Rotates the model about the z-axis.
rotateAboutZ(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Rotates the model about the z-axis.
rotateScaleAndCenterModel(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
This helper method for display() rotates, scales, and centers the model.
Rotation - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.viewing
Keeps track of rotation transformations of the current model.
Rotation(Mediator, FpsLabel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Constructs a Renderer.


S_MAX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The ending s-coordinate for texture mapping is 2.0, which will cause a texture image to wrap around the tube twice.
S_MIN - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
The starting s-coordinate for texture mapping is 0.0.
scale(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Creates a new vector by scaling the calling vector by the magnitude given as an argument (the calling vector is NOT modified).
SCALE_INCREMENT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
The increment for the scale spinner is 0.1.
SCALE_INIT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
The initial value for the scale spinner is 1.0.
SCALE_MAX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
The maximum radius scale factor is 10.0.
SCALE_MIN - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
The minimum radius scale factor is 0.1.
scaleBallRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Scales the ball radius for use in stick-and-ball type models.
scaleBallRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.AtomModifier
Stores a memory that the ball radius (used in stick-and-ball models) needs to be multiplied by the scale factor given as an argument.
scaleMe(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Scales the calling vector by the value given as an argument.
ScalePanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listeners for the AtomScalePanel.
ScalePanelListenerFactory(Mediator, AtomScalePanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.ScalePanelListenerFactory
Constructs a ScalePanelListenerFactory.
scaleRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Multiplies the default radius by the scale factor given as an argument.
scaleRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the radius needs to be multiplied by the scale factor given as an argument.
ScreenShot - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.viewing
Knows how to take a screen shot of the image on a GLCanvas and save it as a JPEG, PNG, or GIF file.
ScreenShot(ImageFormatEnum, File) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.ScreenShot
Constructs a ScreenShot.
ScreenShotException - Exception in org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions
Used to report an error that prevented a screen shot from being taken.
ScreenShotException(ImageFormatEnum, File, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions.ScreenShotException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
ScreenShotException(ImageFormatEnum, File, String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions.ScreenShotException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
Segment - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
When a protein is drawn as a tube-like structure, a Segment is a length of the tube that corresponds to an AminoAcid.
Segment(AminoAcid, Hermite, Hermite, Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Creates a Segment.
SEGMENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.factory.SegmentFactory
If an AminoAcid does not have an adjacent AminoAcid before or after it, then the Segment representing the AminoAcid will have it length determined by this constant, which currently is set at 2.6 angstroms in length.
SegmentDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos
Prints Segment data for troubleshooting.
SegmentDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.SegmentDemo
Constructs a SegmentDemo.
SegmentException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions
Used to report an error while trying to create a Segment object.
SegmentException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.SegmentException
Sets the default message to "ERROR: A Segment object could not be created".
SegmentException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.exceptions.SegmentException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
SegmentFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.factory
Creates Segment objects for a Region (Loop, Helix, or BetaStrand).
SegmentFactory() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.factory.SegmentFactory
No-arg constructor, which will be called automatically by concrete subclasses.
SegmentListInfo - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists
Stores information on an OpenGL display list for a Segment.
SegmentListInfo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentListInfo
Constructs a SegmentListInfo.
SegmentListInfo(int, StyleEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentListInfo
Constructs a SegmentListInfo.
SegmentModifier - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers
This helper class for the ModifierVisitor knows how to accept a Segment object and modify its attributes.
SegmentModifier() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Constructs an SegmentModifier.
SegmentReferences - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists
Stores information on multiple OpenGL display lists that can be used for rendering Segments with different degrees of detail (this first version only holds one OpenGL display list for each Segment, but a future version will likely hold multiple OpenGL display lists for each Segment (with varying tiling number) so that the level of detail to be used can be calculated based on camera distance).
SegmentReferences() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Constructs a SegmentReferences object.
SegmentRenderer - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.utils
This class is intended only as a testing utility: it allows tube or ribbons segments to be drawn on-the-fly, rather than from OpenGL display lists, soley for the purpose of measure the performance advantage of caching geometry in OpenGL display lists.
SegmentRenderer() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Constructs a SegmentReferences object.
SEGMENTS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.math.HermiteDemo
The number of segments to divide the curve into is 10, so the total number of points printed will be 11, including the points for t = 0.0 and t = 1.0.
SelectorPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
Provides a panel with menus and lists for selecting a Structure's Models, Chains, Residues, Atoms, Helices, and BetaStrands.
SelectorPanel(Mediator, Frame) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Constructs a SelectorPanel.
SelectorPanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listeners for the components of the SelectorPanel.
SelectorPanelListenerFactory(Mediator, SelectorPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.SelectorPanelListenerFactory
Constructs a SelectorPanelListenerFactory.
SeparatorListCellRenderer - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.utils
Uses a Matte Border to add a separator (a dividing line) to the top of a menu item.
SeparatorListCellRenderer(String[], Color) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.SeparatorListCellRenderer
Creates a SeparatorListCellRenderer that will add a separator (a dividing line) at the top of each menu item with a String matching one of the Strings given the constuctor.
SERIAL_NO_CACHE_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Default starting capacity for Atom serial number cache.
setAABondVisibility(VisibilityEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
Determines what visibility status the Bond generator will use when generating Bonds for AminoAcids.
setAccPerspective(GLAutoDrawable, GL, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Sets the projection matrix by using the glFrustrum() method of OpenGL.
setActiveRadioButton(RadioButtonEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Sets the RadioButtonEnum corresponding to the currently active radio button: SELECTED, HELICES, STRANDS, LOOPS, or GLOBAL.
setActiveRadioButton(JComboBox) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
This method is called by the menu action listener in order to update the active radio button.
setAllCheckBoxesSelected(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.VisibilityMenu
Sets the selection state on all check box menu items.
setAllStackNumbersToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets all stacks numbers to the defaults defined in classes Tube and Ribbon (for loops, alpha-helices, and beta-strands).
setAllStackNumbersToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets all stacks numbers to the defaults defined in classes Tube and Ribbon (for loops, alpha-helices, and beta-strands).
setAlpha(float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the alpha component of the RGBA color.
setAlpha(float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the alpha component of the RGBA color needs to be set to the value given as an argument.
setAlphaRibbonStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing an alpha-helix as a ribbon.
setAlphaRibbonStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing an alpha-helix as a ribbon.
setAlphaRibbonStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing an alpha-helix as a ribbon to the default value defined in class Ribbon.
setAlphaRibbonStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing an alpha-helix as a ribbon to the default value defined in class Ribbon.
setAlphaToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Uses the Atom type to set the alpha component of the color to the default value specified in AtomEnum.
setAlphaToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the alpha component of the RGBA color to DEFAULT_ALPHA.
setAlphaToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the alpha value of the RGBA color needs to be set to its default.
setAlphaTubeStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing an alpha-helix as a tube.
setAlphaTubeStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing an alpha-helix as a tube.
setAlphaTubeStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing an alpha-helix as a tube to the default value defined in class Tube.
setAlphaTubeStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing an alpha-helix as a tube to the default value defined in class Tube.
setAltAtom(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Sets the alternate Atom.
setAminoAcidsCheckBoxSelected(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.VisibilityMenu
Sets the selection state on the 'Amino Acids' check box menu item.
setAminoAcidType(AminoAcidEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Marks the Atom as belonging to a particular type of AminoAcid.
setAngstromsPerPixel(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
The Camera class should use this method to set a conversion factor that will allow an x or y axis distance in viewport pixels be converted to an x or y distance in world coordinates (angstroms) at the current object to camera distance.
setAtomList(Residue) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Sets the Atom list for a Residue.
