Uses of Class

Packages that use LocalFrame Holds the drawing classes: Ribbon, Tube, FrenetFrames, Sphere, and Cylinder. 
org.proteinshader.math The key classes in this package are Hermite and Quaternion, which are needed for generating the ribbons and tubes that are used to represent the backbone of a protein in a cartoon-type display. 
org.proteinshader.structure Holds the classes that store information from a Protein Data Bank file: Structure, Model, Chain, AminoAcid, Heterogen, Water, Atom, Bond, Helix, BetaStrand, Loop, etc Holds the classes needed for reading Protein Data Bank structure files. 

Uses of LocalFrame in

Methods in with parameters of type LocalFrame
 int ExtrudedShape.createDisplayList(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames)
          Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw a segment of a tube and saves the geometry (a collection of vertices) as an OpenGL display list.
 void Ribbon.createDisplayLists(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames, SegmentListInfo info)
          Creates an OpenGL display list for the thin sides of the ribbon, and also calls on the createDisplayLists() method of superclass ExtrudedShape to save the OpenGL display lists for the main (broad surface) part of the ribbon and for the start and end caps.
 void ExtrudedShape.createDisplayLists(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames, SegmentListInfo info)
          Creates three OpenGL display lists: one created by calling draw(), one created by calling drawStartCap(), and one created by calling drawEndCap().
 int ExtrudedShape.createEndCapDisplayList(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames)
          Uses the last LocalFrame in the array to position a segment end cap that is saved as an OpenGL display list.
 int ExtrudedShape.createStartCapDisplayList(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames)
          Uses the first LocalFrame in the array to position a segment start cap that is saved as an OpenGL display list.
 int Ribbon.createThinSidesDisplayList(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames)
          Caches an OpenGL display list for the thin sides of a segment of a ribbon.
 void Ribbon.draw(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames)
          Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw the broad surfaces of of a ribbon.
abstract  void ExtrudedShape.draw(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames)
          Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw a segment of an extruded shape.
 void Tube.draw(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames)
          Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw a segment of a tube.
 void FrenetFrames.draw(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames)
          Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw xyz-axes.
 void FrenetFrames.draw(GL gl, LocalFrame frame, double scale, double sphereRadius, int sphereTiling, float sphereRed, float sphereGreen, float sphereBlue, float sphereAlpha)
          Draws an xyz-axis based on the rotation and translation in the LocalFrame given as an argument.
 void Ribbon.drawEndCap(GL gl, LocalFrame frame)
          Creates a cap for the end of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
abstract  void ExtrudedShape.drawEndCap(GL gl, LocalFrame frame)
          Creates a cap for the end of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
 void Tube.drawEndCap(GL gl, LocalFrame frame)
          Creates a cap for the end of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
 void FrenetFrames.drawEndCap(GL gl, LocalFrame frame)
          Draws the local frame using red for the sphere at the base.
 void Ribbon.drawStartCap(GL gl, LocalFrame frame)
          Creates a cap for the beginning of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
abstract  void ExtrudedShape.drawStartCap(GL gl, LocalFrame frame)
          Creates a cap for the beginning of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
 void Tube.drawStartCap(GL gl, LocalFrame frame)
          Creates a cap for the beginning of a segment by drawing the waist polygon.
 void FrenetFrames.drawStartCap(GL gl, LocalFrame frame)
          Draws the local frame using light blue for the sphere at the base.
 void Ribbon.drawThinSideSurfaces(GL gl, LocalFrame[] frames)
          Draws the thin side surfaces for a segment of a ribbon.

Uses of LocalFrame in org.proteinshader.math

Methods in org.proteinshader.math that return LocalFrame
 LocalFrame LocalFrame.clone()
          Returns a clone of the calling LocalFrame.

Uses of LocalFrame in org.proteinshader.structure

Methods in org.proteinshader.structure that return LocalFrame
 LocalFrame Segment.getLocalFrame(double t)
          Creates a LocalFrame along the Segment spline by using Hermite interpolation and SLERP (Spherical Linear intERPolation).
 LocalFrame[] Segment.getLocalFrames(int n)
          Uses SLERP (Spherical Linear intERPolation) and Hermite interpolation to generate the requested number of LocalFrames from the start frame to the end frame, inclusive.

Uses of LocalFrame in

Methods in with parameters of type LocalFrame
 double[][] TubeVertices.draw(LocalFrame[] frames)
          Uses an array of LocalFrame objects to draw a segment of a tube.

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