Uses of Class

Packages that use Atom Holds the StructureToGraphics class, which is used to manage the use of the drawing classes and OpenGL display lists. 
org.proteinshader.gui Holds all of the Swing GUI components and their associated listeners, including class Renderer, which is registered as a listener for the GLCanvas object that is used a drawing surface. 
org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel Holds the JPanels used in the right-side retractable control panel of the GUI. 
org.proteinshader.structure Holds the classes that store information from a Protein Data Bank file: Structure, Model, Chain, AminoAcid, Heterogen, Water, Atom, Bond, Helix, BetaStrand, Loop, etc
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor Holds Visitor classes that know how to traverse the hierarchy of objects held by class Structure. 
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers Holds helper classes for the ModifierVisitor class, which is used to modify Drawable objects (Atoms, Bonds, and Segments). 

Uses of Atom in

Methods in with parameters of type Atom
 void StructureToGraphics.draw(GL gl, Atom atom)
          Draws an Atom as a sphere.

Uses of Atom in org.proteinshader.gui

Methods in org.proteinshader.gui that return Atom
 Atom[] MediatorImpl.getCurrentAtoms()
          Returns the current Atoms.
 Atom[] Mediator.getCurrentAtoms()
          Returns the current Atoms.

Methods in org.proteinshader.gui with parameters of type Atom
 void MediatorImpl.setCurrentAtoms(Atom[] atoms)
          Sets the current Atoms.
 void Mediator.setCurrentAtoms(Atom[] atoms)
          Sets the current Atoms.

Uses of Atom in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel

Methods in org.proteinshader.gui.components.controlpanel that return Atom
 Atom SelectorPanel.getSelectedAtom()
          Returns the currently selected Atom from the Atom list.
 Atom[] SelectorPanel.getSelectedAtoms()
          Returns an array of the currently selected Atoms from the Atom list.

Uses of Atom in org.proteinshader.structure

Methods in org.proteinshader.structure that return Atom
 Atom AminoAcid.addNewAtom(int serialNo, AtomEnum type, String atomID, double temperature, int charge, double occupancy, String altLocation, double x, double y, double z, VisibilityEnum visibility)
          Creates a new Atom with the type and Atom ID given as arguments, adds the Atom to the Residue's collection of Atoms, and returns a reference to the new Atom.
 Atom Residue.addNewAtom(int serialNo, AtomEnum type, String atomID, double temperature, int charge, double occupancy, String altLocation, double x, double y, double z, VisibilityEnum visibility)
          Creates a new Atom with the type and Atom ID given as arguments, adds the Atom to the Residue's collection of Atoms, and returns a reference to the new Atom.
 Atom Structure.addNewAtom(int atomSerialNo, AtomEnum atomType, String atomID, String aminoAcidType, String residueID, String chainID, String modelID, double temperature, int charge, double occupancy, String altLocation, double x, double y, double z, VisibilityEnum visibility)
          Creates a new atom with the atomID given as an argument, adds the new Atom to the requested Model-Chain-AminoAcid, and then returns a reference to the new Atom.
 Atom Structure.addNewHetAtom(int atomSerialNo, AtomEnum atomType, String atomID, String hetName, String residueID, String chainID, String modelID, double temperature, int charge, double occupancy, String altLocation, double x, double y, double z, VisibilityEnum visibility)
          Creates a new atom with the atomID given as an argument, adds the new Atom to the requested Model-Chain-(Heterogen or Water), and then returns a reference to the new Atom.
 Atom Atom.getAltAtom()
          Returns an alternate Atom with a lower occupancy (if it exists).
 Atom Structure.getAtom(int atomSerialNo)
          Returns the Atom with Atom serial number given as an argument (or null if not found).
 Atom Residue.getAtom(String atomID)
          Returns the Atom with the atomID given as an argument, or returns null if the Atom is not found.
 Atom Structure.getAtom(String atomID, String residueID, String chainID, String modelID)
          Returns the Atom with the IDs given as arguments.
 Atom AminoAcid.getC()
          Returns the carbon Atom of the carbonyl group if it exists.
 Atom AminoAcid.getCA()
          Returns the alpha carbon Atom if it exists.
 Atom Bond.getDstAtom()
          Returns the destination Atom for this Bond.
 Atom AminoAcid.getHAor1HA()
          Returns the hydrogen Atom on the alpha carbon if it exists.
 Atom AminoAcid.getHorHN()
          Returns the hydrogen Atom on the nitrogen of the amino group.
 Atom AminoAcid.getN()
          Returns the nitrogen Atom of the amino group if it exists.
 Atom AminoAcid.getO()
          Returns the oxygen Atom of the carbonyl group if it exists.
 Atom Water.getO()
          Returns the oxygen Atom (or null if not found).
 Atom AminoAcid.getOXT()
          Returns the Chain terminating oxygen if it exists.
 Atom Bond.getSrcAtom()
          Returns the source Atom for this Bond.

