Packages that use VisitorException | |
org.proteinshader.gui | Holds all of the Swing GUI components and their associated listeners, including class Renderer, which is registered as a listener for the GLCanvas object that is used a drawing surface. |
org.proteinshader.structure | Holds the classes that store information from a Protein Data Bank file: Structure, Model, Chain, AminoAcid, Heterogen, Water, Atom, Bond, Helix, BetaStrand, Loop, etc. |
org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos | Holds demo classes that were used for early testing of the io classes. |
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor | Holds Visitor classes that know how to traverse the hierarchy of objects held by class Structure. |
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos | Holds demo classes that were used for early testing of the Visitor classes. |
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions | Holds exception classes needed by the Visitor classes. |
Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.gui |
Methods in org.proteinshader.gui that throw VisitorException | |
void |
Renderer.setVisibleDrawables(Model model,
StyleEnum style)
An array of opaque Segments, and array of opaque Atoms and Bonds, and an array of translucent Drawable objects will be obtained from the Model. |
Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure |
Methods in org.proteinshader.structure that throw VisitorException | |
void |
AminoAcid.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Water.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
abstract void |
Drawable.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Segment.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Structure.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
abstract void |
Residue.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Chain.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Model.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Helix.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Atom.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
abstract void |
Region.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
BetaStrand.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Loop.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Bond.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Heterogen.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback. |
void |
Sets the min and max values for x, y, and z on each Model held by the Structure. |
void |
Before Regions objects (Helix, BetaStrand, and Loop) are added to the Structure, a rotation (the equivalent to a discrete Frenet Frame) should be calculated for each AminoAcid. |
void |
Clears all Bonds (AminoAcids, Heterogens, and Waters) from the Structure. |
void |
Structure.clearBonds(ResidueMode residueMode)
Clears Bonds from the Structure. |
void |
Generates Loop objects from any AminoAcids that do not already belong to a Helix or BetaStrand object. |
void |
Generates standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters). |
List<String> |
Returns a list of all AminoAcid residueIDs. |
void |
Model.updateListsOfVisibles(boolean includeAtoms,
boolean includeBonds,
boolean includeAminoAcids,
boolean includeHeterogens,
boolean includeWaters,
boolean includeSegments)
Finds visible Drawable objects and transfers them to a list of opaque Segments, opaque Atoms and Bonds, or a list of translucent Drawables. |
Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos |
Methods in org.proteinshader.structure.io.demos that throw VisitorException | |
void |
PDBStructureReaderDemo.writeStructure(Structure structure,
String filename)
Writes a Structure to a file by using a SFWriterVisitor. |
void |
SegmentDemo.writeStructure(Structure structure,
String filename)
Writes a Structure to a file by using a SFWriterVisitor. |
Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor |
Methods in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor that throw VisitorException | |
void |
Visitable.accept(Visitor visitor)
Accepts a Vistor so that a call back can be done. |
void |
This method flushes the output buffer to make sure that all data is written before closing the output file. |
void |
This method forces the writer to immediately write all data in its buffer. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.openOutputFile(String outputFile)
Opens a buffered writer using the filename given as an argument. |
void |
Visitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
Traverses all Atoms owned by the AminoAcid if AAPortionMode is set to ENTIRE_AA. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
Writes all information held by an AminoAcid. |
void |
FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
The AminoAcid being visited is considered as CA(i+1), while the last two AminoAcids are considered to be CA(i) and CA(i-1). |
void |
LoopGeneratorVisitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
Checks whether a start AminoAcid and an end AminoAcid for a Loop have been found, and creates a new Loop as needed. |
void |
AminoAcidLabelVisitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
Adds a residueID to the list of labels if it has not been seen before. |
void |
BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
Uses Atom distances to generate Bonds within the AminoAcid, and also uses the memory of the last carbonyl carbon seen to check for a possible peptide Bond. |
void |
ModifierVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
If an AtomModifier has been added, it will be used to modify the Atom. |
void |
Visitor.visit(Atom atom)
Traverses all Bonds owned by the Atom. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
Writes all information held by an Atom. |
void |
BoundsVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
Checks xyz-coordinates to look for any new min or new max. |
void |
VisibilityVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
