Package org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel

Holds the JPanels used in the right-side retractable control panel of the GUI.


Class Summary
AntialiasingPanel This control panel allows the user to turn antialiasing (edge smoothing) effects on or off.
AtomColorPanel This control panel allows the user to modify the color of Atoms.
AtomScalePanel This control panel allows the user to modify the scale for the radii of Atoms in Space-Filling or Balls-and-Sticks style displays.
AtomVisibilityPanel This control panel allows the user to modify the visibility status and alpha value of Atoms.
CartoonColorPanel This control panel allows the user to modify the color of Segments.
CartoonSideChainsPanel This control panel allows the user to display side chain Atoms and Bonds while in a Cartoon-style display.
CartoonVisibilityPanel This control panel allows the user to modify the visibility status and alpha value of Segments.
ColorPanel This control panel allows the user to modify the color of Drawable objects.
ControlPanel Presents the SelectorPanel and ModifierPanel.
DecorationsPanel This control panel allows the user to select a decoration type (Plain, Text Labels, or Halftoning) for Segments of a tube or ribbon.
ModifierPanel Presents the user with a choice of several control panels for changing color, visiblity, scale, motion, and other features of the display.
MotionPanel This control panel allows the user to rotate the image or move the camera.
OptimizePanel This control panel allows the user to optimize the display for image quality or rendering speed.
RadioPanel Presents a common set of radio buttons and menus that are used by other panels (color, visibility, and scale panels).
SelectorPanel Provides a panel with menus and lists for selecting a Structure's Models, Chains, Residues, Atoms, Helices, and BetaStrands.
VisibilityPanel This control panel allows the user to modify the visibility status and alpha value of Drawable objects.

Enum Summary
RadioPanel.Type There are two slightly different versions of the RadioPanel.

Package org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel Description

Holds the JPanels used in the right-side retractable control panel of the GUI.

Related Documentation

For help and tutorial pages, please see:

Beta 0.9.4 (December 30, 2008)
Joseph R. Weber

Copyright © 2007-2008