Uses of Class

Packages that use ImageFormatEnum
org.proteinshader.gui Holds all of the Swing GUI components and their associated listeners, including class Renderer, which is registered as a listener for the GLCanvas object that is used a drawing surface. 
org.proteinshader.gui.enums Holds the enums needed by org.proteinshader.gui and its subpackages. 
org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions Holds the exception classes needed by org.proteinshader.gui and its subpackages. 
org.proteinshader.gui.utils Holds minor utility classes needed by the Renderer. 
org.proteinshader.gui.viewing Holds important helper classes that the Renderer uses to control the view: Camera, Rotation, Lighting, etc

Uses of ImageFormatEnum in org.proteinshader.gui

Methods in org.proteinshader.gui with parameters of type ImageFormatEnum
 void MediatorImpl.takeScreenShot(ImageFormatEnum format, File file)
          Causes the Render to take a screen shot of the current canvas image and save it as a JPEG, PNG or GIF file.
 void Renderer.takeScreenShot(ImageFormatEnum format, File file)
          Sets up a screen shot so that the next call to display() will cause the current image on the canvas to be saved to a JPEG, PNG or GIF file.
 void Mediator.takeScreenShot(ImageFormatEnum format, File file)
          Causes the Render to take a screen shot of the current canvas image and save it as a JPEG, PNG or GIF file.

Uses of ImageFormatEnum in org.proteinshader.gui.enums

Methods in org.proteinshader.gui.enums that return ImageFormatEnum
static ImageFormatEnum ImageFormatEnum.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ImageFormatEnum ImageFormatEnum.valueOfMenuName(String menuName)
          Returns the ImageFormatEnum with the same menu name as the String given as an argument.
static ImageFormatEnum[] ImageFormatEnum.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Uses of ImageFormatEnum in org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions

Methods in org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions that return ImageFormatEnum
 ImageFormatEnum ScreenShotException.getFormat()
          Returns the format type for the image file that could not be written.

Constructors in org.proteinshader.gui.exceptions with parameters of type ImageFormatEnum
ScreenShotException(ImageFormatEnum format, File file, String message)
          The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().
ScreenShotException(ImageFormatEnum format, File file, String message, String lowerLevelMessage)
          The message given this constructor can be retrieved using getMessage().

Uses of ImageFormatEnum in org.proteinshader.gui.utils

Constructors in org.proteinshader.gui.utils with parameters of type ImageFormatEnum
ImageFileChooser(ImageFormatEnum format, File directory)
          Constructs a ImageFileChooser.
ImageFileChooser(ImageFormatEnum format, String directory)
          Constructs a ImageFileChooser.

Uses of ImageFormatEnum in org.proteinshader.gui.viewing

Constructors in org.proteinshader.gui.viewing with parameters of type ImageFormatEnum
ScreenShot(ImageFormatEnum format, File file)
          Constructs a ScreenShot.

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