setAutoTiling(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
If automatic tiling is set to true, then the level of detail (tiling number) for a sphere or cylinder will be calculated based on the camera distance for each Atom or Bond, respectively.
setAutoTiling(boolean) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
If automatic tiling is set to true, then the level of detail (tiling number) for a sphere or cylinder will be calculated based on the camera distance for each Atom or Bond, respectively.
setAutoTiling(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
If automatic tiling is set to true, then the level of detail (tiling number) for a sphere or cylinder will be calculated based on the camera distance for each Atom or Bond, respectively.
setBackgroundColor(float, float, float) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Sets the background color for the canvas.
setBackgroundColor(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Sets the background color for the canvas.
setBackgroundColor(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Sets the background color for the canvas.
setBallRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Sets the ball radius for use in stick-and-ball type models.
setBallRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.AtomModifier
Stores a memory that the ball radius needs to be set to the value given as an argument.
setBallRadiusToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Uses the AtomEnum type to set the ball radius to a fraction of the covalent radius.
setBallRadiusToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.AtomModifier
Stores a memory that the ball radius needs to be set to its default.
setBaseCapped(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Sets a boolean indicating whether the base of the cylinder is capped with a small sphere.
setBaseRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Sets the base radius that was used to draw the cylinder in the display list.
setBendTexture(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Sets the name (an integer) of an OpenGL texture object (stored on the graphics card) that can be used as a second texture for adding extra lines in the middle of segments that have a sharp bend to them.
setBendTexture(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Stores a memory that the Segment needs to have its OpenGL bend texture (an integer reference) set.
setBetaRibbonStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a beta-strand as a ribbon.
setBetaRibbonStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a beta-strand as a ribbon.
setBetaRibbonStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a beta-strand as a ribbon to the default value defined in class Ribbon.
setBetaRibbonStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a beta-strand as a ribbon to the default value defined in class Ribbon.
setBetaTubeStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a beta-strand as a tube.
setBetaTubeStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a beta-strand as a tube.
setBetaTubeStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a beta-strand as a tube to the default value defined in class Tube.
setBetaTubeStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a beta-strand as a tube to the default value defined in class Tube.
setCameraDepth(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
The camera class should use this method to set a memory of the camera depth (z-coordinate of Drawable object in camera space).
setCameraDistance(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
The camera class should use this method to set a memory of the distance between the xyz-center of this object and the camera.
setCapEnd(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Sets a boolean value to remember if the end of the Segment should always be capped when it is drawn.
setCapSlices(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Sets the number of slices that were used to draw the capping sphere at one or both ends of the cylinder (if a capping sphere was used).
setCapStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Sets the number of stacks that were used to draw the capping sphere at one or both ends of the cylinder (if a capping sphere was used).
setCapStart(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Sets a boolean value to remember if the start of the Segment should be always be capped when it is drawn.
setCenter(double, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Sets the xyz-coordinates for the center of gravity of the current model.
setCenterPanelComponentsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Setting enabled to false will cause the center panel components to be grayed out (so they cannot be used).
setChainMenu(Model) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Adds the Model's Chains to the Chain menu.
setCharge(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Sets the electrical charge on the Atom.
setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Clears the Atom modifier and sets the RGB colors.
setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Clears the SegmentModifier and sets the RGB colors.
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the (red, green, blue, alpha ) components of the RGBA color.
setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the (red, green, blue) components of the RGBA color.
setColor(float[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the RGBA color by copying the values from the color array given as an argument.
setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.AtomModifier
Stores a memory that the (red, green, blue) components of the RGBA color need to be set to the values given as arguments.
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the (red, green, blue, alpha) components of the RGBA color all need to be set to the values given as arguments.
setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the (red, green, blue) components of the RGBA color need to be set to the values given as arguments.
setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Stores a memory that the (red, green, blue) components of the RGBA color need to be set to the values given as arguments.
setColorToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Uses the Bond type to set the Drawable color to the default CPK color value specified in BondEnum.
setControlPanelCheckBoxState(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.ToolsMenu
Sets the selection state on the control panel check box menu item.
setCurrentAtoms(Atom[]) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Sets the current Atoms.
setCurrentAtoms(Atom[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Sets the current Atoms.
setCurrentChain(Chain) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Sets the current Chain.
setCurrentChain(Chain) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Sets the current Chain.
setCurrentModel(Model) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Sets the current Model.
setCurrentModel(Model) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Sets the current Model.
setCurrentResidues(Residue[]) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Sets the current Residues.
setCurrentResidues(Residue[]) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Sets the current Residues.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2GlyphSetFactory
Setting debug to true will activate several print statements that are useful for troubleshooting.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GlyphSetFactory
Setting debug to true will activate several print statements that are useful for troubleshooting.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelFactory
Setting debug to true will turn on debugging (which prints data to standard out) for the GlyphSetFactory.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
Setting debug to true will turn on debugging (which prints data to standard out).
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Sets debug to true or false.
setDecoration(DecorationEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
Sets up a SegmentModifier to change the decoration type and then passes the SegmentModifier to the RadioPanel.
setDecoration(DecorationEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Sets the decoration type for this Segment (PLAIN, WIREFRAME, TEXT_LABEL, or HALFTONING).
setDecoration(DecorationEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Stores a memory that the decoration (PLAIN, WIREFRAME, TEXT_LABEL, or HALFTONING) needs to be set on the Segment.
setDefaultRadioButtonAndMenu() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Sets the default radio button and menu, which are currently the radio button labeled "Selected:" and the first menu item, which is "Model".
setDefaultTextures() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
If the default decoration type for a Segment, Segment.DECORATION, is PATTERNS or HALFTONING, texture maps will be applied.
setDimensions(double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Sets the width (x-axis dimension) and the height (y-axis dimension) of the rectangular waist polygon.
setDisplayListName(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.GeometricListInfo
Sets the name of the OpenGL display list that this GeometricListInfo object stores information on.
setEndCapName(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentListInfo
Sets the reference to the OpenGL display list for the end cap.
setExtraLines(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
If tubes or ribbons are being rendered, lines will be drawn at the beginning and end of each segment if extra lines is set to true.
setExtraLines(boolean) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Controls whether extra lines (at the beginning and end of each segment of a tube or ribbon) will be shown when the display is in cartoon mode.
setExtraLines(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Controls whether extra lines (at the beginning and end of each segment of a tube or ribbon) will be shown when the style is a cartoon type.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Sets the File with the complete pathname for the file the texture was read from.
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.NamePair
Sets the name of the file that the texture is to be read from.
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Sets the name of the file that the texture was read from.
setFPSTextureAndShader(GL, int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Sets the texture object and shaders to be used when drawing an fps (frames per second) label on the canvas.
setFragFile(File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Sets the fragment shader source code File.
setFragShaderName(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Sets the name (an integer) of the OpenGL fragment shader object.
setFrenetFramesShaders(ShaderManager) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Makes the ShaderManager object available for use in the FrenetFrames object.
setGluPerspective(GLAutoDrawable, GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Sets the projection matrix by using the gluPerspective() method of OpenGL.
setHalftoningTexture(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Sets the name (an integer) of an OpenGL texture object (stored on the graphics card) that can be used for real-time halftoning with the Segment.
setHalftoningTexture(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Stores a memory that the Segment needs to have its OpenGL halftoning texture (an integer reference) set.
setHeight(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Sets the height that was used to draw the cylinder stored in the display list.
setHeightFactor(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
Sets the height factor.
setHeterogensCheckBoxSelected(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.VisibilityMenu
Sets the selection state on the 'Heterogens' check box menu item.
setImageOrientation(OrientationEnum) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Sets the image to the requested orientation (Front, Back, Left, etc.).
setImageOrientation(OrientationEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Sets the image to the requested orientation (Front, Back, Left, etc.).
