Uses of Package

Packages that use org.proteinshader.gui
org.proteinshader.gui Holds all of the Swing GUI components and their associated listeners, including class Renderer, which is registered as a listener for the GLCanvas object that is used a drawing surface. 
org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel Holds the JPanels used in the right-side retractable control panel of the GUI. 
org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar Holds the JMenus used in menu bar above the canvas. 
org.proteinshader.gui.listeners Holds the listener classes for the gui. 
org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel Holds the listeners for components used in the JPanels of the right-side retractable control panel of the GUI. 
org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar Holds the listeners for the items used in the JMenus of the menu bar above the canvas. 
org.proteinshader.gui.viewing Holds important helper classes that the Renderer uses to control the view: Camera, Rotation, Lighting, etc

Classes in org.proteinshader.gui used by org.proteinshader.gui
          This interface specifies the methods for the single central mediator object that allows communication between objects of the gui, the data structure, and the renderer.
          Provides the main GUI window for the ProteinShader program.
          Knows how to render a protein image onto a GLCanvas.

Classes in org.proteinshader.gui used by org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel
          This interface specifies the methods for the single central mediator object that allows communication between objects of the gui, the data structure, and the renderer.

Classes in org.proteinshader.gui used by org.proteinshader.gui.components.menubar
          This interface specifies the methods for the single central mediator object that allows communication between objects of the gui, the data structure, and the renderer.

Classes in org.proteinshader.gui used by org.proteinshader.gui.listeners
          This interface specifies the methods for the single central mediator object that allows communication between objects of the gui, the data structure, and the renderer.
          Knows how to render a protein image onto a GLCanvas.

Classes in org.proteinshader.gui used by org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.controlpanel
          This interface specifies the methods for the single central mediator object that allows communication between objects of the gui, the data structure, and the renderer.

Classes in org.proteinshader.gui used by org.proteinshader.gui.listeners.menubar
          This interface specifies the methods for the single central mediator object that allows communication between objects of the gui, the data structure, and the renderer.

Classes in org.proteinshader.gui used by org.proteinshader.gui.viewing
          This interface specifies the methods for the single central mediator object that allows communication between objects of the gui, the data structure, and the renderer.

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