Uses of Class

Packages that use ShaderProgram Holds the classes needed for compiling and managing the vertex and fragment shaders used for texture mapping and custom lighting calculations. 

Uses of ShaderProgram in

Methods in that return ShaderProgram
 ShaderProgram ShaderProgramFactory.compile(GL gl, ShaderEnum pair)
          Reads a pair of vertex and fragment shader files and then compiles and links them.
 ShaderProgram ShaderProgramFactory.createShaderProgram(GL gl, File vertFile, File fragFile, ShaderEnum pair)
          Reads source code files for a vertex shader and a fragment shader and creates an OpenGL shader program object.
 ShaderProgram ShaderProgramFactory.createShaderProgram(GL gl, String vertFilename, String fragFilename, ShaderEnum pair)
          Reads source code files for a vertex shader and a fragment shader and creates an OpenGL shader program object.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ShaderProgram
 List<ShaderProgram> ShaderProgramFactory.compileAllShaders(GL gl)
          Compiles all shaders pairs defined by the ShaderEnum.

Methods in with parameters of type ShaderProgram
 void ShaderProgramFactory.deleteShaderProgram(GL gl, ShaderProgram program)
          Calls delete on each OpenGL shader and program object name held by the ShaderProgram given as an argument.

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