Uses of Class

Packages that use VisitorException
org.proteinshader.gui Holds all of the Swing GUI components and their associated listeners, including class Renderer, which is registered as a listener for the GLCanvas object that is used a drawing surface. 
org.proteinshader.structure Holds the classes that store information from a Protein Data Bank file: Structure, Model, Chain, AminoAcid, Heterogen, Water, Atom, Bond, Helix, BetaStrand, Loop, etc Holds demo classes that were used for early testing of the io classes. 
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor Holds Visitor classes that know how to traverse the hierarchy of objects held by class Structure. 
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos Holds demo classes that were used for early testing of the Visitor classes. 
org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions Holds exception classes needed by the Visitor classes. 

Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.gui

Methods in org.proteinshader.gui that throw VisitorException
 void Renderer.setVisibleDrawables(Model model, StyleEnum style)
          An array of opaque Segments, and array of opaque Atoms and Bonds, and an array of translucent Drawable objects will be obtained from the Model.

Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure

Methods in org.proteinshader.structure that throw VisitorException
 void AminoAcid.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Water.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
abstract  void Drawable.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Segment.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Structure.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
abstract  void Residue.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Chain.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Model.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Helix.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Atom.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
abstract  void Region.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void BetaStrand.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Loop.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Bond.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Heterogen.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Visitor and does a callback.
 void Structure.calculateBounds()
          Sets the min and max values for x, y, and z on each Model held by the Structure.
 void Structure.calculateFrenetFrames()
          Before Regions objects (Helix, BetaStrand, and Loop) are added to the Structure, a rotation (the equivalent to a discrete Frenet Frame) should be calculated for each AminoAcid.
 void Structure.clearAllBonds()
          Clears all Bonds (AminoAcids, Heterogens, and Waters) from the Structure.
 void Structure.clearBonds(ResidueMode residueMode)
          Clears Bonds from the Structure.
 void Structure.generateLoopRegions()
          Generates Loop objects from any AminoAcids that do not already belong to a Helix or BetaStrand object.
 void Structure.generateStandardBonds()
          Generates standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters).
 List<String> Structure.getAminoAcidLabels()
          Returns a list of all AminoAcid residueIDs.
 void Model.updateListsOfVisibles(boolean includeAtoms, boolean includeBonds, boolean includeAminoAcids, boolean includeHeterogens, boolean includeWaters, boolean includeSegments)
          Finds visible Drawable objects and transfers them to a list of opaque Segments, opaque Atoms and Bonds, or a list of translucent Drawables.

Uses of VisitorException in

Methods in that throw VisitorException
 void PDBStructureReaderDemo.writeStructure(Structure structure, String filename)
          Writes a Structure to a file by using a SFWriterVisitor.
 void SegmentDemo.writeStructure(Structure structure, String filename)
          Writes a Structure to a file by using a SFWriterVisitor.

Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor

Methods in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor that throw VisitorException
 void Visitable.accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accepts a Vistor so that a call back can be done.
 void SFWriterVisitor.closeOutputFile()
          This method flushes the output buffer to make sure that all data is written before closing the output file.
 void SFWriterVisitor.flush()
          This method forces the writer to immediately write all data in its buffer.
 void SFWriterVisitor.openOutputFile(String outputFile)
          Opens a buffered writer using the filename given as an argument.
 void Visitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
          Traverses all Atoms owned by the AminoAcid if AAPortionMode is set to ENTIRE_AA.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
          Writes all information held by an AminoAcid.
 void FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
          The AminoAcid being visited is considered as CA(i+1), while the last two AminoAcids are considered to be CA(i) and CA(i-1).
 void LoopGeneratorVisitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
          Checks whether a start AminoAcid and an end AminoAcid for a Loop have been found, and creates a new Loop as needed.
 void AminoAcidLabelVisitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
          Adds a residueID to the list of labels if it has not been seen before.
 void BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(AminoAcid aminoAcid)
          Uses Atom distances to generate Bonds within the AminoAcid, and also uses the memory of the last carbonyl carbon seen to check for a possible peptide Bond.
 void ModifierVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          If an AtomModifier has been added, it will be used to modify the Atom.
 void Visitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Traverses all Bonds owned by the Atom.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Writes all information held by an Atom.
 void BoundsVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Checks xyz-coordinates to look for any new min or new max.
 void VisibilityVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Tests the visiblity of the Atom in order to determine if it should be transferred to the opaque Atoms and Bonds list or the translucent Drawables list.
 void BondDestroyerVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Removes all Bonds on the Atom.
 void BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Atom atom)
          Checks if the Atom is a possible Bond destination Atom for any previously seen Atoms of the same Residue, and then adds the Atom to the list of Atoms to remember.
 void Visitor.visit(BetaStrand betaStrand)
          If debug is true, the betaStrandID, startResidueID, and endResidueID will be printed to standard out.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(BetaStrand betaStrand)
          Writes all information held by a BetaStrand.
 void ModifierVisitor.visit(Bond bond)
          If a BondModifier has been added, it will be used to modify the Bond.
 void Visitor.visit(Bond bond)
          If debug is true, the atomID of both the source Atom and the destination Atom will be printed to standard out.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Bond bond)
          Writes all information held by a Bond.
 void VisibilityVisitor.visit(Bond bond)
          Tests the visiblity of the Bond in order to determine if it should be transferred to the opaque Atoms and Bonds or translucent Drawables list.
 void BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Bond bond)
          NO OPERATION: This Visitor method is not needed by the bond generator.
 void Visitor.visit(Chain chain)
          Uses the current ResidueMode to determine if it should traverse the AminoAcids, Heterogens, and/or Waters owned by the Chain.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Chain chain)
          Writes all information held by a Chain.
 void FrenetFrameGeneratorVisitor.visit(Chain chain)
          All AminoAcids of the Chain will be visited.
 void LoopGeneratorVisitor.visit(Chain chain)
          Generates Loop objects from AminoAcids that do not already belong to any Region.
 void BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Chain chain)
          Generates all standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters) for the Chain.
 void Visitor.visit(Helix helix)
          If debug is true, the helixID, startResidueID, and endResidueID will be printed to standard out.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Helix helix)
          Writes all information held by a Helix.
 void Visitor.visit(Heterogen heterogen)
          Traverses all Atoms owned by the Heterogen.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Heterogen heterogen)
          Writes all information held by a Heterogen.
 void BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Heterogen heterogen)
          NO OPERATION: This method is not needed because non-water heterogen bonds are given explicitly in the PDB structure entry.
 void Visitor.visit(Loop loop)
          If debug is true, the loopID will be printed to standard out.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Loop loop)
          Writes all information held by a Loop.
 void Visitor.visit(Model model)
          Traverses all Chains owned by the Model.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Model model)
          Writes all information held by a Model.
 void BoundsVisitor.visit(Model model)
          Finds the min and max values for x, y, and z of the Model and then calls setter methods on the Model so that these values are remembered.
 void LoopGeneratorVisitor.visit(Model model)
          Generates all Loop objects needed by the Model.
 void BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Model model)
          Generates all standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters) for the Model.
 void ModifierVisitor.visit(Segment segment)
          If a SegmentModifier has been added, it will be used to modify the Segment.
 void Visitor.visit(Segment segment)
          If debug is true, the segmentID will be printed to standard out.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Segment segment)
          Writes information on a Segment.
 void VisibilityVisitor.visit(Segment segment)
          Tests the visiblity of the Segment in order to determine if it should be transferred to the opaque Segments or translucent Drawables list.
 void Visitor.visit(Structure structure)
          Traverses all Models owned by the Structure.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Structure structure)
          Writes a Structure's data to a simple text file.
 void BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Structure structure)
          Generates all standard Bonds (AminoAcids and Waters) for the Structure.
 void Visitor.visit(Water water)
          Traverses all Atoms owned by the Water.
 void SFWriterVisitor.visit(Water water)
          Writes all information held by a Water.
 void BondGeneratorVisitor.visit(Water water)
          If the Water includes hydrogen atoms, then Bonds will be created between the oxygen and each hydrogen (after checking that the Bond lengths are reasonable).

Constructors in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor that throw VisitorException
SFWriterVisitor(String outputFile)
          Constructs a SFWriterVisitor that will write to the output file given as an argument.

Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos

Methods in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.demos that throw VisitorException
 void ModifierVisitorDemo.modify(Structure structure)
          The Helices of the Structure are modified by changing their shape to CYLINDER and setting all of their Atoms and Bonds to INVISIBLE.
 void VisitorDemo.testVisitor(Structure structure)
          Creates a Visitor and tests it by activating debug mode so that it will print the ID of each object in the Structure.
 void ModifierVisitorDemo.writeStructure(Structure structure, String filename)
          Writes a Structure to a file by using a SFWriterVisitor.

Uses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions

Subclasses of VisitorException in org.proteinshader.structure.visitor.exceptions
 class WriterVisitorException
          Used to report that an error occurred while trying to write info on a Visitable object.

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