Class Atom

  extended by org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
      extended by org.proteinshader.structure.Atom
All Implemented Interfaces:
IDTest, Visitable

public class Atom
extends Drawable
implements IDTest

Extends abstract class Drawable to add data that is unique to an atom (atomID, type, temperature, occupancy, radius, etc.). An Atom also serves as a container for any Bonds where the Atom is the source Atom of the Bond.

The xyz-coordinate attributes are specified in Drawable, as all Drawables must have a position for their center. Conceptually, there are two kinds of information stored on an atom:
1) Mutable (changeable) data on how an atom is to be displayed.
2) Immutable (read-only) data from a PDB structure file.

In a PDB formatted file, each atom in a model will have a one-line record beginning with either ATOM or HETATM. An ATOM record holds the atomic coordinates of an atom that belongs to a standard residue (an amino acid or a nucleotide), while a HETATM record holds the same information for an atom that belongs to a non-standard group such as a water molecule, a metal ion, or any other group that is not an amino acid or a nucleotide.

Atom Attributes

The description of Atom attributes below refers to PDB formatted files, but the equivalent imformation can also be found in other file types (such as PDBML/XML or mmCIF). Most of the attributes are read-only, so they are set by the constructor and have only a getter method. Radius and charge, however, can be modified, so they also have a setter method.

Atom ID

If the Atom's Id (atomID argument of constructor) is the Atom name from a PDB formatted file, the info will be found in columns 13-16 of an ATOM record. The name usually combines an atomic symbol (columns 13-14), a remoteness indicator (column 15), and a branch designator (column 16). For example, in the 4 letter name ' CG1', ' C' stands for carbon, 'G' stands for gamma (atom position can be designated as alpha, beta, gamma, etc.), and '1' denotes the branch of a beta-branched amino acid.

Atom Type

AtomEnum is an enumeration of elements: CARBON, OXYGEN, etc. The one or two character symbol for an element is given in columns 77-78 of an ATOM record, which should be used rather than trying to extract the atom type from the name given in columns 13-16. The names of some large hetamers and some hydrogens are unable to follow the column 13-16 name conventions mentioned above, so columns 77-78 are used to specify the element unambiguously. However, the use of columns 77-78 for this purpose was added to the PDB specification in 1996, so older files may only have the element in columns 13-14.


The temperature factor is specified in columns 61-66 of an ATOM record, and is intended as a measure of the degree of certainty for its xyz-coordinates. Temperatures of 20 or less indicate a well refined, correct structure, while temperatures greater than 40 indicate that a region is very flexible, or that considerable error is present.


Occupancy is specified in columns 55-60 of an ATOM record. If all protein molecules in a crystal have exactly the same conformation, then the occupancy for each atom should be 1.0. However, if 70% of the molecules have one conformation, and 30% have a slightly different conformation, then some atoms will be found in two locations. Such an atom would have two ATOM records, with 0.7 occupancy for one xyz-coordinate, and 0.3 occupancy for the other xyz-coordinate. The first version of the ProteinShader will show only the higher occupancy position for the atom, but a later version might show both and use the occupancy as an alpha value for semi-transparent atoms.


The default radius for an Atom is the van der Waals radius found in the AtomEnum, and its value can be scaled with scaleRadius(). The van der Waals radius is the radius normally used in space-filling models. Because a smaller size radius is required for use in a stick-and-ball type model, a ballRadius has been added to the AtomEnum. The ballRadius is set to some fraction of the covalent radius multiplied by BALL_SCALE. In class Atom, it can be scaled with scaleBallRadius().


The charge on an atom is specified in columns 79-80 of an ATOM record. This optional field was added in 1996, so it will not be used in older records. Charges are indicated by 2 characters in a form such as '2+', '1+', '1-', '2-', etc. The charge is often omitted from PDB files, so the user may want to modify this attribute.

Alternate Location

An alternate location identifier is specified as a character in column 17 of an ATOM record. Usually this column is blank, but if the occupancy attribute described right above is less than 1.0, then each alternate location for the atom should have a label like 'A' or 'B'.