setImageOrientation(OrientationEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Resets the orientation of the image by resetting the angle of rotation about the x-axis and the angle of rotation about the y-axis.
setImageOrientation(OrientationEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Resets the orientation of the image by resetting the angle of rotation about the x-axis and the angle of rotation about the y-axis.
setImageScale(double) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Sets the scale factor for the image.
setImageScale(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Sets the scale factor for the image.
setInitialCameraDistance(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Sets the initial camera distance on the z-axis.
setListsToFill(List<Segment>, List<Drawable>, List<Drawable>) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.VisibilityVisitor
Sets the lists to place opaque and translucent Drawable objects in.
setLoopRibbonStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a loop as a ribbon.
setLoopRibbonStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a loop as a ribbon.
setLoopRibbonStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a loop as a ribbon to the default value defined in class Ribbon.
setLoopRibbonStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a loop as a ribbon to the default value defined in class Ribbon.
setLoopTubeStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a loop as a tube.
setLoopTubeStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a loop as a tube.
setLoopTubeStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentReferences
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a loop as a tube to the default value defined in class Tube.
setLoopTubeStacksToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.utils.SegmentRenderer
Sets the number of stacks for drawing a loop as a tube to the default value defined in class Tube.
setMaterial(GL, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Shape
Sets the material properties for the object about to be drawn.
setMenuName(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.NamePair
Sets a menu name for the texture.
setMenuName(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Sets the menu name for the texture.
setMinBondLength(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
Sets the minimum Bond length value used for Bond prediction.
setMinBondLength(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondPredictor
Sets the minimum acceptable Bond length.
setMinMaxXYZ(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Sets the minimum and maximum values for the xyz-coordinates.
setMode(RegionMode) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Sets the traversal mode with regard to Regions: NO_REGIONS, LOOPS, HELICES, BETA_STRANDS, or ALL_REGIONS.
setMode(ResidueMode) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Sets the traversal mode with regard to what kind of Residues should be visited: ALL, AMINO_ACIDS, AA_AND_HETEROGENS, AA_AND_WATERS, HETEROGENS, WATERS, HET_AND_WATERS, or NONE.
setMode(AAPortionMode) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Sets the traversal mode with regard to what portion of each AminoAcid should be visited: ENTIRE_AA, BACKBONE, SIDE_CHAIN, N, CA, C, O, or OXT.
setMode(AminoAcidEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Restricts the traversal to a particular AminoAcid type (this mode can also be used to restrict which Segments are visited).
setMode(AtomEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Sets the traversal mode with regard to Atom type.
setMode(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Restricts the traversal to an atomID (as examples, all alpha carbons have the atomID of "CA", and all carbonyl oxygens have the atomID of "O").
setModelMenu(Structure) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Adds the Structure's Models to the Model menu.
setName(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Sets the OpenGL reference (an integer) for a texture object stored on the graphics card.
setNewStructureFlag(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Informs the Renderer if a new Structure has been loaded so that the camera distance can be reset before the image is shown.
setNextSegment(Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Stores a reference to the next Segment within the same Region.
setPair(ShaderEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Sets the type of shader pair (vertex and fragment pair).
setPatternsTexture(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Sets the name (an integer) of an OpenGL texture object (stored on the graphics card) that can be used for applying a pattern to the surface of this Segment.
setPatternsTexture(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Stores a memory that the Segment needs to have its OpenGL patterns texture (an integer reference) set.
setPercentField(float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Sets the value for the "% Translucent" text field.
setPrevSegment(Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Stores a reference to the previous Segment within the same Region.
setProgramName(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Sets the name (an integer) of the OpenGL Shading Language "program" object.
setRadioPanelSelectedMenu(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ControlPanel
Sets the "Selected:" menu in the RadioPanel (for both atom and cartoon modifier panels) of the ModiferPanel.
setRadioPanelSelectedMenu(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ModifierPanel
Sets the "Selected:" menu in the RadioPanel (for both atom and cartoon modifier panels) to the item given as an argument.
setRadioPanelSelectedMenu(String) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Sets the "Selected:" menu in the RadioPanel (for both atom and cartoon modifier panels) of the ModiferPanel.
setRadioPanelSelectedMenu(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Sets the "Selected:" menu in the RadioPanel (for both atom and cartoon modifier panels) of the ModiferPanel.
setRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereListInfo
Sets the radius used to draw the sphere in the display list.
setRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
Sets the radius used for drawing the waist polygon, which approximates a circle as the number of vertices becomes large.
setRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the radius.
setRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
Sets the radius used for drawing the waist polygon, which approximates a circle as the number of vertices becomes large.
setRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the radius needs to be set to the value given as an argument.
setRadiusToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Uses the AtomEnum type to set the radius to the van der Waals radius.
setRadiusToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Uses the Bond type to set the radius to the default radius specified in BondEnum.
setRadiusToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the radius to DEFAULT_RADIUS.
setRadiusToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the radius needs to be set to its default.
setRegionIDAndType(String, RegionEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Sets the regionID and the Region type.
setResidueList(Chain) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.SelectorPanel
Checks the currently selected Residue type (AminoAcids, Heterogens, or Waters) and copies them from the Chain to the Residue list.
setRGBAToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the color by calling on setRGBToDefault() and setAlphaToDefault().
setRGBAToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the (red, green, blue, alpha) components of the RGBA color all need to be set to their defaults.
setRGBToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Uses the Atom type to set the RGB (red, green, blue) color components to the default CPK color value specified in AtomEnum.
setRGBToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the (red, green, blue) components of the color to DEFAULT_RED, DEFAULT_GREEN, and DEFAULT_BLUE, respectively.
setRGBToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.AtomModifier
Stores a memory that the (red, green, blue) components of the RGBA color need to be set to their default.
setRGBToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the (red, green, blue) components of the RGBA color need to be set to their default.
setRGBToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Stores a memory that the (red, green, blue) components of the RGBA color need to be set to their default.
setRotation(double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Set the rotation to the quaternion xyzw-values given as arguments.
setRotation(Quaternion) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Holds on to the Quaternion given as an argument so that it can be used as the rotation of the local coordinate frame.
setRotation(Quaternion) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Sets the rotation (the equivalent of a Frenet Frame) that will be needed for creating a Segment object based on this AminoAcid.
setRotation(double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.AminoAcid
Sets the rotation (the equivalent of a Frenet Frame) that will be needed for creating a Segment object based on this AminoAcid.
setScale(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Sets the scale factor for the image.
setScale(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Sets the scale factor for the image.
setSCoordParameters(double, double, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Sets the lowest and highest s-coordinate for texture, and also sets the direction in which the s-texture coordinate increases.
setSegment(Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Sets the Segment the Atom is associated with.
setSegment(Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Sets the Segment the Bond is associated with.
setSegmentAlpha(float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Sets the alpha component of the RGBA color for all Segments held by this Region.
setSegmentAlphaToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
The defalult alpha value is 1.0.
setSegmentRGB(float, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Sets the RGB color on all Segments held by this Region.
setSegmentRGBToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
The default RGB color is determined by the Region type.
setSegmentsToAminoAcidColors() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Sets the color of each Segment in the Region to the AAColorEnum for the AminoAcid the Segment corresponds to.
setSegmentsToRegionColor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Region
Sets the color of each Segment in the Region to the default color for the type of Region the Segment belongs to.
setSelectedMenu(String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Sets the "Selected:" menu to the item given as an argument.
setSelectionToDefaultSubpanel() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ModifierPanel
Sets the subpanel menu to the default subpanel.
setShaders(ShaderManager) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The ShaderManager is only needed because of an apparent bug on some Mac OS X machines where material color can only be set once after a custom shader is set, so to draw Frenet frames with more than one color, the shaders must be reset each time.