Tests the visiblity of the Atom in order to determine if it should be transferred to the opaque Atoms and Bonds list or the translucent Drawables list. |
void |
BondDestroyerVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
Removes all Bonds on the Atom. |
void |
BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
Checks if the Atom is a possible Bond destination Atom for any previously seen Atoms of the same Residue, and then adds the Atom to the list of Atoms to remember. |
void |
Visitor.visit(BetaStrand betaStrand)
If debug is true, the betaStrandID, startResidueID, and endResidueID will be printed to standard out. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(BetaStrand betaStrand)
Writes all information held by a BetaStrand. |
void |
ModifierVisitor.visit(Bond bond)
If a BondModifier has been added, it will be used to modify the Bond. |
void |
Visitor.visit(Bond bond)
If debug is true, the atomID of both the source Atom and the destination Atom will be printed to standard out. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(Bond bond)
Writes all information held by a Bond. |
void |
VisibilityVisitor.visit(Bond bond)
Tests the visiblity of the Bond in order to determine if it should be transferred to the opaque Atoms and Bonds or translucent Drawables list. |
void |
BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Bond bond)
NO OPERATION: This Visitor method is not needed by the bond generator. |
void |
Visitor.visit(Chain chain)
Uses the current ResidueMode to determine if it should traverse the AminoAcids, Heterogens, and/or Waters owned by the Chain. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(Chain chain)
Writes all information held by a Chain. |
void |
FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor.visit(Chain chain)
All AminoAcids of the Chain will be visited. |
void |
LoopGeneratorVisitor.visit(Chain chain)
Generates Loop objects from AminoAcids that do not already belong to any Region. |
void |
BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Chain chain)
Generates all standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters) for the Chain. |
void |
Visitor.visit(Helix helix)
If debug is true, the helixID, startResidueID, and endResidueID will be printed to standard out. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(Helix helix)
Writes all information held by a Helix. |
void |
Visitor.visit(Heterogen heterogen)
Traverses all Atoms owned by the Heterogen. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(Heterogen heterogen)
Writes all information held by a Heterogen. |
void |
BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Heterogen heterogen)
NO OPERATION: This method is not needed because non-water heterogen bonds are given explicitly in the PDB structure entry. |
void |
Visitor.visit(Loop loop)
If debug is true, the loopID will be printed to standard out. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(Loop loop)
Writes all information held by a Loop. |
void |
Visitor.visit(Model model)
Traverses all Chains owned by the Model. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(Model model)
Writes all information held by a Model. |
void |
BoundsVisitor.visit(Model model)
Finds the min and max values for x, y, and z of the Model and then calls setter methods on the Model so that these values are remembered. |
void |
LoopGeneratorVisitor.visit(Model model)
Generates all Loop objects needed by the Model. |
void |
BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Model model)
Generates all standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters) for the Model. |
void |
ModifierVisitor.visit(Segment segment)
If a SegmentModifier has been added, it will be used to modify the Segment. |
void |
Visitor.visit(Segment segment)
If debug is true, the segmentID will be printed to standard out. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(Segment segment)
Writes information on a Segment. |
void |
VisibilityVisitor.visit(Segment segment)
Tests the visiblity of the Segment in order to determine if it should be transferred to the opaque Segments or translucent Drawables list. |
void |
Visitor.visit(Structure structure)
Traverses all Models owned by the Structure. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(Structure structure)
Writes a Structure's data to a simple text file. |
void |
BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Structure structure)
Generates all standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters) for the Structure. |
void |
Visitor.visit(Water water)
Traverses all Atoms owned by the Water. |
void |
SFWriterVisitor.visit(Water water)
Writes all information held by a Water. |
void |
BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Water water)
If the Water includes hydrogen atoms, then Bonds will be created between the oxygen and each hydrogen (after checking that the Bond lengths are reasonable). |
Constructors in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor that throw VisitorException | |
SFWriterVisitor(String outputFile)
Constructs a SFWriterVisitor that will write to the output file given as an argument. |
Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos |
Methods in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos that throw VisitorException | |
void |
ModifierVisitorDemo.modify(Structure structure)
The Helices of the Structure are modified by changing their shape to CYLINDER and setting all of their Atoms and Bonds to INVISIBLE. |
void |
VisitorDemo.testVisitor(Structure structure)
Creates a Visitor and tests it by activating debug mode so that it will print the ID of each object in the Structure. |
void |
ModifierVisitorDemo.writeStructure(Structure structure,
String filename)
Writes a Structure to a file by using a SFWriterVisitor. |
Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions |
Subclasses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions | |
class |
Used to report that an error occurred while trying to write info on a Visitable object. |