Methods in org.proteinshader.structure that return types with arguments of type Atom
 List<Atom> Structure.getAtomSerialNoCache()
          Returns the Atom serial number cache as a list.
 Iterator<Atom> Residue.iteratorAtoms()
          Returns an Iterator for the Atoms held by this Residue.
 Iterator<Atom> AminoAcid.iteratorBackboneAtoms()
          Returns an Iterator for the backbone Atoms held by this Residue.
 Iterator<Atom> AminoAcid.iteratorSideChainAtoms()
          Returns an Iterator for the side chain Atoms held by this Residue.

Methods in org.proteinshader.structure with parameters of type Atom
 void Atom.addNewBond(Atom dstAtom, BondEnum type, VisibilityEnum visibility)
          Adds a new Bond with this Atom as the source Atom and the Atom given as an argument as the destination Atom.
 Bond Atom.getBond(Atom dstAtom)
          Returns the Bond from this Atom (the source) to the destination Atom.
 void Atom.removeBond(Atom dstAtom)
          Removes the Bond from this Atom (the source) to the destination Atom.
 void Atom.setAltAtom(Atom atom)
          Sets the alternate Atom.

Constructors in org.proteinshader.structure with parameters of type Atom
Bond(Atom srcAtom, Atom dstAtom, BondEnum type, VisibilityEnum visibility)
          Constructs a Bond for the source and destination Atoms given as arguments.

Uses of Atom in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor

Methods in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor with parameters of type Atom
 Quaternion FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor.calculateRotation(Atom atom1, Atom atom2, Atom atom3)
          Calculates a rotation matrix [N B T] based on the xyz-centers of the three Atoms given as arguments, and then converts the rotation matrix into a Quaternion that is returned.
 boolean BondPredictor.isDistanceAcceptable(Atom srcAtom, Atom dstAtom)
          Determines if two Atoms are within an acceptable distance for a covalent Bond.
 boolean BondPredictor.isDoubleBond(Atom srcAtom, Atom dstAtom, AminoAcidEnum aminoAcidType)
          Uses the Atom IDs (from Atom name field in a PDB record) and the AminoAcid type to determine if the Atoms should have a double Bond (assuming that they both belong to the same AminoAcid).
 void ModifierVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          If an AtomModifier has been added, it will be used to modify the Atom.
 void Visitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Traverses all Bonds owned by the Atom.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Writes all information held by an Atom.
 void BoundsVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Checks xyz-coordinates to look for any new min or new max.
 void VisibilityVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Tests the visiblity of the Atom in order to determine if it should be transferred to the opaque Atoms and Bonds list or the translucent Drawables list.
 void BondDestroyerVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Removes all Bonds on the Atom.
 void BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Checks if the Atom is a possible Bond destination Atom for any previously seen Atoms of the same Residue, and then adds the Atom to the list of Atoms to remember.

Uses of Atom in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers

Methods in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.modifiers with parameters of type Atom
 void AtomModifier.modify(Atom atom)
          Modifies the ball radius if requested, and then calls on modify() of the superclass, DrawableModifier, to apply any other requested modifications such as visibility, color, or radius for space-filling model.

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