setShape(HelixShapeEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
Sets the shape that should be used to represent the Helix.
setShapeToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
Sets the shape the default value, DEFAULT_SHAPE.
setSideChainStyle(SideChainEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonSideChainsPanel
Applies the requested side chain style (NONE, SPACE_FILLING, BALLS_AND_STICKS, or STICKS) to whatever item or items are currently selected in the RadioPanel.
setSideChainStyle(SideChainEnum, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Sets the side chain style (NONE, SPACE_FILLING, STICK_AND_BALLS, or STICKS) and determines whether the alpha-carbon should be shown.
setSideChainStyle(SideChainEnum, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Stores a memory that the side chain display needs to be set.
setSlices(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Sets the number of slices that were used to draw the cylinder stored in thedisplay list.
setSlices(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereListInfo
Sets the number of slices that were used to draw the sphere stored in the display list.
setSlices(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
Sets the number of slices that the nearly circular waist polygon would be divided into if a line was drawn from the center of the polygon to each vertex.
setSlicesAndSCoordParameters(int, float, float, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
Sets the direction in which the s-texture coordinate increases from sCoordStart to sCoordEnd and then calls on setSlicesAndSCoordRange().
setSlicesAndSCoordRange(int, float, float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
Sets the number of slices that the nearly circular waist polygon would be divided into if a line was drawn from the center of the polygon to each vertex.
setSliderValue(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Sets the current value for the slider.
setSpecularExp(float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the specular exponent to be used in lighting calculations.
setSpecularExp(float) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the specular exponent needs to be set to the value given as an argument.
setSpecularExpToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the specular exponent to the default value, DEFAULT_SPECULAR_EXP.
setSpecularExpToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the specular exponent needs to be set to its default.
setSpinnerToCylinderCapValue() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Sets the value in the tiling spinner to the value displayed under the radio button for cylinder caps.
setSpinnerToCylinderValue() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Sets the value in the tiling spinner to the value displayed under the radio button for cylinders.
setSpinnerToSphereValue() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Sets the value in the tiling spinner to the value displayed under the radio button for spheres.
setStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Sets the number of stacks that were used to draw the cylinder in the display list.
setStacks(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereListInfo
Sets the number of stacks that were used to draw the sphere in the display list.
setStartCapName(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentListInfo
Sets the reference to the OpenGL display list for the start cap.
setStyle(StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
setStyle(StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.GeometricListInfo
Sets the style that this geometric object is intended for: SPACE_FILLING, BALLS_AND_STICKS, or STICKS.
setStyle(StyleEnum) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
setStyle(StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
setThinSideMinAndMaxS(double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
Sets the minimum and maximum values for the texture s-coordinate for the thin sides of the ribbon.
setThinSidesName(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SegmentListInfo
Sets the reference to the OpenGL display list for the thin sides of a Ribbon.
setToAminoAcidColor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Sets the color of this Atom to the color of the AminoAcid it belongs to (if any).
setToAminoAcidColor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Sets the Segment color to the AAColorEnum for the AminoAcid this Segment corresponds to.
setToAminoAcidColor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.AtomModifier
Stores a memory that the Atom should be set to the default color for the AminoAcid that it belongs to.
setToAminoAcidColor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Stores a memory that the Segment should be set to the default color for the AminoAcid that it represents.
setToDefault() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.StyleMenu
Sets the "Style" menu to the default INITIAL_STYLE.
setTolerance(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
Sets the tolerance value used for Bond prediction.
setTolerance(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondPredictor
Sets the Bond length tolerance.
setTopCapped(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Sets a boolean indicating whether the top of the cylinder is capped with a small sphere.
setTopRadius(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.CylinderListInfo
Sets the top radius that was used to draw the cylinder in the display list.
setToRegionColor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Sets the Segment color to the RegionColorEnum for the type of Region this Segment belongs to.
setToRegionColor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.SegmentModifier
Stores a memory that the Segment should be set to the default color for the Region that it belongs to.
setTranslation(double, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Set the translation to the xyz-values given as arguments.
setTranslation(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
Holds on the the vector given as an argument so that it can be used as the translation for the local coordinate frame.
setType(BondEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Sets the Bond's type as an enum (SINGLE, DOUBLE, PEPTIDE, etc.).
setType(HelixEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
Sets the type of Helix.
setVertFile(File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Sets the vertex shader source code File.
setVertShaderName(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Sets the name (an integer) of the OpenGL vertex shader object.
setVisibility(VisibilityEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Sets the visibility status of the Drawable object.
setVisibility(VisibilityEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers.DrawableModifier
Stores a memory that the visibility status needs to be set to the value given as an argument.
setVisible(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
If animate is true, a timer is used to gradually open or close the frame.
setVisibleDrawables(Model, StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
An array of opaque Segments, and array of opaque Atoms and Bonds, and an array of translucent Drawable objects will be obtained from the Model.
setVisitSegments(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Sets a boolean to indicate that Segments should be visited
setWaterBondVisibility(VisibilityEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
Determines what visibility status the Bond generator use when generating Bonds for Waters.
setWatersCheckBoxSelected(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.VisibilityMenu
Sets the selection state on the 'Waters' check box menu item.
setWidthFactor(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
Sets the width factor.
setXYZ(double, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
Sets the xyz-values of the point.
setXYZ(double, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Sets the xyz-values of the vector.
setXYZ(Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Sets the xyz-values of the vector to the xyz-values of the vector given as an argument.
setXYZW(double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Sets the xyzw-values of the quaternion.
setXYZW(Quaternion) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Sets the xyzw-values of the quaternion to the xyzw-values of the quaternion given as an argument.
setXYZW(Vec3d, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Calculates and sets (x, y, z, w) of this quaternion based on the rotation contained in the 3 x 3 matrix [N B T].
setXYZW(Vec3d, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Calculates and sets (x, y, z, w) of this quaternion based on the axis and angle (in radians) given as aguments.
SFWriterVisitor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
A simple file writer subclass of Visitor that writes to a file all of the data from each Model in a Structure.
SFWriterVisitor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Constructs a SFWriterVisitor.
SFWriterVisitor(String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Constructs a SFWriterVisitor that will write to the output file given as an argument.
SHADER_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgramFactory
Specifies the directory the OpenGL Shading Language vertex and fragment shaders are kept in.
ShaderEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.graphics.enums
Specifies the types of vertex and fragment shader pairs used in the ProteinShader program, and provides a place to specify the names of the shader files.
ShaderException - Exception in org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions
To report errors that occur while creating or using an OpenGL shader.
ShaderException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.ShaderException
Sets the default message to "An error occurred while using an OpenGL shader".
ShaderException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.ShaderException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
ShaderManager - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.shader
Knows how to use a ShaderProgramFactory to compile OpenGL shader programs and has methods to enable shaders.
ShaderManager() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderManager
Constructs a ShaderManager.
ShaderProgram - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.shader
Stores information on an OpenGL Shading Language "program" object.
ShaderProgram(File, File, ShaderEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Constructs a ShaderProgram object to store info on an OpenGL Shading Language "program" object.
ShaderProgram() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram
Constructs a ShaderProgram object to store info on an OpenGL Shading Language "program" object.
ShaderProgramFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.shader
Knows how to compile and link an OpenGL Shading Language vertex shader and fragment shader to get an OpenGL "program" object.
ShaderProgramFactory() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.shader.ShaderProgramFactory
Constructs a ShaderProgramFactory.
Shape - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics
Contains common methods needed by classes that draw geometric objects.