Alternate Atom

If there is more than one location for an atom, the Atom object with the higher occupancy will hold a pointer to an Atom object that holds the coordinates for the lower occupancy position. Usually there will be only two alternate locations, but three might occur very rarely. Thefirst version of ProteinShader will only look at the Atom with the highest occupancy, but a later version might want to follow any altAtomreferences and have the option to display the alternate location.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
Constructor Summary
Atom(int serialNo, AtomEnum type, String atomID, String residueID, String chainID, String modelID, String structureID, double temperature, int charge, double occupancy, String altLocation, double x, double y, double z, VisibilityEnum visibility)
          This constructor uses the type argument (an AtomEnum) to set the default radius and CPK color for the Atom.
Method Summary
 void accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void addNewBond(Atom dstAtom, BondEnum type, VisibilityEnum visibility)
          Adds a new Bond with this Atom as the source Atom and the Atom given as an argument as the destination Atom.
 void clearBonds()
          Deletes all Bonds held by this Atom.
 Atom getAltAtom()
          Returns an alternate Atom with a lower occupancy (if it exists).
 String getAltLocation()
          Returns the alternate location if the occupancy is less than 1.0.
 AminoAcidEnum getAminoAcidType()
          If the Atom belongs to an AminoAcid, this method will return the AminoAcid type.
 String getAtomID()
          Returns the ID of this Atom.
 double getBallRadius()
          Returns the ball radius (for use in stick-and-ball type models).
 Bond getBond(Atom dstAtom)
          Returns the Bond from this Atom (the source) to the destination Atom.
 String getChainID()
          Returns the ID of the Chain that this Atom belongs to.
 int getCharge()
          Returns the electrical charge on the Atom.
 String getModelID()
          Returns the ID of the Model that this Atom belongs to.
 double getOccupancy()
          Returns the occupancy, which will be less than 1.0 only if the atom occupies more than one position in a crystal.
 String getResidueID()
          Returns the ID of the Residue that this Atom belongs to.
 Segment getSegment()
          Returns the Segment the Atom is associated with (or null if the Atom is not associated with any Segment).
 int getSerialNo()
          Returns the Atom serial number.
 String getStructureID()
          Returns the ID of the Structure that this Atom belongs to.
 double getTemperature()
          Returns the temperature factor from x-ray crystallography.
 AtomEnum getType()
          Returns the Atom's type as an enum based on the periodic table of the elements.
 Iterator<Bond> iteratorBonds()
          Returns an Iterator for the Bonds held by this Atom.
 int numberOfBonds()
          Returns the number of Bonds held by this Atom.
 String processID(String id, String typeOfID)
          Returns the ID after trimming any leading or trailing whitespace.
 void removeBond(Atom dstAtom)
          Removes the Bond from this Atom (the source) to the destination Atom.
 void removeBond(Bond bond)
          Removes the Bond if it exists.
 void scaleBallRadius(double scale)
          Scales the ball radius for use in stick-and-ball type models.
 void setAlphaToDefault()
          Uses the Atom type to set the alpha component of the color to the default value specified in AtomEnum.
 void setAltAtom(Atom atom)
          Sets the alternate Atom.
 void setAminoAcidType(AminoAcidEnum aminoAcidType)
          Marks the Atom as belonging to a particular type of AminoAcid.
 void setBallRadius(double ballRadius)
          Sets the ball radius for use in stick-and-ball type models.
 void setBallRadiusToDefault()
          Uses the AtomEnum type to set the ball radius to a fraction of the covalent radius.
 void setCharge(int charge)
          Sets the electrical charge on the Atom.
 void setRadiusToDefault()
          Uses the AtomEnum type to set the radius to the van der Waals radius.
 void setRGBToDefault()
          Uses the Atom type to set the RGB (red, green, blue) color components to the default CPK color value specified in AtomEnum.
 void setSegment(Segment s)
          Sets the Segment the Atom is associated with.
 void setToAminoAcidColor()
          Sets the color of this Atom to the color of the AminoAcid it belongs to (if any).
 String toString()
          Returns the ID of this Atom.
Methods inherited from class org.proteinshader.structure.Drawable
distance, getAlpha, getAngstromsPerPixel, getBlue, getCameraDepth, getCameraDistance, getColor, getDrawableType, getGreen, getPoint, getRadius, getRed, getSpecularExp, getTranslation, getVisibility, getX, getY, getZ, minus, scaleRadius, setAlpha, setAngstromsPerPixel, setCameraDepth, setCameraDistance, setColor, setColor, setColor, setRadius, setRGBAToDefault, setSpecularExp, setSpecularExpToDefault, setVisibility
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Atom(int serialNo,
            AtomEnum type,
            String atomID,
            String residueID,
            String chainID,
            String modelID,
            String structureID,
            double temperature,
            int charge,
            double occupancy,
            String altLocation,
            double x,
            double y,
            double z,
            VisibilityEnum visibility)
     throws MissingAtomTypeException,
This constructor uses the type argument (an AtomEnum) to set the default radius and CPK color for the Atom. The new Atom will be stamped with the structureID, modelID, chainID, and residueID of the Residue, which are read-only attributes. The type argument cannot be null, or a MissingAtomTypeException will be thrown. An InvalidIDException will be thrown if atomID is null or an empty String (leading or trailing white space are trimmed from the atomID).

