Uses of Class

Packages that use PDBFieldExtractorException Holds the classes needed for reading Protein Data Bank structure files. 

Uses of PDBFieldExtractorException in

Methods in that throw PDBFieldExtractorException
 String PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractAltLocation(String line)
          Obtains the alternate location from (altLoc field: 17), or returns an empty String if it is not found (this field is usually blank).
 String PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractAtomID(String line)
          Obtains the atomID from (name field: 13-16).
 int PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractAtomSerialNo(String line)
          Obtains the atom serial number from (serial field: 7-11).
 AtomEnum PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractAtomType(String line)
          Obtains the atom type (chemical element) from an ATOM or HETATM record.
 String PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor.extractBetaStrandNumber(String line)
          Obtains the betaStrandNumber from (strandNo field: 8-10).
 String PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor.extractChainID(String line)
          Obtains the chainID from (initChainID field: 22).
 String PDBHelixFieldExtractor.extractChainID(String line)
          Obtains the chainID from (initChainID field: 20).
 String PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractChainID(String line)
          Obtains the chainID from (chainID field: 22 ) if it is present.
 int PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractCharge(String line)
          Obtains the charge from (charge field: 79-80), or sets it to 0 if the field is only whitespace.
 List<Integer> PDBConnectFieldExtractor.extractDstAtomSerialNo(String line)
          Obtains destination Atom serial number(s) from

field 1 = (serial field: 12-16)
field 2 = (serial field: 17-21)
field 3 = (serial field: 22-26)
field 4 = (serial field: 27-31)

It is legal for any (or even all 4) of these fields to be blank, as the CONECT record may be used to specify salt bridges or hydrogen bonds that are found in other fields.
 String PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor.extractEndResidueID(String line)
          Obtains the endResidueID by combining (endResName field: 29-31), (endSeqNum field: 34-37), and the optional (endICode field: 38).
 String PDBHelixFieldExtractor.extractEndResidueID(String line)
          Obtains the endResidueID by combining (endResName field: 28-30), (endSeqNum field: 34-37), and the optional (endICode field: 38).
 String PDBHelixFieldExtractor.extractHelixID(String line)
          Obtains the helixID from (helixID field: 12-14).
 double PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractOccupancy(String line)
          Obtains the occupancy from (occupancy field: 55-60).
 String PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractResidueID(String line)
          Obtains the residueID by combining (resName field: 18-20), (resSeq field: 23-26), and the optional (icode field: 27).
 String PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractResidueName(String line)
          Obtains the Residue name from (resName field: 18-20).
 int PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor.extractSense(String line)
          Obtains the sense (orientation) from (sense field: 39-40).
 String PDBHelixFieldExtractor.extractSerialNo(String line)
          Obtains the helix serial number from (serial field: 8-10).
 String PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor.extractSheetID(String line)
          Obtains the sheetID from (sheetID field: 12-14).
 int PDBConnectFieldExtractor.extractSrcAtomSerialNo(String line)
          Obtains the source Atom serial number from (serial field: 7-11)
 String PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor.extractStartResidueID(String line)
          Obtains the startResidueID by combining (initResName field: 18-20), (initSeqNum field: 23-26), and the optional (initICode field: 27).
 String PDBHelixFieldExtractor.extractStartResidueID(String line)
          Obtains the startResidueID by combining (initResName field: 16-18), (initSeqNum field: 22-25), and the optional (initICode field: 26).
 int PDBBetaStrandFieldExtractor.extractStrandsInSheet(String line)
          Obtains the number of strands in the sheet from (numStrands field: 15-16).
 double PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractTemperature(String line)
          Obtains the temperature from (tempFactor field: 61-66).
 HelixEnum PDBHelixFieldExtractor.extractType(String line)
          Extracts the helix type from (helixClass field: 39-40).
 double PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractX(String line)
          Obtains the x-coordinate from (x field: 31-38 ).
 double PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractY(String line)
          extractY() - obtains the y-coordinate from (y field: 39-46 ).
 double PDBAtomFieldExtractor.extractZ(String line)
          extractZ() - obtains the z-coordinate from (z field: 47-54 ).

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