Shape() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.Shape
Constructor for use by subclasses.
showAminoAcids(boolean) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Controls whether the Renderer will display AminoAcids.
showAminoAcids(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Controls whether the Renderer will display AminoAcids.
showAminoAcids(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Controls whether the Renderer will display AminoAcids.
showHeterogens(boolean) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Controls whether the Renderer will display Heterogens.
showHeterogens(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Controls whether the Renderer will display Heterogens.
showHeterogens(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Controls whether the Renderer will display Heterogens.
showSaveDialog(Component) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.ImageFileChooser
Sets the default filename for saving a file and then calls on the showSaveDialog(c) of the super class, JFileChooser, to pop open a "Save File" file chooser dialog.
showWaters(boolean) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Controls whether the Renderer will display Waters.
showWaters(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Controls whether the Renderer will display Waters.
showWaters(boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Controls whether the Renderer will display Waters.
SideChainEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration to specify how an amino acid side chain should be displayed is it is shown in combination with a tube or ribbon segment.
Silhouette - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics
Uses jitter to repeatedly render a translucent black silhouette of a Drawable object for the purpose of antialiasing (smoothing jagged edges).
Silhouette(ShaderManager) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.Silhouette
Constructs a Silhouette object.
SIN_HALF_FOVY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
The sine of HALF_FOVY_RADIANS is used in pixel-angstrom conversions.
slerp(Quaternion, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
Uses SLERP (Spherical Linear intERPolation) to calculate a Quaternion (a rotation) at any point t between the calling Quaternion and the argument Quaternion.
SlerpDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.math
Tests the SLERP algorithm.
SlerpDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.SlerpDemo
Creates a SlerpDemo object vectors and quaternions that can be used for testing.
SLICES - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The number of slices for a cylinder is 10.
SLIDER_INIT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
The initial value for the slider is 75 %.
sortBetaStrands() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
After all BetaStrand objects have been added to the Chain, this method can be called to sort the linked hash map (the linked list part does have order) according to the starting residue for each beta-strand.
sortBetaStrands() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Iterates through all Chains of the Model and modifies the linked hash map of beta-strands so that when an iterator for beta-strands is handed over (based on the linked list part) the beta-strands will be ordered according to the starting amino acid.
sortBetaStrands() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Iterates through all Models of the Structure and modifies the linked hash map of beta-strands for each Chain so that when an iterator for beta-strands is handed over (based on the linked list part) the beta-strands will be ordered according to the starting amino acid.
SOURCEFORGE_WEB_SITE - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.HelpMenu
SPECULAR_COLOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Shape
The material specular color is (0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0).
SPECULAR_EXP - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The value for the specular exponent is 20.0.
SPECULAR_LIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Lighting
The specular light is { 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.0f }.
Sphere - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics
Knows how to draw a sphere with texture coordinates, a surface normal, and a tangent vector for each vertex.
Sphere() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.Sphere
Constructs a Sphere.
SphereListInfo - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists
Stores information on an OpenGL display list for a sphere.
SphereListInfo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereListInfo
Constructs a SphereListInfo.
SphereListInfo(int, StyleEnum, double, int, int) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereListInfo
Constructs a SphereListInfo.
SphereReferences - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists
Stores information on multiple OpenGL display lists that can be used for rendering spheres with different degrees of detail.
SphereReferences() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.displaylists.SphereReferences
Constructs a SphereReferences object.
SPINNER_MAX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
The maximum value in a spinner is 100.
SPINNER_MIN - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
The minimum value in a spinner is 3 (same as Sphere.MIN_TILING).
SpringLoadedJFrame - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components
Provides a spring-loaded (retractable) JFrame that will adjust its size and position relative to a parent JFrame.
SpringLoadedJFrame(JFrame, OrientationEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
Constructs a SpringLoadedJFrame using default width and height factors based on whether the spring-loaded frame is attached to its parent frame at the TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, or RIGHT (see comments for DEFAULT_SHORT_FACTOR and DEFAULT_LONG_FACTOR).
SpringLoadedJFrame(JFrame, OrientationEnum, double, double) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
Constructs a SpringLoadedJFrame.
STACKS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The number of stacks for a cylinder is 1.
START_CAP_COLOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.ExtrudedShape
Segment start (amino end) caps are colored light blue because that is the CPK color for nitrogen.
START_INDEX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
The start char integer starts at index 12 of the header.
startAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
Start a rotation animation using the current slider values for the X-Axis speed and Y-Axis speed.
startAnimation(double, double) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Starts an animation that rotates the image about its x-axis and/or y-axis based on the speeds given as argument.
startAnimation(double, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Starts an animation that rotates the image about its x-axis and/or y-axis based on the speeds given as argument.
startAnimation(double, double, GLCanvas) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Uses an Animator object to rotate the protein image about its x-axis and/or y-axis.
startAnimation(double, double, GLCanvas) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Uses an Animator object to rotate the protein image about its x-axis and/or y-axis.
stopAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
Stops the rotation the was started with the startAnimation() button.
stopAnimation() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Stops the rotation that was started with the startAnimation() method.
stopAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Stops the rotation that was started with the startAnimation() method.
stopAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Stops the rotation animation that is started with startAnimation().
stopAnimation() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Stops the rotation animation that is started with startAnimation().
Structure - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
Structure is the top-level container for objects that store information on a protein structure from the Protein Data Bank.
Structure(String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Constructs a Structure with the requested structureID.
StructureReader - Interface in org.proteinshader.structure.io
StructureReader provides an interface for reading a protein structure from a file.
StructureReaderException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions
Used to report that an error occurred while reading a file to create a Structure.
StructureReaderException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions.StructureReaderException
Sets the default message to "An error occurred while reading the file".
StructureReaderException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.io.exceptions.StructureReaderException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
StructureToGraphics - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter
Knows how to get numbers (such as zyz-coordinates and colors) from a Drawable object (Atom, Bond, or Segment) and plug them into the right graphics class for rendering a Shape (Sphere, Cylinder, or Segment).
StructureToGraphics() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Constructs a StructureToGraphics object.
StyleEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.gui.enums
Provides an enumeration to specify what style should be used to display a Structure: Cartoon (Tubes and Ribbons) or Atom (Spheres and Cylinders).
StyleMenu - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
Provides a menu for selecting the style to use when displaying a structure: Cartoon (Tubes or Ribbons) or Atom (Space Filling, Balls-andSticks, or Sticks).
StyleMenu(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.StyleMenu
Constructs a StyleMenu.
StyleMenuListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar
Creates all event listeners needed by the StyleMenu of the MainMenuBar.
StyleMenuListenerFactory(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.StyleMenuListenerFactory
Constructs a StyleMenuListenerFactory.


TABLA_RASA_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
The blank texture map is 128 pixels high.
TABLA_RASA_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
The blank texture map is 128 pixels wide.
takeScreenShot(ImageFormatEnum, File) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Causes the Render to take a screen shot of the current canvas image and save it as a JPEG, PNG or GIF file.
takeScreenShot(ImageFormatEnum, File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Causes the Render to take a screen shot of the current canvas image and save it as a JPEG, PNG or GIF file.
takeScreenShot(ImageFormatEnum, File) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Sets up a screen shot so that the next call to display() will cause the current image on the canvas to be saved to a JPEG, PNG or GIF file.
