Uses of Class

Packages that use StructureReaderException Holds the classes needed for reading Protein Data Bank structure files. 

Uses of StructureReaderException in

Methods in that throw StructureReaderException
 void PDBLineParser.parseLine(String line, int lineNumber)
          Verifies that the line is a valid PDB record before adding it's data to the Structure.
 Structure StructureReader.readStructure(File file)
          Reads a protein structure from a file and returns a Structure object.
 Structure PDBStructureReader.readStructure(File file)
          Reads a protein structure from a ".pdb" file and returns a Structure object.
 Structure StructureReader.readStructure(String filename)
          Reads a protein structure from a file and returns a Structure object.
 Structure PDBStructureReader.readStructure(String filename)
          Reads a protein structure from a ".pdb" file and returns a Structure object.

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