Uses of Package

Packages that use org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions
org.proteinshader.gui Holds all of the Swing GUI components and their associated listeners, including class Renderer, which is registered as a listener for the GLCanvas object that is used a drawing surface. 
org.proteinshader.structure Holds the classes that store information from a Protein Data Bank file: Structure, Model, Chain, AminoAcid, Heterogen, Water, Atom, Bond, Helix, BetaStrand, Loop, etc Holds demo classes that were used for early testing of the io classes. 
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor Holds Visitor classes that know how to traverse the hierarchy of objects held by class Structure. 
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos Holds demo classes that were used for early testing of the Visitor classes. 
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions Holds exception classes needed by the Visitor classes. 

Classes in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions used by org.proteinshader.gui
          Used to report that an error occurred while visiting an object.

Classes in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions used by org.proteinshader.structure
          Used to report that an error occurred while visiting an object.

Classes in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions used by
          Used to report that an error occurred while visiting an object.

Classes in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions used by org.proteinshader.structure.visitor
          Used to report that an error occurred while visiting an object.
          Used to report that an error occurred while trying to write info on a Visitable object.

Classes in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions used by org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos
          Used to report that an error occurred while visiting an object.

Classes in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions used by org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions
          Used to report that an error occurred while visiting an object.

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