TAN_HALF_FOVY - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
The tangent of HALF_FOVY_RADIANS is used in pixel-angstrom conversions.
test2ArgConstructor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Uses a rotation quaternion and a translation vector to create a LocalFrame and then prints the LocalFrame by using its toString() method.
test6ArgConstructor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Uses a matrix of 3 column vectors, [N B T], and 3 doubles (x, y, z) to create a LocalFrame and then prints the LocalFrame.
test7ArgConstructor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Uses xyzw-values for a quaternion and xyz-values for a translation vector to create a LocalFrame and then prints the LocalFrame.
testMatrixToQuaternionConversion() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
TEST A: Creates two matrices with known quaternion solutions and prints the matrices, the known solutions, and the solutions generated by class Quaternion.
testMultiplyPointByQuaternion() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
TEST C: Prints the results of several Point3d x Quaternion multiplications.
testMultiplyPointMethod() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Tests the multiply(Point3d) method of LocalFrame.
testQuaternionToMatrixConversion() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
TEST B: Prints the result of converting a Matrix to a Quaternion and then converting the Quaternion back to a Matrix.
testSetRotationMethods() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Creates a LocalFrame with the zero-arg constructor and then tests the setRotation() methods.
testSetTranslationMethods() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Creates a LocalFrame with the zero-arg constructor and then tests the setTranslation() methods.
testSlerp() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.QuaternionDemo
TEST D: Tests the SLERP (Spherical Linear intERPolation) algorithm of class Quaternion.
testVisitor(Structure) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.VisitorDemo
Creates a Visitor and tests it by activating debug mode so that it will print the ID of each object in the Structure.
testZeroArgConstructor() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrameDemo
Uses the zero-argument constructor to create and then print a LocalFrame.
TextLabel - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Stores a byte buffer with the bitmap for a text label that can be applied to the curved surface of a 3D tube or ribbon.
TextLabel(String, int, int, int, int, int, ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabel
Constructs a TextLabel.
TextLabelFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Uses a GlyphSet to create short text labels to place on segments of a tube or ribbon.
TextLabelFactory() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelFactory
Constructs a TextLabelFactory.
TextLabelManager - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.typography
Knows how to create and cache OpenGL display lists holding the glTexSubImage() with a bitmap for a text label that can be pasted onto curved surfaces.
TextLabelManager() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
Constructs a TextLabelManager.
Texture - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.textures
Stores information on an OpenGL texture object.
Texture(int, String, String, File) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Constructs a Texture object.
TextureException - Exception in org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions
To report errors that occur while loading a texture.
TextureException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.TextureException
Sets the default message to "An error occurred while using a texture map".
TextureException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.graphics.exceptions.TextureException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
TextureFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.textures
Reads texture files and creates OpenGL texture objects that can be used for real-time halftoning.
TextureFactory() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureFactory
Constructs a TextureFactory.
TextureManager - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics.textures
Uses a TextureFactory object to read textures from files and then stores Java Texture objects that have references to OpenGL texture objects and menu names that can be used for selecting the textures.
TextureManager() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.TextureManager
Constructs a TextureManager.
THIN_SIDES_COLOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Ribbon
The default color for the narrow sides of the three-dimensional ribbon is gray.
TIP_FRACTION - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The length of an arrow tip as a fraction of the axis length is 0.1.
TIP_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The radius of the large end of an arrow tip is 0.08 angstroms.
toggleBlendObjectEdges() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.adapter.StructureToGraphics
Toggles the boolean value that is set with the blendObjectsEdges() method.
toggleBlendObjectEdges() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Toggles the boolean value that is set with the blendObjectsEdges() method.
togglePrintAngstroms() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.Renderer
Toggles the memory of whether object to camera distances in angstroms (and tiling numbers) should be printed.
ToolsMenu - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
Provides the Tools menu for the MainMenuBar, which can be used to open and close the control panel on the right side of the GUI.
ToolsMenu(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.ToolsMenu
Constructs a ToolsMenu.
ToolsMenuListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar
Creates all event listeners needed by the ToolsMenu of the MainMenuBar.
ToolsMenuListenerFactory(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.ToolsMenuListenerFactory
Constructs a ToolsMenuListenerFactory.
TOP_MARGIN - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.ProteinShaderGUI
The top margin is the minimum number of pixels to leave between the top of the GUI window and the top of the monitor.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.NamePair
Returns the menu name and filename pair.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.graphics.textures.Texture
Returns the menu name of the Texture.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AntialiasingPanel
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomColorPanel
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomVisibilityPanel
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonColorPanel
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonSideChainsPanel
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.CartoonVisibilityPanel
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.DecorationsPanel
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Returns a name suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.ImageFormatEnum
Returns the name of the ImageFormatEnum in a form suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.JitterEnum
Returns the number of xy-coordinate pairs as a String so that the enum can be used in a Swing GUI menu.
toString() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.OrientationEnum
Returns the name of the OrientationEnum in a form suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.StyleEnum
Returns the name of the StyleEnum in a form suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
As a convenience for debugging, the toString() method returns the xyzw-components of the quaternion and the translation vector in the form "{ (x, y, z, w), (x, y, z) }".
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
As a convenience for debugging, the toString() method returns the xyz-coordinates of the point in the form "(x, y, z)".
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
As a convenience for debugging, the toString() method returns the xyzw-components of the quaternion in the form "(x, y, z, w)".
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
As a convenience for debugging, the toString() method returns the xyz-coordinates of the vector in the form "(x, y, z)".
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
Returns the ID of this Atom.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.BetaStrand
Returns the BetaStrand ID.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Bond
Returns a String with the IDs of the source and destination atoms.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Chain
Returns the chainID, which is usually a single letter.
toString() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionEnum
Returns the menu name for the Region.
toString() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.ResidueEnum
Returns the Residue type as a String suitable for use in a menu: for example, "Amino Acids" rather then "AMINO_ACIDS".
toString() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.SideChainEnum
Returns the name of the SideChainEnum in a form suitable for use in a menu.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Helix
Returns the Helix ID.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Loop
Returns the Loop ID.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Returns the modelID, which is the Model's number.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Residue
Returns the ID of this Residue.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Segment
Returns the ID of this Segment.
toString() - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Structure
Returns the structureID, which is the sames as the PDB unique ID code.
toString() - Method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums.AAPortionMode
Returns the name of the AAPortionMode in a form suitable for use in a menu.
translate(Point3d) - Method in class org.proteinshader.math.LocalFrame
The vertex given as an argument is modified by adding to it the xyz-coordinates of the translation vector held by this LocalFrame.
Tube - Class in org.proteinshader.graphics
Draws a segment of a three-dimensional tube by using a waist polygon that approximates a circle as the number of vertices in the waist polygon becomes large.
Tube() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
Constructs a Tube object that can be used for rendering tubes with a circular-shaped waist polygon.
Tube(RegionEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
Constructs a Tube object that can be used for rendering tubes with a circular-shaped waist polygon.
Tube(double, int, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.graphics.Tube
Constructs a Tube object that can be used for rendering tubes with a circular-shaped waist polygon.
TubeVertices - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.io
Creates the vertices for a segment of a three-dimensional tube by using a waist polygon that approximates a circle as the number of vertices in the waist polygon becomes large.
TubeVertices() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
Constructs a Tube object that can be used for rendering tubes with a circular-shaped waist polygon.
TubeVertices(RegionEnum) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
Constructs a TubeVertices object that can be used for rendering tubes with a circular-shaped waist polygon.
TubeVertices(double, int) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
Constructs a TubeVertices object that can be used for rendering tubes with a circular-shaped waist polygon.
TWO_PI - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.Shape
2*Pi is defined as 6.28318530717958.
TWO_PI - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
2*Pi is defined as 6.28318530717958, and is equal to 360 degrees.
TWO_PI - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.TubeVertices
2*Pi is defined as 6.28318530717958.