serialNo - Atom serial number.
type - Atom type as an AtomEnum.
atomID - ID of this Atom.
residueID - ID of the Residue the Atom belongs to.
chainID - ID of the Chain the Atom belongs to.
modelID - ID of the Model the Atom belongs to.
structureID - ID of the Structure the Atom belongs to.
temperature - x-ray crystallography temperature factor.
charge - optional measure of an atom's electric charge.
occupancy - less than 1 if atom has more than one location.
altLocation - alternate location if occupancy less than 1.0.
x - coordinate of the Drawable's center.
y - coordinate of the Drawable's center.
z - coordinate of the Drawable's center.
visibility - visibility status (OPAQUE, TRANSLUCENT, or INVISIBLE).
MissingAtomTypeException - if type is null.
InvalidIDException - if atomID is null or does not have at least one non-whitespace character.
Method Detail


public void accept(Visitor visitor)
            throws VisitorException
Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.

Specified by:
accept in interface Visitable
Specified by:
accept in class Drawable
visitor - the Visitor to do a callback with.
VisitorException - if an error occurs while an object is being visited.


public int getSerialNo()
Returns the Atom serial number.

The Atom serial number as an int.


public String getAtomID()
Returns the ID of this Atom. The String returned cannot be null or empty, because the constructor checks that this read-only attribute has at least one character.

The Atom ID as a String.


public String getResidueID()
Returns the ID of the Residue that this Atom belongs to.

The Residue ID as a String.


public String getChainID()
Returns the ID of the Chain that this Atom belongs to.

The Chain ID as a String.


public String getModelID()
Returns the ID of the Model that this Atom belongs to.

The Model ID as a String.


public String getStructureID()
Returns the ID of the Structure that this Atom belongs to.

The Structure ID as a String.


public AtomEnum getType()
Returns the Atom's type as an enum based on the periodic table of the elements.

The type as an AtomEnum.


public AminoAcidEnum getAminoAcidType()
If the Atom belongs to an AminoAcid, this method will return the AminoAcid type. Otherwise, returns null.

The AminoAcid type as an AminoAcidEnum (or null).


public double getTemperature()
Returns the temperature factor from x-ray crystallography.

The temperature as a double.


public double getBallRadius()
Returns the ball radius (for use in stick-and-ball type models). The ball radius is defined in AtomEnum as some fraction of the covalent radius.

The ball radius as a double.


public Segment getSegment()
Returns the Segment the Atom is associated with (or null if the Atom is not associated with any Segment).