updateAtomScalePanel(StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ControlPanel
Tells the ModifierPanel to update the AtomScalePanel with the current style.
updateAtomScalePanel(StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ModifierPanel
Updates the AtomScalePanel so that it knows the current style.
updateCylinderCapsLabel(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Updates the tiling number text label below the 'Cylinder Caps' combo box menu, updates the spinner value to match, and also sets the 'Cylinder Caps' radio button as being selected.
updateCylindersLabel(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Updates the tiling number text label below the 'Cylinders' combo box menu, updates the spinner value to match, and also sets the 'Cylinders' radio button as being selected.
updateFPSDisplay(double) - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
During a rotation animation the Renderer will call this method to update whatever GUI components display the current frames per second the animation is operating at.
updateFPSDisplay(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
During a rotation animation the Renderer will call this method to update the ControlPanel with the current frames per second the animation is operating at.
updateFramesPerSecondDisplay(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ControlPanel
Tells the ModifierPanel to update the current frames per second that a rotation animation is running at.
updateFramesPerSecondDisplay(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ModifierPanel
Tells the MotionPanel to update the current frames per second that a rotation animation is running at.
updateFramesPerSecondDisplay(double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
Updates the text field for the current frames per second that a rotation animation is running at.
updateListsOfVisibles(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.Model
Finds visible Drawable objects and transfers them to a list of opaque Segments, opaque Atoms and Bonds, or a list of translucent Drawables.
updateModelInfo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ControlPanel
This method should be called whenever a new Model has been selected, so that the ModifierPanel can call on any of its subpanels that need to update themselves.
updateModelInfo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.ModifierPanel
Tells the RadioPanel to update the 'Loop:', 'Helices:' and 'Strands:' menu choices.
updateModelInfo() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel
Updates the "Helices:", "BetaStrands:", and "Loops:" menus with the Helices and BetaStrands of the current Model.
updateModelViewMatrix(GL) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Camera
Updates a copy of the OpenGL model view matrix.
updateRenderer() - Method in interface org.proteinshader.gui.Mediator
Updates the arrays of visible objects (opaque and translucent Drawables) held by the Renderer and then has the canvas call display().
updateRenderer() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.MediatorImpl
Updates the arrays of visible objects (opaque and translucent Drawables) held by the Renderer and then has the canvas call display().
updateSpheresLabel(int) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.OptimizePanel
Updates the tiling number text label below the "Spheres" combo box menu, updates the spinner value to match, and also sets the "Spheres" radio button as being selected.
updateStyle(StyleEnum) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.AtomScalePanel
Changes will be applied only if the style is SPACE_FILLING or BALLS_AND_STICKS.
usageMessage - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.PDBStructureReaderDemo
usageMessage - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.SegmentDemo
usageMessage - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.ModifierVisitorDemo
usageMessage - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.VisitorDemo
useTextFieldsToUpdateSpeed() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
Gets the speed values from the text fields and uses them to update the sliders (without firing a change event for the sliders), and, if an animation is in progress, the new speeds will be forwarded to the Mediator.
useXAxisSpinnerToUpdateSpeed() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
Uses the speed from the X-Axis slider to update the X-Axis text field, and, if an animation is in progress, the new speed will be sent to the Mediator.
useYAxisSpinnerToUpdateSpeed() - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
Uses the speed from the Y-Axis slider to update the Y-Axis text field, and, if an animation is in progress, the new speed will be sent to the Mediator.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.graphics.enums.ShaderEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.ImageFormatEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.JitterEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.OrientationEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.RadioButtonEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.StyleEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AAColorEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AminoAcidEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.BondEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.CPKColorEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.DecorationEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.DrawableEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.HelixEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.HelixEnum
Returns the HelixEnum corresponding to the PDB classification number given as an argument.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.HelixShapeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionColorEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.ResidueEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.SideChainEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.VisibilityEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.CategoryEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.RecordEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums.AAPortionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums.RegionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums.ResidueMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOfMenuName(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.ImageFormatEnum
Returns the ImageFormatEnum with the same menu name as the String given as an argument.
valueOfMenuName(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.OrientationEnum
Returns the OrientationEnum with the same menu name as the String given as an argument.
valueOfMenuName(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.StyleEnum
Returns the StyleEnum with the same menu name as the String given as an argument.
valueOfMenuName(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.SideChainEnum
Returns the SideChainEnum with the same menu name as the String given as an argument.
valueOfMenuName(String) - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums.AAPortionMode
Returns the AAPortionMode with the same menu name as the String given as an argument.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.graphics.enums.ShaderEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.RadioPanel.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.ImageFormatEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.JitterEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.OrientationEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.RadioButtonEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.enums.StyleEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AAColorEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AminoAcidEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.AtomEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.BondEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.CPKColorEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.DecorationEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.DrawableEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.HelixEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.HelixShapeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionColorEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.RegionEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.ResidueEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.SideChainEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.enums.VisibilityEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.CategoryEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.io.enums.RecordEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums.AAPortionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums.RegionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.enums.ResidueMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
Vec3d - Class in org.proteinshader.math
This class is used to create a vector with 3 elements of type double.
Vec3d() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Constructs a vector of 3 elements {x, y, z} filled with zeros.
Vec3d(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
Constructs a vector with three public attributes: x, y, and z.
VectorAndPointDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.math
Performs some simple tests on the Vec3d and Point3d classes.
VectorAndPointDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.math.VectorAndPointDemo
VisibilityEnum - Enum in org.proteinshader.structure.enums
Provides an enumeration to specify if a Drawable object is opaque, translucent, or invisible.
VisibilityMenu - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
Provides the Vi menu for the MainMenuBar.
VisibilityMenu(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar.VisibilityMenu
Constructs a VisibilityMenu.
VisibilityMenuListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar
Creates all event listeners needed by the VisibilityMenu of the MainMenuBar.
VisibilityMenuListenerFactory(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar.VisibilityMenuListenerFactory
Constructs a VisibilityMenuListenerFactory.
VisibilityPanel - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
This control panel allows the user to modify the visibility status and alpha value of Drawable objects.
VisibilityPanel(Mediator, Frame, RadioPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.VisibilityPanel
Constructs a VisibilityPanel.
VisibilityPanelListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
Creates the listener for the VisibilityPanel.
VisibilityPanelListenerFactory(Mediator, VisibilityPanel) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel.VisibilityPanelListenerFactory
Constructs a VisibilityPanelListenerFactory.
VisibilityVisitor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
Knows how to traverse the Structure object hierarchy and find all visible Drawable objects.
VisibilityVisitor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.VisibilityVisitor
Constructs a VisibilityVisitor.
visit(AminoAcid) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.AminoAcidLabelVisitor
Adds a residueID to the list of labels if it has not been seen before.
visit(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondDestroyerVisitor
Removes all Bonds on the Atom.
visit(Structure) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
Generates all standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters) for the Structure.
visit(Model) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
Generates all standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters) for the Model.
visit(Chain) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
Generates all standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters) for the Chain.
visit(AminoAcid) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
Uses Atom distances to generate Bonds within the AminoAcid, and also uses the memory of the last carbonyl carbon seen to check for a possible peptide Bond.
visit(Heterogen) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
NO OPERATION: This method is not needed because non-water heterogen bonds are given explicitly in the PDB structure entry.
visit(Water) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
If the Water includes hydrogen atoms, then Bonds will be created between the oxygen and each hydrogen (after checking that the Bond lengths are reasonable).
visit(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
Checks if the Atom is a possible Bond destination Atom for any previously seen Atoms of the same Residue, and then adds the Atom to the list of Atoms to remember.
visit(Bond) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BondGeneratorVisitor
NO OPERATION: This Visitor method is not needed by the bond generator.
visit(Model) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BoundsVisitor
Finds the min and max values for x, y, and z of the Model and then calls setter methods on the Model so that these values are remembered.
visit(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.BoundsVisitor
Checks xyz-coordinates to look for any new min or new max.
visit(Chain) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor
All AminoAcids of the Chain will be visited.
visit(AminoAcid) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor
The AminoAcid being visited is considered as CA(i+1), while the last two AminoAcids are considered to be CA(i) and CA(i-1).
visit(Model) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.LoopGeneratorVisitor
Generates all Loop objects needed by the Model.
visit(Chain) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.LoopGeneratorVisitor
Generates Loop objects from AminoAcids that do not already belong to any Region.
visit(AminoAcid) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.LoopGeneratorVisitor
Checks whether a start AminoAcid and an end AminoAcid for a Loop have been found, and creates a new Loop as needed.
visit(Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
If a SegmentModifier has been added, it will be used to modify the Segment.
visit(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
If an AtomModifier has been added, it will be used to modify the Atom.
visit(Bond) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.ModifierVisitor
If a BondModifier has been added, it will be used to modify the Bond.
visit(Structure) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes a Structure's data to a simple text file.
visit(Model) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes all information held by a Model.
visit(Chain) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes all information held by a Chain.
visit(Loop) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes all information held by a Loop.
visit(Helix) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes all information held by a Helix.
visit(BetaStrand) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes all information held by a BetaStrand.
visit(Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes information on a Segment.
visit(AminoAcid) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes all information held by an AminoAcid.
visit(Heterogen) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes all information held by a Heterogen.
visit(Water) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes all information held by a Water.
visit(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes all information held by an Atom.
visit(Bond) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
Writes all information held by a Bond.
visit(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.VisibilityVisitor
Tests the visiblity of the Atom in order to determine if it should be transferred to the opaque Atoms and Bonds list or the translucent Drawables list.
visit(Bond) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.VisibilityVisitor
Tests the visiblity of the Bond in order to determine if it should be transferred to the opaque Atoms and Bonds or translucent Drawables list.
visit(Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.VisibilityVisitor
Tests the visiblity of the Segment in order to determine if it should be transferred to the opaque Segments or translucent Drawables list.
visit(Structure) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Traverses all Models owned by the Structure.
visit(Model) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Traverses all Chains owned by the Model.
visit(Chain) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Uses the current ResidueMode to determine if it should traverse the AminoAcids, Heterogens, and/or Waters owned by the Chain.
visit(Loop) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
If debug is true, the loopID will be printed to standard out.
visit(Helix) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
If debug is true, the helixID, startResidueID, and endResidueID will be printed to standard out.
visit(BetaStrand) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
If debug is true, the betaStrandID, startResidueID, and endResidueID will be printed to standard out.
visit(AminoAcid) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Traverses all Atoms owned by the AminoAcid if AAPortionMode is set to ENTIRE_AA.
visit(Heterogen) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Traverses all Atoms owned by the Heterogen.
visit(Water) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Traverses all Atoms owned by the Water.
visit(Atom) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
Traverses all Bonds owned by the Atom.
visit(Bond) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
If debug is true, the atomID of both the source Atom and the destination Atom will be printed to standard out.
visit(Segment) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
If debug is true, the segmentID will be printed to standard out.
Visitable - Interface in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
This interface requires an accept( Visitor ) method, which should be used to call back to the Visitor so that the Visitor can perform one or more operations on the Visitable object.
Visitor - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
This self-propelled Visitor knows how to traverse the hierarchy of data objects contained by a Structure.
Visitor() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.Visitor
No-arg constuctor sets ResidueMode.ALL, RegionMode.NO_REGIONS, AAPortionMode to ENTIRE_AA, restrictions (AminoAcid type, Atom type, and Atom ID) to null, and debug to false.
VisitorDemo - Class in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos
For testing the traversal logic of the Visitor class.
VisitorDemo() - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.VisitorDemo
Constructs a VisitorDemo.
VisitorException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions
Used to report that an error occurred while visiting an object.
VisitorException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions.VisitorException
Sets the default message to "ERROR: A problem occurred while visiting a Visitable object".
VisitorException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions.VisitorException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().


w - Variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
The public w-component.
Water - Class in org.proteinshader.structure
This concrete subclass of the abstract class Residue stores information on a water molecule in a PDB structure entry.
Water(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.structure.Water
Constructs a Water with the requested residueID.
WHEEL_SCALE_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.CanvasMouseListener
When the mouse wheel is used for zooming, this scaling factory will determine how many angstroms the camera moves in or out for each wheel click.
WIDTH - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabel
The width is 128 pixels.
WIDTH_INDEX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
The bitmap width integer starts at index 4 of the header.
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
NOT USED: This method is called when the parent frame is set to be the active window.
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
NOT USED: This method is called when the parent frame has been closed as the result of calling dispose on the window.
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
NOT USED: This method is called when the user attempts to close the parent frame from its system menu.
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
NOT USED: This method is called when the parent frame is no longer the active window.
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
This method is called automatically when the parent frame is deiconified, and if this frame was hidden when the parent had been iconified, then this frame will be made visible again.
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
This method is called automatically when the parent frame is iconified, and if this frame is visible, it will be hidden.
WindowListenerFactory - Class in org.proteinshader.gui.listeners
Creates a window listener for closing the retractable control panel that opens on the right-side of the GUI.
WindowListenerFactory(Mediator) - Constructor for class org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.WindowListenerFactory
Constructs a WindowListenerFactory.
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.SpringLoadedJFrame
NOT USED: This method is called when the parent frame is made visible for the first time.
write(GL, GLAutoDrawable, double) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.utils.FpsLabel
Updates the frames per second display on the canvas.
writeDescription(Description) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.SFWriterVisitor
writeDescription() - writes all information on a Description.
writeFps(GL, GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Updates the frames per second display on the canvas.
WriterVisitorException - Exception in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions
Used to report that an error occurred while trying to write info on a Visitable object.
WriterVisitorException() - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions.WriterVisitorException
Sets the default message to "ERROR: A problem occurred while trying to write a file".
WriterVisitorException(String) - Constructor for exception org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions.WriterVisitorException
The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
writeStructure(Structure, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.PDBStructureReaderDemo
Writes a Structure to a file by using a SFWriterVisitor.
writeStructure(Structure, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos.SegmentDemo
Writes a Structure to a file by using a SFWriterVisitor.
writeStructure(Structure, String) - Method in class org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos.ModifierVisitorDemo
Writes a Structure to a file by using a SFWriterVisitor.


X - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The x-axis is green.
x - Variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
The public x-coordinate of this three element point.
x - Variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
The public x-component.
x - Variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
The public x-coordinate of this three element vector.
X1_INDEX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
The bitmap width integer starts at index 8 of the header.
X2_INDEX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
The start char integer starts at index 16 of the header.
X_AXIS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Vector representing an x-axis.
X_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
The x-offset for pasting a subimage is 47 pixels.
X_SPEED_INIT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
The initial rotation speed for the X-Axis is 0 degrees per second.


Y - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The y-axis is yellow.
y - Variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
The public y-coordinate of this three element point.
y - Variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
The public y-component.
y - Variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
The public y-coordinate of this three element vector.
Y1_INDEX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
The bitmap height integer starts at index 12 of the header.
Y2_INDEX - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.GLF2Header
The end char integer starts at index 20 of the header.
Y_AXIS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Vector representing an y-axis.
Y_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.typography.TextLabelManager
The y-offset is 0 pasting a submimage is 0 pixels.
Y_SPEED_INIT - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel.MotionPanel
The initial rotation speed for the Y-Axis is 36 degrees per second.


Z - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.graphics.FrenetFrames
The z-axis is red.
z - Variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Point3d
The public z-coordinate of this three element point.
z - Variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Quaternion
The public z-component.
z - Variable in class org.proteinshader.math.Vec3d
The public z-coordinate of this three element vector.
Z_AXIS - Static variable in class org.proteinshader.gui.viewing.Rotation
Vector representing an z-axis.


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