The associated Segment (or null).


public void setAminoAcidType(AminoAcidEnum aminoAcidType)
Marks the Atom as belonging to a particular type of AminoAcid. This method was added so that the color of the Atom can be set based on AminoAcid type (if desired).

aminoAcidType - The type of AminoAcid the Atom belongs to.


public void setRadiusToDefault()
Uses the AtomEnum type to set the radius to the van der Waals radius. This is the radius recommended for use in space-filling models.

setRadiusToDefault in class Drawable


public void scaleBallRadius(double scale)
Scales the ball radius for use in stick-and-ball type models.

scale - the scale factor to multiply the default ball radius by.


public void setBallRadius(double ballRadius)
Sets the ball radius for use in stick-and-ball type models.

ballRadius - the ball radius.


public void setBallRadiusToDefault()
Uses the AtomEnum type to set the ball radius to a fraction of the covalent radius.


public void setToAminoAcidColor()
Sets the color of this Atom to the color of the AminoAcid it belongs to (if any). If the Atom does not belong to any AminoAcid, then calling this method will have no effect.


public void setRGBToDefault()
Uses the Atom type to set the RGB (red, green, blue) color components to the default CPK color value specified in AtomEnum. Default color values must always be in a range of 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.

setRGBToDefault in class Drawable


public void setAlphaToDefault()
Uses the Atom type to set the alpha component of the color to the default value specified in AtomEnum. The default alpha value must always be in a range of 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.

setAlphaToDefault in class Drawable


public int getCharge()
Returns the electrical charge on the Atom.

The charge as an int.


public void setCharge(int charge)
Sets the electrical charge on the Atom.

charge - the electrical charge as an int.


public double getOccupancy()
Returns the occupancy, which will be less than 1.0 only if the atom occupies more than one position in a crystal.

The occupancy as a double.


public String getAltLocation()
Returns the alternate location if the occupancy is less than 1.0.

The alternate location as a String.


public Atom getAltAtom()
Returns an alternate Atom with a lower occupancy (if it exists).

The alternate Atom object.


public void setAltAtom(Atom atom)
Sets the alternate Atom.

atom - the alternate Atom object.


public void setSegment(Segment s)
Sets the Segment the Atom is associated with.

s - the Segment.


public void addNewBond(Atom dstAtom,
                       BondEnum type,
                       VisibilityEnum visibility)
Adds a new Bond with this Atom as the source Atom and the Atom given as an argument as the destination Atom.

dstAtom - The destination Atom for the Bond.
type - the type of Bond (SINGLE, DOUBLE, etc.)
visibility - visibility status (OPAQUE, TRANSLUCENT, or INVISIBLE)
NullPointerException - if dstAtom is null.


public Bond getBond(Atom dstAtom)
Returns the Bond from this Atom (the source) to the destination Atom. Returns null if the Bond does not exist.

The Bond from this Atom to a destination Atom.


public void removeBond(Atom dstAtom)
Removes the Bond from this Atom (the source) to the destination Atom. No action is taken if the Bond does not exist.

dstAtom - the destination Atom for the Bond.


public void removeBond(Bond bond)
Removes the Bond if it exists. No action is taken if the Bond does not exist.

bond - the Bond to remove.


public Iterator<Bond> iteratorBonds()
Returns an Iterator for the Bonds held by this Atom. The order of iteration is the same as the order in which Bonds were added to the Atom. In the rare case where a Bond was replaced (by adding a Bond to the same destination Atom), the replacement would ot change the iteration order in any way.

An Iterator for the Bonds held by this Atom.


public int numberOfBonds()
Returns the number of Bonds held by this Atom.

The total number of Bonds as an int.


public void clearBonds()
Deletes all Bonds held by this Atom.


public String processID(String id,
                        String typeOfID)
                 throws InvalidIDException
Returns the ID after trimming any leading or trailing whitespace. An ID must have at least one non-whitespace character.

Specified by:
processID in interface IDTest
id - the ID to process.
typeOfID - the type of ID (if needed in an error message).
The trimmed ID.
InvalidIDException - if the trimmed ID does not have at least one character.


public String toString()
Returns the ID of this Atom. The String returned cannot be null or empty, because the constructor checks that this read-only attribute has at least one character.

toString in class Object
The Atom ID as a String.

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